OK, maybe I'm just an idiot, but on the posts that are made by the plugin, it is repeating the video and description twice (and in some cases 5 times) in the SAME post. Is anybody seeing this issue?
Fuck I thought I fixed that forsure,
This was a bug in the first version its because there are videos out there with the same titles, so what I did in this new version was first check to see if the title is already in the Database, then if it was changed it up a bit Append a random number to the end of it so that its unique.
I only did the check once or twice so if there were more videos with that name it may have gotten caught up.
But then again the random number generator should of held up.
Maybe I forgot to include that in the automated section, I'll have to double check my code to see if I forgot to put that check in a few additional parts.
Do you know if they appeared when using the automated side of things or the manual side of things?
Hi Aequitas, appreciate your effort and generosity. Just a little disappointed that you started to commercialize this right away, without ensuring first that the basic bugs have been fixed!
Happy NY to all!
Hi Aequitas, appreciate your effort and generosity. Just a little disappointed that you started to commercialize this right away, without ensuring first that the basic bugs have been fixed!
Happy NY to all!
Hi Aequitas, appreciate your effort and generosity. Just a little disappointed that you started to commercialize this right away, without ensuring first that the basic bugs have been fixed!
Ok, explain this one to me because I can't figure it out.
I activated this plugin on one of my websites and right after activating Wordpress no longer recognizes any of my "<!--more-->" tags, so now my front page was displaying full posts. However, when I deactivate the plugin everything returns to normal and wordpress recognizes my "<!--more-->" tags, once again showing excerpts on the front page. Any idea?
Also, activating the thumbnails option never works for me. it still displays the video on the front page instead of the picture. Any special settings I have to hack to get it to work?
Sounds like a conflict with another plugin, in the index.php file you could try commenting out the entire change_post() function which starts on line 41 and ends on line 69.
If that works then its a plugin conflict and you should send be a PM with the plugins your using on your blog so I can test which one is causing the issue.