Ask someone who has been here for awhile but has failed anything...

Have not found my "passive income stream" yet.
I don't know anyone doing well who is doing today what they did 3 years ago.

So while a stream can be passive, it's pretty unlikely it will stay passive for long.

Hustle or fail.

It's hard to say what the problem is...maybe you jump around too much and don't focus on projects long enough to see them through? Maybe you focus on niches that are interesting to you but aren't very profitable online?

I honestly work like 1 or 2 hours a week. I have reached my apex of laziness I think. Guerilla is probably right, it can't be sustained forever. I think I will work 4 hours this week.
PS: Sorry to disappoint all those who thought I am mad balling outta control.

I don't find it disappointing at all, but rather refreshing to see someone like you letting this be known. I came here to learn and I have done so, in bucket fulls, and it is starting to show in my returns.

When I started, it was simply domaining for me, but the arse fell out of that a couple of years ago and I guess I got a bit disheartened with it all. I found this place and decided to begin from the ground up again, I still had a few decent names and I have been working from there. I'm grinding more now and it is a slow process but one I can see heading in the right direction once more.

I'm not a baller and will not be for quite a while I imagine, but while I keep seeing progress I will continue the grind.

Honestly, I think the only way to truly fail is to give up completely and to be honest, with the wealth of knowledge here and the really good people that share it, to give up would be criminal.

Just my 2 cents - for what it's worth. :)

best advice

You're probably jumping around too much. Pick one thing and stick with it.

This is the best advice you've received here, and btw do not listen to the "gurus", no such thing as overnight success. You have to learn this to succeed.
Get decent hosting, or at least host your shit with a company thats unlikely to go down.

I dont use GoDaddy, but i'd recommend you go with someone as large as them. Built another $15 a day site, that'll cover your monthly hosting costs in a day. Make sure and pay it.

Build more sites. You know where you went wrong. Do it right this time. Learn from your mistakes.
Pick an easy paid traffic source POF/FB/PPV. Sign up for STM private forums. Read for 10 days and soak up as much information as possible. There's a thread in there that tells you which the best networks are. Ask the AMs of those networks on STM to get you into the network. (You're on STM so they're more willing to work with you) Talk to them, start campaigns. $$$

That's what I did, I'm profiting ez and I just started this shit ... when? Look at my account registration date.
way too many people competing in affiliate marketing, just gotta keep finding new untouched ideas and implement them.
I don't know anyone doing well who is doing today what they did 3 years ago.

So while a stream can be passive, it's pretty unlikely it will stay passive for long.

Hustle or fail.

Depends on whether you are in a growing industry or not. The internet, and companies on the internet are growing and changing too much for completely passive money. On the other hand, those oil execs are still making a lot of money doing pretty much the same thing.

For instance forums, if setup right, will be completely passive earners for a long long time.
I would say focus is your problem and hit and run strategy.
Build sites, but not as many that you can't manage. Focus on authority and and long term plan for them and stick to it. The SEO game is maraton, forget the crap 15 days or 30 days to #1. Depending on a niche, it can take a couple of months to few years to have solid presence with steady income stream.
Pick a niche and stick with it. I have been in the same niche for over 5 years, very competitive niche but I didnt give up. Its only the last year or two that I have really seen good returns
Hahaha... I am on a similar boat.

I make money, but mostly by local web design/development and SEO services.
Some from affiliate sales, but not as much as I'd like to.
Have not found my "passive income stream" yet.

Jumping around on projects is one big factor, me doing this only part time another (I have a 9-5 I am not gonna give up too soon).

2012 is gonna rock tho... err... really, right? Ya know?

PS: Sorry to disappoint all those who thought I am mad balling outta control.

We are the same! WE ARE LIKE BROTHERS.

Seriously, that's my exact story.
Depends on whether you are in a growing industry or not. The internet, and companies on the internet are growing and changing too much for completely passive money.
That is what I meant, the internet.
2) Affiliate marketing is dead.

In my mind there's about 4 ways that most of will go to make moneiez on the interwebz.

1. Build sites around a products that you can make commissions on.
2. Build sites that you can sell advertising on, adsense, etc.
3. Build sites & do SEO work for others who haven't a fucking clue about either.
4. Build your own service or product and promote that to make money.

That being said, no matter which you jump into you better at least have some basic skills in setting up some kind of website, be it Wordpress or otherwise, and in basic graphics manipulation. Aside from that, this shit isn't rocket science. Any idiot with a brain can do a WP install and get a site up and running. It's identifying the products & niches that are worth your time that's the tricky part. Do your research. Find a product that is being underpromoted, but has some demand. Make that project your baby and build it out all the way. Don't stray off onto other projects or ideas that will take you away from that. Focus on that one thing and find ways to make it better. I dont' care if you make a site that pushes coffee makers on Amazon, that shit can make money if you go into it 110%. Once you've either had some mild success or been a complete failure, hopefully you'll have a better understanding of what you should do on the next one. But give it time to succeed or fail. Don't bail on it after two weeks when you haven't made a sale. Now go fucking do something instead of worrying about why your'e not making money.
In my mind there's about 4 ways that most of will go to make moneiez on the interwebz.

1. Build sites around a products that you can make commissions on.
2. Build sites that you can sell advertising on, adsense, etc.
3. Build sites & do SEO work for others who haven't a fucking clue about either.
4. Build your own service or product and promote that to make money.

That being said, no matter which you jump into you better at least have some basic skills in setting up some kind of website, be it Wordpress or otherwise, and in basic graphics manipulation. Aside from that, this shit isn't rocket science. Any idiot with a brain can do a WP install and get a site up and running. It's identifying the products & niches that are worth your time that's the tricky part. Do your research. Find a product that is being underpromoted, but has some demand. Make that project your baby and build it out all the way. Don't stray off onto other projects or ideas that will take you away from that. Focus on that one thing and find ways to make it better. I dont' care if you make a site that pushes coffee makers on Amazon, that shit can make money if you go into it 110%. Once you've either had some mild success or been a complete failure, hopefully you'll have a better understanding of what you should do on the next one. But give it time to succeed or fail. Don't bail on it after two weeks when you haven't made a sale. Now go fucking do something instead of worrying about why your'e not making money.

by far the best advice.