Be a Ron Paul Delegate. I'll figure it out for you.

Just a heads up if you're not aware, tomorrow (4/15/2012) is a Ron Paul Money Bomb. Pledge today here and donate whatever you can tomorrow.

In-It-To-Win-It Money Bomb for Ron Paul! April 15th, 2012

Yeah, they swept all of MN today at CD3 CD5 and CD6. Similar results in OK CD3.

Colorado, Romney got 13/33 (not counting 3 'superdelegates'), and Paul + Santorum combined their slates and got 20. Yesterday the Romney people were shell-shocked, and today they were passing out their slates at the door, that had the same header, 'Conservative Unity' font, layout as the Paul/Santorum slates did yesterday.

Most of the Paul delegates are officially listed as 'unpledged' ; those on the floor are saying all of the 'unpledged' are Paul delegates (except 1 who was for Santorum). They got along well with Santorum delegates- who don't like Romney and want just as much to force a brokered convention.

in WY, Romney picked up 14 delegates and Paul got the 14 alternates.
Do you SERIOUSLY think Romney is not going to be the nominee?
How does one become the nominee, Subi? Is it by "Winning states?"

No. Romney can win every state and still lose the nomination.

The press and the establishment can only help him win states. They can't do too much about winning the delegates if people aren't Nuts about him.

And they obviously aren't at all.
So you acknowledge that the media ignores and hides Paul, but then you trust a site like that to give you realistic delegate counts??


That is all.

A site like that? You mean the official Republican National Committee site? The fucking GOP? The people who run the show and pick the candidate?

Yeah. A site like that...
lol... even Saturday Night Live completely ignores that fact that Ron Paul exists. Good luck, cowboys.

[ame=]SNL skit about the Republican debate and RON Paul media blackout - YouTube[/ame]
Just a side note, when you go to your caucus or delegate selection meeting, don't schedule anything else for the day, take camp chairs with you just in case, get there very early, and take snacks and bottled water with you. These things can turn into a marathon and you don't want to be hungry and standing for hours. Take Ron Paul signs and stickers, buttons, etc. Be prepared.

So you acknowledge that the media ignores and hides Paul, but then you trust a site like that to give you realistic delegate counts??


That is all.

A site like that? You mean the official Republican National Committee site? The fucking GOP? The people who run the show and pick the candidate?

Yeah. A site like that...

That "fucking GOP" list is missing Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, Colorado, Utah, Washington, and possibly some others.
A site like that? You mean the official Republican National Committee site? The fucking GOP? The people who run the show and pick the candidate?

Yeah. A site like that...
Yeah. A site controlled by THE ENEMY... A Site JUST like that.

Who do you think is behind ANY of those state Caucus fraud attempts you've seen video about? Those are ALL THE GOP!

C'mon Subigo, you know I'm right. Let go of the negativity and cross over to the Free side... The truth will set you free!
Yeah. A site controlled by THE ENEMY... A Site JUST like that.

Who do you think is behind ANY of those state Caucus fraud attempts you've seen video about? Those are ALL THE GOP!

C'mon Subigo, you know I'm right. Let go of the negativity and cross over to the Free side... The truth will set you free!

You realize the RNC is the group who is in charge of and runs the convention, right? You realize that delegates are first APPROVED by the RNC before they can be elected as a delegate?

And netphase, of course they don't list those states... because those states don't BIND THEIR DELEGATES, so it doesn't matter who won.

Come on guys... the delegates ARE the RNC. You're not going to win as a Republican. Ever.
You realize the RNC is the group who is in charge of and runs the convention, right? You realize that delegates are first APPROVED by the RNC before they can be elected as a delegate?
Of course. But I don't think you understand the Approval process very well.

And netphase, of course they don't list those states... because those states don't BIND THEIR DELEGATES, so it doesn't matter who won.

Come on guys... the delegates ARE the RNC. You're not going to win as a Republican. Ever.
The Delegates are going to go in a big room in Tampa and all tell the people up at the front of the room that its' "RON PAUL OR NO ONE AT ALL."

What do you think is going to happen when the vast majority of the room came to vote for Ron and the people at the front say: "Romney gets the most votes!"

I know what will happen. But I'm not saying it on any public forum. ;)
Of course. But I don't think you understand the Approval process very well.

The Delegates are going to go in a big room in Tampa and all tell the people up at the front of the room that its' "RON PAUL OR NO ONE AT ALL."

What do you think is going to happen when the vast majority of the room came to vote for Ron and the people at the front say: "Romney gets the most votes!"

I know what will happen. But I'm not saying it on any public forum. ;)

With a title like "Be a Ron Paul Delegate", I don't think any of *you* posting in this thread know how it works. The bound delegates are just that, they are ALREADY bound to the candidates... which is what the page I linked you to lists. Those delegates do not get a choice of who to vote for. A huge chunk of unbound delegates are Republican officials... reps, senators, people who have connections. The unbound delegates are the people who run the GOP/RNC. When you take the BOUND delegate count and combine it with the number of unbound RNC delegates, Romney is less than 50 delegates away.

You can't be a delegate. You won't be a delegate. And the unbound "elected by the people" delegates (who RP is hoping to win) are not numerous enough to matter.

You guys need to learn how this shit works. It makes you look stupid.
You realize the RNC is the group who is in charge of and runs the convention, right? You realize that delegates are first APPROVED by the RNC before they can be elected as a delegate?

And netphase, of course they don't list those states... because those states don't BIND THEIR DELEGATES, so it doesn't matter who won.

Come on guys... the delegates ARE the RNC. You're not going to win as a Republican. Ever.

I am in one of those states. Delegates are approved by a committee of local Republicans here. Our local slate of Ron Paul supporters made it through the approval process and were elected to national delegate spots in Tampa yesterday. Ron Paul supporters also took over the majority of local Republican party positions yesterday.
With a title like "Be a Ron Paul Delegate", I don't think any of *you* posting in this thread know how it works. The bound delegates are just that, they are ALREADY bound to the candidates...
Unless romney fails to get 1144. Then on the 2nd vote everyone is unbound.

Ron learned a lot during the 2008 election. This has all been part of the plan since last year!

A huge chunk of unbound delegates are Republican officials... reps, senators, people who have connections. The unbound delegates are the people who run the GOP/RNC. When you take the BOUND delegate count and combine it with the number of unbound RNC delegates, Romney is less than 50 delegates away.

Then why do we always get ALL of the unbound spots in each county?

You can't be a delegate. You won't be a delegate. And the unbound "elected by the people" delegates (who RP is hoping to win) are not numerous enough to matter.

You guys need to learn how this shit works. It makes you look stupid.
I only see one person around here who looks stupid.
For fuck's sake... how many of you spent two years of your life working for the RNC, having to explain this shit to people everyday? I did.

Good luck. I'm sure you guys will succeed and Ron Paul will be the next president.

I'll back out of this thread now and come back to say "I told you so" in a few months. Just like I always do in these WF political threads.

edit: And just for a side note... you guys should really look up the TWO different types of UNBOUND delegates that I mentioned in an above post. You seem to think there is only one kind... but that's where your plan fails.
With a title like "Be a Ron Paul Delegate", I don't think any of *you* posting in this thread know how it works. The bound delegates are just that, they are ALREADY bound to the candidates... which is what the page I linked you to lists. Those delegates do not get a choice of who to vote for. A huge chunk of unbound delegates are Republican officials... reps, senators, people who have connections. The unbound delegates are the people who run the GOP/RNC. When you take the BOUND delegate count and combine it with the number of unbound RNC delegates, Romney is less than 50 delegates away.

You can't be a delegate. You won't be a delegate. And the unbound "elected by the people" delegates (who RP is hoping to win) are not numerous enough to matter.

You guys need to learn how this shit works. It makes you look stupid.

For fuck's sake... how many of you spent two years of your life working for the RNC, having to explain this shit to people everyday? I did.

Good luck. I'm sure you guys will succeed and Ron Paul will be the next president.

I'll back out of this thread now and come back to say "I told you so" in a few months. Just like I always do in these WF political threads.

Even if Ron Paul loses, all of these new people getting involved in the political process and liberty minded people taking over Republican Party positions all across the country is a good thing for future elections. In MN lower level delegates also decide who gets the official GOP nomination for most elected offices, and Ron Paul supporters are the majority.

So take your negativity and trolling out of here and go back to sucking Obamas balls. :rolleyes: