Backpacking eastern Europe

Is it dangerous? I backpacked Europe before, but only got as far east as Prague. Does it get sketchy further east? I'm considering starting in Athens or Istanbul and then heading north to Poland through Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, and Slovakia.

Business in Athens and Sofia (Bulgaria) is a good starting place. Lots of inspiring people, especially in Athens.

Bulgaria and Romania is too much corrupted for business so, be careful.

Athens have some strikes every 30 days so read newspaper to know what is working and what is not (I am referring public transportation, airport, public sector services, etc).

If you go to for fun, are you out of your mind? You go this time of year, when the party starts in 2 months in these countries. Think again.

That's my 2 cents.

You gonna get kidnapped and raped by gypsies, then thrown off a cliff, where flea infested Romanian wolves are going to eat your carcass!

But no, keep your eyes and ears open, be mindful of the fact you're a foreigner, use your common sense, and you'll be fine. It's definitely not the safest place to be aimlessly wandering around with a backpack, sticking out like a sore thumb as a foreigner, but again, common sense and you'll be fine.
Watch out for these guys.


не мы такие жизнь такая
Oh yeah, one other thing: You're from Canada.

Fuck that shit. Americans don't hide where they are from.

OP, you dress up like this:


And you deliver freedom to every fucking city you come across.

God speed and god bless america.
Wear a T-shirt with the Canadian flag on it before going out drinking. :)

Some of my best memories are Americans getting called out by locals for trying to pass themselves off as a Canadian. Especially one waitress in Edinburugh. Whew, she tore into that poor guy.
You'll be alright as long as you don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Bucharest has some of the best clubs in the world and an amazing nightlife. If you're going this summer you're going to have a lot of places to visit and have fun, I'll make a quick list and PM it to you. Another thing, most people in Bucharest will speak English or at least understand it. Budapest is a really cool city, too. I can't say much about Serbia or Slovakia.
Good luck, bro!

Eastern Europe is fine....I've been to all except Moldova, and perfectly safe. Only area I would avoid would be Eastern Ukraine, meaning east of the D'nipro river. Not much over that way. The rest are good, and I'm betting you'll be shocked at how nice Romania is....I was.