Anyone Using Link Emperor?

Any subscribers have any updates good or bad about the service.

GP, any updates on your end as far as the complaints above?

Hey coach, things have been going well on our side. A few customers may have noticed that our rank tracking fell behind this week, but we've switched services and things are now back on track with that.

The lowest tier is now more expensive, however it comes with a lot more link building so it's actually pound for pound a better deal than what we used to offer, in terms of total amount of link building. We did this because we had too many people signing up for the lowest plan with minimum link building, not seeing rank improvements because there just wasn't enough link volume, and ending up unhappy.

But if you're interested in purchasing one of the old plans, just send us a message and we can set you up with that instead.


reminds me of this guy that used to post here

Hey Guys, Kevin & Bobby,

I am thinking grabbing Gladiator membership at Link Emperor, any recent reviews? I've red Berto's review, did you notice any major improvements since Dec?

To be short... I have a big website (300+ pages) in tough niche, I rank well for the main keywords but fail in long tails... will it help me? I also plan to use this service for a big sites with a lot low competition keywords.

Your feedback will be appreciated, you may save me from starving :D


Hey @Vaz,

Sorry for the delay and for missing your question earlier. I definitely think you can see results when using the Link Emperor system. The key to remember is that you have to give sites enough fuel (credits) to build the links they need. The higher the competition, the more fuel. Most of the clients that don't see results are honestly grasping for straws without enough credits.

Everyday we continue to work on the system, the reporting, the QA, and the vendors. Since December we have brought in a ton of new vendors who have some great offerings at much more reasonable accounts. We are continuing our push to raise our QA standards, and continue to do everything we can to make our customers happy when things fall short of their expectations.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I promise that I will do all I can to help.

Yours in Service,

Brett Phillips
Customer Support Specialist
Looking at this for Rep Management. Seems to me it might be a bit of overkill since rep management is (usually) the exact opposite of long tail (focusing on just a handful of damaging keywords) but what I love about the idea is all the vendors under one roof (especially Social Media) which I'm not seeing offered anywhere else. This gal is all about aggregating.

Anyone using it for reverse seo?
^You get to choose the phrases though to promote... You can target, say, 1 or 3 keywords per specific landing pages (or the front of the site) and only those KWs for any page you'd like to promote... Even a hub page or youtube film. So I'd think this is ideal for rep management.

What I'm doing is promoting tons of different sites, 3-5 pages each, all with 1-5 keyword phrases tied to each landing page. It fits for this like a glove and even gives you on-site SEO tips for each and every site you promote.
I just had to look at the site, the guy is a literary genius...

"I was traveling around the world. It was nice, because I got to see different parts of the world.

But it got lonely…

I decided to come back to South Korea to be with my ladyfriend, because she lives in South Korea.

She’s pretty busy, so in some of my free time, I will focus on becoming the very first Earth Emperor."

Fuck me, he's 'special'.
Well shit.

I contacted support a few days ago to check to see how cancelling works since I had 5 blasts that were mid-progress and don't need the service right now. I was told by support the account would be set to cancel once my accounts billing date was up and that this would allow enough time for the blasts to complete.

Thing is, the account locked me out less than 48 hours later, so I don't think this is the case and all blasts would have still been going on (and are now cancelled presumably?).

Now I can't login, can't download reports, and I'm pretty sure those 5 blasts were all wasted now. Also now when I look at the pricing the cheapest plan is $500?
Just noticed the new plans too - how does this affect existing customers? Didn't receive info on this as far as I know. Thx
Hi @EricVonDoobie,

All you need to do is drop me a message at and I will be more than happy to forward you any reports you need. In addition, while we have stopped advertising all of the old plans, any member of this forum can send us a message and we can manually create the old account that you were on.

Yours in Service,

Brett Phillips
Customer Support Specialist
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Hi @EricVonDoobie,

All you need to do is drop me a message at and I will be more than happy to forward you any reports you need. In addition, while we have stopped advertising all of the old plans, any member of this forum can send us a message and we can manually create the old account that you were on.

Yours in Service,

Brett Phillips
Customer Support Specialist

Taking you up on this actually, thanks.