Backpacking eastern Europe


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Is it dangerous? I backpacked Europe before, but only got as far east as Prague. Does it get sketchy further east? I'm considering starting in Athens or Istanbul and then heading north to Poland through Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, and Slovakia.

If your first question is "Is it dangerous" Then you probably shouldnt bother doing something like this. That being said everything has risks and If you dont do anything stupid and use common sense you should be fine. You should probably know a little russian or something if you're going to eastern europe as most of the population there will know or are learning russian and most wont speak english. That being said... goodluck and dont get raped!
Good question, wish I could help you more, but I only did Europe as far as Warsaw, Prague, & Athens in 1998. The whole Serbian shit was going on then so I had to make a wide detour around that area, but today I'd imagine it's not so bad... Then again, Athens is having problems nowadays so...
I guess you might get raped by a goat in the mountains, other than that I think you'll be fine.

What is it you think will happen?
If you are worried about your safety, just use common sense and don't stand out like this:


I suggest you go like this:

Don't think it's dangerous as such, probably less than central and south america. Just know which people to avoid, that is russian mob guys and white trash soccer fans who are usually also racist.
Well, people are usually great there, but some folks will always fuck you up on money or something like in India. Also, ran away from Gypsies which means be watchful especially in Romania and Slovakia. Also, wear simple stuff and behave silently, unless you are in a capital city.

Otherwise, enjoy your trip!
Don't think it's dangerous as such, probably less than central and south america. Just know which people to avoid, that is russian mob guys and white trash soccer fans who are usually also racist.

W Also, ran away from Gypsies which means be watchful especially in Romania and Slovakia. Also, wear simple stuff and behave silently, unless you are in a capital city.

pretty much sums it up.
If you're white then anywhere in Eastern Europe should be safe. If you're black or especially Indian looking I wouldn't go any further east than Poland.
Visit during summer, don't hang out with bearded people or agitated people.

Bring condoms and tell every girl you're american and just looking to have fun.

(If they ask for money upfront they're hookers btw.)