Azoogle URGHhhhhhhhhasdfasdfasdfl!!

Do You Like Azoogle Ads?

  • I like them

    Votes: 54 23.9%
  • I hate them

    Votes: 61 27.0%
  • They're okay

    Votes: 80 35.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 13.7%

  • Total voters
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What kind of experiences?

AM not telling me about lead caps, not telling me when offers go down, offers expiring right after my AM tells me to start them, i spend tons of time optimizing and $ on LP design, Misplaced conversion pixels on advertiser pages that screw with conversions (they took back $2000 from me on a compaign b/c advertiser had pixel misplaced on a zip submit), payout delays (waited 2.5 months for about $3k), Promises to get me on bi-weekly's but no delivery.

....all sorts of stuff....

i just Use CX and Hydra now...

For those who voted as "Hating Azoogle."

There are other... ahem.... networks out there. Why spend your time complaining instead of applying somewhere else?

we are apart of other networks such as creampie :bigear: just when one network has a higher payout then others and your current network cant do higher - you have to move your business where there's a higher payout

but higher payout can sometimes mean lousy/slow tracking that has a 10-15 min delay
Funny, thanks for the heads up, I'm having abnormally low conversions on Mate1 today too. Haven't talked to my AM though.
Funny, thanks for the heads up, I'm having abnormally low conversions on Mate1 today too. Haven't talked to my AM though.

i did it w/ azoogle yday - it showed 87 clicks 1 conversion.
i move it to Neverblue - 9 clicks 1 conversion and my test budget is done. Something seems fishy here - or it could be that it didnt convert. The world may never know
Dont you guys mean Epic Advertising instead of Azoogle haha.

Quote from revenue magazine

Earlier this week, performance marketing network Epic Advertising, formerly Azoogle, announced a new metric for measuring online marketing performance and is seeking a patent on the method for tracking.
those numbers are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to small to tell. gotta run some clicks boy. Could have to a lucky break on that one.
I applied to them once but never got in or they gave me crap about my websites or whatever and took months to reply to emails.. I have like 10 other networks so whatever... plus they're constantly recommended by people like Shoemoney which doesn't really make me confident
those numbers are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to small to tell. gotta run some clicks boy. Could have to a lucky break on that one.

i did some test on other networks w/ the same ad and larger numbers. let's just say Azoogle seems way to scamish for me w/ the 1 conversion out of 87. Thank god i stopped at only 87 though - imagine how much i would have lost otherwise if ikept testing on their network LOL
i did some test on other networks w/ the same ad and larger numbers. let's just say Azoogle seems way to scamish for me w/ the 1 conversion out of 87. Thank god i stopped at only 87 though - imagine how much i would have lost otherwise if ikept testing on their network LOL

I'd have to agree. I thought they were scamming me as well. A while back I was promoting the "True Dating" offer and the conversion rate was awful. Maybe like 1 conversion a day. I split test with another network, tried the SAME offer, with the SAME landing page, and was pulling 30+ conversions a day.

After that, I stopped promoting with Azoogle. Either they're tracking is fucked or they are keeping way to many of their publishers commissions.
I like Azoogle for the most part but they seem to have the gnarliest compliance department out of any affiliate network. I don't do black hat/grey hat stuff but I've gotten more than a couple emails about compliance before. It seems like they have a bunch of people who just sit there all day and put tons of different search queries into the engines and then click your ads (obviously costing you money) to make sure your in compliance. Sort of annoying, especially when they don't send out email notices about every little change advertisers make to their guidelines and just assume that everyone will see them.

/end rant
If i could change 1 thing. I would make it so there legal department gives you 24 hrs to fix something that they find not compliant. I think this is very reasonable. They shut off your affiliate links the instant they see something. The best part is.... They will send you a link to what they think is not compliant such as an adwords ad. On the same exact page there will be 9 others violating the same thing running traffic to azoogle. They won't be shut off but you will be. This makes no sense and has cost alot of people alot of $ for no reason.
I still don't understand why companies care if websites use black hat/grey hat seo optimization, as long as its not infringing on the advertisers name?
I like Azoogle for the most part but they seem to have the gnarliest compliance department out of any affiliate network. I don't do black hat/grey hat stuff but I've gotten more than a couple emails about compliance before. It seems like they have a bunch of people who just sit there all day and put tons of different search queries into the engines and then click your ads (obviously costing you money) to make sure your in compliance. Sort of annoying, especially when they don't send out email notices about every little change advertisers make to their guidelines and just assume that everyone will see them.

/end rant

haha, I got some logs that prove this is true.
i think you guys are kind of being whiny crybabys. wahhhh!! :sadcrying4:
God forbid we ask for something resembling service from a company we're sending money to.

As for me, I also applied and never heard back, so for now at least, they can suck my non-existent balls.
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