Auto-Video Site Using Wordpress

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OK, maybe I'm just an idiot, but on the posts that are made by the plugin, it is repeating the video and description twice (and in some cases 5 times) in the SAME post. Is anybody seeing this issue?
OK, maybe I'm just an idiot, but on the posts that are made by the plugin, it is repeating the video and description twice (and in some cases 5 times) in the SAME post. Is anybody seeing this issue?

Fuck I thought I fixed that forsure,

This was a bug in the first version its because there are videos out there with the same titles, so what I did in this new version was first check to see if the title is already in the Database, then if it was changed it up a bit Append a random number to the end of it so that its unique.

I only did the check once or twice so if there were more videos with that name it may have gotten caught up.

But then again the random number generator should of held up.

Maybe I forgot to include that in the automated section, I'll have to double check my code to see if I forgot to put that check in a few additional parts.

Do you know if they appeared when using the automated side of things or the manual side of things?
Actually it happened using both the manual and auto posters, and in EVERY post.
Fuck I thought I fixed that forsure,

This was a bug in the first version its because there are videos out there with the same titles, so what I did in this new version was first check to see if the title is already in the Database, then if it was changed it up a bit Append a random number to the end of it so that its unique.

I only did the check once or twice so if there were more videos with that name it may have gotten caught up.

But then again the random number generator should of held up.

Maybe I forgot to include that in the automated section, I'll have to double check my code to see if I forgot to put that check in a few additional parts.

Do you know if they appeared when using the automated side of things or the manual side of things?
I'm noticing something else Aequitas. The plugin is creating tags with a dash in front of keywords which wordpress is not liking. For instance: -keyword. Is there a way to ensure that the dashes don't carry over?
Sorry guys haven't had much time to do any bug fixes recently, there is that little tagging issue, someone still had a issue with a double post, and there is a security flaw in the automation feature which I overlooked.

I'll try to get those done up soon and give you the updates, if anyone has any more bugs to report please do.
sweet will play about with the updated version in a bit...if I remember to PM you :p

However I was using a similar automated thing for my test site (scraping youtube) and it gets steady search engine traffic. i'm slowly monetising the site (only adsense at mo - covers hosting though :p).

Have high hopes for this ;)
Hi Aequitas, appreciate your effort and generosity. Just a little disappointed that you started to commercialize this right away, without ensuring first that the basic bugs have been fixed!

Happy NY to all!
Hi Aequitas, appreciate your effort and generosity. Just a little disappointed that you started to commercialize this right away, without ensuring first that the basic bugs have been fixed!

Happy NY to all!

I wouldn't really call charging $1 for it "commercialized" and yes there are a few bugs which I still need to find the time to iron out, but if your concerned about the $1 charge (0.66 cents of which is profit for me by the way) you could always ask me for a free copy (If your a WickedFire member with more then a couple posts).

Unfortunately more then the 30 you have, sorry not trying to stomp on any of the lower people but anyone below 100 or with a neg rep (Even though rep means shit) won't get a free one. Its just a benefit of being a WickedFire member.
Hi Aequitas, appreciate your effort and generosity. Just a little disappointed that you started to commercialize this right away, without ensuring first that the basic bugs have been fixed!

Happy NY to all!

Your complaining about $1? I currently use the script and it is worth way more than $1. If I were you I would buy it now and save some money before Aequitas decides to raise the price.
Hi Aequitas, appreciate your effort and generosity. Just a little disappointed that you started to commercialize this right away, without ensuring first that the basic bugs have been fixed!

and now you have a neg rep to boot. show some respect for a fucking brilliant plugin. christ. :ugone2far:

One whole dollar.

I paid the exhorbinant fee and applied the plugin on a site I had sitting around for a while, one that I paid $7.49 to register for a year.

It has already made me $1.32.

I do not know who you are but this is a capitalist society and WickedFire is not a group of crunchy types.

Sure it is not a perfect plug-in, and when it is I will be amazed that it will not cost the same price. But it is good, does the job, and is done by what seems a good guy.

So stop your bitching, either pay the dollar and enjoy, or get the hell out of here. And if you expect perfection for one friggin dollar than head over to the friggin Dollar Store and try your luck.
WoW this thread is still alive and shamefully enough Facebook stole all my time this past little while which means I haven't done shit to upgrade this and fix the few bugs in it.

However I'll have some time Friday to do a bit of work on it.

I'll even set myself a deadline for an update (That way I'll be forced to work on it and take a break from all this PPC), lets say Sunday I'll re-post here with an update so if you haven't told me about something you see wrong with it please do.

And if you think something could be changed and done better or cleaned up let me know.

Oh and P.S. my website was created by a much more advanced version of this plugin so if I wanted I could easily turn it into an entire site creator for you guys, but that may be something to do in the future, keep the WP version going strong and create an additional one as a whole site creator - I just can't quite do it yet because well I launched that music site too early and its shitty right now, still gotta do a bunch of upgrades it.
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Ok, explain this one to me because I can't figure it out.

I activated this plugin on one of my websites and right after activating Wordpress no longer recognizes any of my "<!--more-->" tags, so now my front page was displaying full posts. However, when I deactivate the plugin everything returns to normal and wordpress recognizes my "<!--more-->" tags, once again showing excerpts on the front page. Any idea?

Also, activating the thumbnails option never works for me. it still displays the video on the front page instead of the picture. Any special settings I have to hack to get it to work?
Ok, explain this one to me because I can't figure it out.

I activated this plugin on one of my websites and right after activating Wordpress no longer recognizes any of my "<!--more-->" tags, so now my front page was displaying full posts. However, when I deactivate the plugin everything returns to normal and wordpress recognizes my "<!--more-->" tags, once again showing excerpts on the front page. Any idea?

Also, activating the thumbnails option never works for me. it still displays the video on the front page instead of the picture. Any special settings I have to hack to get it to work?

Sounds like a conflict with another plugin, in the index.php file you could try commenting out the entire change_post() function which starts on line 41 and ends on line 69.

If that works then its a plugin conflict and you should send be a PM with the plugins your using on your blog so I can test which one is causing the issue.
Sounds like a conflict with another plugin, in the index.php file you could try commenting out the entire change_post() function which starts on line 41 and ends on line 69.

If that works then its a plugin conflict and you should send be a PM with the plugins your using on your blog so I can test which one is causing the issue.

Ok, I'm heading out for awhile, so when I check it tomorrow I'll see if I can pinpoint the problem.
Aequitas, I just wanted to say thank you. I just tested out the manual posting and the automated posting by just TRYING things out. I implemented the automated posting using a cron job and that is something I've never done before.

So for all you n00b's out there, if I did it, you can definitely do it.

Love the plugin!
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