Azoogle URGHhhhhhhhhasdfasdfasdfl!!

Do You Like Azoogle Ads?

  • I like them

    Votes: 54 23.9%
  • I hate them

    Votes: 61 27.0%
  • They're okay

    Votes: 80 35.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 13.7%

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I was once generated 4k promoting ringtone, and they banned me right away. turned out that i used some "free ringtone" keyword on the Canada ringtone campaign, the "free ringtone" keyword only contribute to about 2% of the lead and it did not say "cannot use free ringtone" keyword on the canadian campaign. that is the biggest lost i ever had.I was spending 3k on google adword....
The only reason I hate them is because they didn't ever call me after I applied to their program. I even sent them 2 e-mails and called and left a message twice. Oh well, their loss.
I got to say, I've really not been very impressed with Azoogle lately (except for this shit :1orglaugh:)

Sometimes an offer gets pulled.. it redirects the traffic to a bunch random and 100% unrelated offers. Other times it gets redirected to something crappy and no one tells me. I'm not going to point fingers at my AM either. When he's had to contact other departments about shit they seemed pretty god damn unresponsive.

On other networks I use, minor offer changes result in 3 - 4 urgently marked email messages. If I'm doing large volume on an offer, the landing page doesn't magically change.

The whole killing the rewards program and gimping the referral program isn't a plus either. Although I could really care less about it, but since its happened I've only seen payout cuts.

And yeah, I've probably been sending enough volume for my opinion to matter.
I got to say, I've really not been very impressed with Azoogle lately (except for this shit :1orglaugh:)

Sometimes an offer gets pulled.. it redirects the traffic to a bunch random and 100% unrelated offers. Other times it gets redirected to something crappy and no one tells me. I'm not going to point fingers at my AM either. When he's had to contact other departments about shit they seemed pretty god damn unresponsive.

On other networks I use, minor offer changes result in 3 - 4 urgently marked email messages. If I'm doing large volume on an offer, the landing page doesn't magically change.

The whole killing the rewards program and gimping the referral program isn't a plus either. Although I could really care less about it, but since its happened I've only seen payout cuts.

And yeah, I've probably been sending enough volume for my opinion to matter.

Agreed. They said they were cutting all of those things to be able to give higher payouts but I haven't seen any higher payouts at all. See sig...
I got to say, I've really not been very impressed with Azoogle lately (except for this shit :1orglaugh:)

Sometimes an offer gets pulled.. it redirects the traffic to a bunch random and 100% unrelated offers. Other times it gets redirected to something crappy and no one tells me. I'm not going to point fingers at my AM either. When he's had to contact other departments about shit they seemed pretty god damn unresponsive.

On other networks I use, minor offer changes result in 3 - 4 urgently marked email messages. If I'm doing large volume on an offer, the landing page doesn't magically change.

The whole killing the rewards program and gimping the referral program isn't a plus either. Although I could really care less about it, but since its happened I've only seen payout cuts.

And yeah, I've probably been sending enough volume for my opinion to matter.

You'll always be taken care of at COPEAC Andrew ;)
What offers are you guys experiencing screwy tracking with? Dating, Ringtones, Financial, etc.
mostly ringtones. Other offers oddly seemed close to accurate. Its hard to screw with clicks when u test with some redirects...
I plugged in another network ringtone offer in the EXACT same google campaign and got 99% click stats...compared to MAYBE 30% of the clicks showing on AZ...go figure that one. This is just one of a few things that make them look like a bad choice for AM. I know some people do well with them..great. Not me.
This is a stupid fucking thread. If basically no-one is going to post something other than factual information with some semblance of detail that at the very least the azoogle guys can dispute/defend then it seems a bit pointless.

So far all I can see is rgordon is the only one who's actually said anything.
This is a stupid fucking thread. If basically no-one is going to post something other than factual information with some semblance of detail that at the very least the azoogle guys can dispute/defend then it seems a bit pointless.

So far all I can see is rgordon is the only one who's actually said anything.
Yeah that's why I was hoping affiliatearmy's post would be let through. It's pretty crappy if we trash a company without backing it up with something.
Have people seen test leads tracked? Clicks definitively not register?
If you are going to complain, it might also be worth posting what kind of volume is going through.

90% of the posts I see alleging suspicious tracking at affiliate companies, where the poster drops actual numbers, involve traffic volumes that aren't even statistically significant.

In affiliatearmy's conspiracy post he said -- "Funny thing is, ive never had one sale show up on azoogle for that offer." Good luck getting someone to pay attention to you if there is no volume going through, no matter what affiliate network you are on.

If you have traffic volume -- and the stats are obviously off.. which does happen, one of my friends ran into this exact problem at a network within the past few weeks.. then tell your rep to wake the fuck up. If they are ignoring you, first redirect the traffic elsewhere, second get a new AM because yours was clearly incompetent.
azoogle gives you subids for CLICKS & CONVERSIONS. just give each person who clicks on link.php a unique subid and you will know how much loss you got....

Is there loss? YES, and its always gonna be this way.
Is there loss in all networks? YES, and its always gonna be this way.

I see about a 20% more clicks in azoogle then I do in DT. I think this has to due the way they count unique ip's & repeat visitors.

Now as for missing leads.... Who cares.... Find out who "steals" the least and use them.
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