Anyone Here Living Car Free?

I know...
I laughed at those shallow minded things too... poor people. Getting
brainwashed by the car and gas companies into thinking they need a car to
have money and women.

Actually you need money to have a car and women if you don't live in a major metropolitan area. 15 miles each way to baseball practice for my boy ain't happening on a bike. I respect anyone who can get it done without a car, but when my wife went into labor I'm glad I didn't have to pedal 25 miles to the hospital at the end of January.

Sorry to break up the circle jerk, but most bikers, especially the "bikers rights" people piss me off.

Brb riding bike in the middle of the road slowing down traffic.
Brb acting like you're a car only when it suits your needs (cut across 3 lanes of traffic when everyone's going 40mph, no problem I'm a car! Stop sign/red light? Fuck it, I'm on a bike!)
Brb spandex
Brb hoity toity hipster attitude about saving the planet and being trendy.
Sorry to break up the circle jerk, but most bikers, especially the "bikers rights" people piss me off.

Brb riding bike in the middle of the road slowing down traffic.

Sorry to break up your holier than thou "I'm in a gas guzzling SUV loaded with the works so I'm more entitled to the road than you are" rant... but bikes have just as much to the road as motorists do.
Sorry to break up your holier than thou "I'm in a gas guzzling SUV loaded with the works so I'm more entitled to the road than you are" rant... but bikes have just as much to the road as motorists do.
Thanks for proving my point you self righteous douchebag.

The type of person that starts riding a bike and just has to post about it on Wickedfire.
Used to bicycle loads, especially back when I lived in Budapest. Believe it or not, for an Eastern European country, Budapest has loads of really nice bike paths. They did a good job with that. It's not just, paint an extra line in the road a couple feet wide and say it's a bike path -- there was actual separately paved bike paths all throughout the city.

Don't think I'll bicycle here though. I'd be thrown through the windshield of a car within a week probably. I'd like to, but just not really possible.
Thanks for proving my point you self righteous douchebag.

Prove what point? That you're the typical "douchebag" driving down the road
thinking you own it because you're in a vehicle? I knew it was a matter of time
before one of you chimed in... surprised it took this long
Brb riding bike in the middle of the road slowing down traffic.
Brb acting like you're a car only when it suits your needs (cut across 3 lanes of traffic when everyone's going 40mph, no problem I'm a car! Stop sign/red light? Fuck it, I'm on a bike!)

tru dat.

Brb spandex
Brb hoity toity hipster attitude about saving the planet and being trendy.

why do you give a fuck about someone's outfit or attitude? neither affects your ability to drive down the road.
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I have a BM and ...
PM in North West if needed...

Must be a northwest thing but...

I bought a nice little bmw convertable and my wife wont let me drive it so...

I bought a great big gas guzzeling Ford 4x4 King Ranch. It uses too much gas for her and she cant park it at the mall... we are both now happy, and burning lots of gas
You guys are close minded saying that you we are brainwashed into thinking we need cars. Tell me how you're supposed to get off work at 5:00PM and pick your children up from home and take them to ball practice? I'm 22 and don't have any kids, just describing a typical situation for any parent in my area. We live in a fast paced society, and in most places, everything is spread out. There is no public transportation in suburban areas in Ohio. Nothing that is cheap enough to justify not having your own vehicle. You guys never lived in the country if you honestly believe a car is not a necessity...
yeah its a good things by remaining car free n catching the bicycle because its a good things which maintain wealth.
You guys are close minded saying that you we are brainwashed into thinking we need cars.

Not trying to say everyone is brainwashed into it... But there are certainly
close minded people brainwashed into thinking EVERYONE needs a car and if
you don't have one then it means you're broke, homeless, and womanless.

Tell me how you're supposed to get off work at 5:00PM and pick your children up from home and take them to ball practice? I'm 22 and don't have any kids, just describing a typical situation for any parent in my area. We live in a fast paced society, and in most places, everything is spread out. There is no public transportation in suburban areas in Ohio. Nothing that is cheap enough to justify not having your own vehicle. You guys never lived in the country if you honestly believe a car is not a necessity...

Being car less isn't for everyone, whether it be by need or preference, I realize that.
I've even been assumed homeless on occasion which I find funny since I ride around on a $800 bike and about $400 in equipment (GPS, video camera, etc...)
That's a judgement made with the nose. You either smell homeless or you don't. While you're mad at oil companies, locals are mad at you. Clean yourself, freak.
I love the idea of bicycling to work... great for the environment, great exercise, blah blah blah. I just fucking hate 90% of the bicyclists out there that think they can choose which set of road laws to obey and when. Then they get all pissy when a car who had the right of way almost hits them. Or another one of my favorites is when they ride 3 in a row with their friends so they can talk and block the car's lane. Ugh.

What is worse is the generation of riders my age or younger (<30) who will have their ipods on at all times. They're seriously dangerous and don't pay any attention to the road. This is worst with young women who already aren't very good at paying attention and add an ipod, then you have to be vigilant at all times around them.

I like riding bicycles and it is quite practical in many places, but I dislike when people get all political and don't want others to have cars or motorcycles and want to tax it to death.
Since I've been traveling for two years I've had zero need for a car. At first I thought it would make me feel trapped not having one, but now I feel more free than ever not having to worry with it, and drinking is never an issue anymore.

When I'm in Asia, South and Central America I just take taxis as they are usually plentiful. When in European cities public transport is usually great.

If I was to ever move back to the US though, I will be the first to admit that a car makes things so much easier. I'd get one in a heartbeat.
You guys are close minded saying that you we are brainwashed into thinking we need cars. Tell me how you're supposed to get off work at 5:00PM and pick your children up from home and take them to ball practice? I'm 22 and don't have any kids, just describing a typical situation for any parent in my area. We live in a fast paced society, and in most places, everything is spread out. There is no public transportation in suburban areas in Ohio. Nothing that is cheap enough to justify not having your own vehicle. You guys never lived in the country if you honestly believe a car is not a necessity...

21 with no kids, I acquired my license in case I needed it in the future. I learned early on that a bicycle would fit well into my lifestyle, a car would just be an expensive liability. It's all about your lifestyle, finances, and family situation.

I don't have to buy a ton of groceries either (reducing boxes and bulky bullshit), I stopped eating process crapped a few months ago. A small bike trailer helps with lugging everything back home. You can get them for less than 100$ online, problem solved.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I've only had my license for about a month, age 16 - 21 I watched my friends buy cars, crash them and waste a ton of money in both repairs and maintenance. Fuck that. Invested my money things that were going to bring me wealth, not a car so I could pickup girls who also suck money out of you.