Ask someone who has been here for awhile but has failed anything...


New member
Jun 18, 2009
United States
*ran a PPC campaign on Facebook one time with a $70 coupon... made about $65 back
*abused the Facebook like feature when it first came out. Made $300, should've made close to $600, but BidVertiser closed my account because my site went down due to an overload of traffic before they could "review" the site
*closest to success I've come is last year when I had a website. for the first 3 months or so, I made about .50 cents a day, but then it stopped. In the last 4 months, I made the site go viral. Was making $15/day with Adsense, but my host shut down the site 20 days before the contract ended. Didn't really care about the site because it never really made money. They shut it down 4 days after I started making $15/day so I hadn't thought to make backups yet. Lost everything.

feels like I should be more successful than I have been :( If only I could make $30/day.

such is life in soviet russia. feelsbadman

such is life in soviet russia

Fuck off. It's 2012, we're all connected. These days, in the IM industry, a guy in Bangladesh can do just as good as a guy in New York. No reason they can't, and anything else is an excuse. The only barrier many people have is their native language is not English, but that's hardly an impossible barrier to overcome.

Anyway, advice -- quit putting up shitty little sites, or trying to "trick" Facebook / Google. Start an actual business.
*ran a PPC campaign on Facebook one time with a $70 coupon... made about $65 back
Then tweak your shit and try again with $100 adwords coupon.

*abused the Facebook like feature when it first came out. Made $300, should've made close to $600, but BidVertiser closed my account because
Open another account then?

such is life in soviet russia. feelsbadman

That's not an excuse in IM
Gotta say I'm on a similar boat, only been able to make money with local SEO & web design. Not complaining though, the main reason I haven't made much is that I've still got lazy cunt tendencies to get rid of, they are on the way out.

Also like many others I expected a magic button that would make me bank... Now I know it's possible but it certainly takes more than I expected.

I've already taken my first step, incorporated etc just trying to build some capital to get into paid ads. For all the noobs reading this, where would all of the experienced members recommend taking the first step if you have little or no capital?
These small adsense sites can only bring in a decent amount of money if you have hundreds, if not thousands of them

that's not exactly true.

business is basically about information. fuck skill, fuck all the other stuff. it's who knows where money is hiding. a lot of small sites do wonders for people.
is just me complaining like a bitch + it's a meme

Oh, well in that case

looking at sites on flippa. I see one site listed for $500, but it says it makes $300/month. No one would ever sell a site that makes $300/month for $500, would they? How do I verify the monthly earnings?
Hahaha... I am on a similar boat.

I make money, but mostly by local web design/development and SEO services.
Some from affiliate sales, but not as much as I'd like to.
Have not found my "passive income stream" yet.

Jumping around on projects is one big factor, me doing this only part time another (I have a 9-5 I am not gonna give up too soon).

2012 is gonna rock tho... err... really, right? Ya know?

PS: Sorry to disappoint all those who thought I am mad balling outta control.
looking at sites on flippa. I see one site listed for $500, but it says it makes $300/month. No one would ever sell a site that makes $300/month for $500, would they? How do I verify the monthly earnings?

My guess would be that site Grosses $500, but it nets a lot less, more like $50. I bet the owner spends a shit ton on CPC ads to drive people to his site. There is no way that if you were to buy that site, you'd see a profit in 2 months.
The guy who wore an "SEO SUCKS" teeshirt to SES in 2008 recently blogged about turning a $1000 investment into $100,000 with linkwheels. Of course a picture of him with a faked check was featured on photoshopdisasters. But it was supposed to be funny. But his secret was he put post-it notes all over his house with how much money he wanted to make, and the Law of Attraction kicked in. Or something.