Anyone Here Living Car Free?

How the fuck do you fags buy groceries without a car? Do you only buy a couple bags of groceries at a time?
When I lived in the city, I would walk to one store to buy meat, bread, veggies, fruit, cheese etc. I'd backpack it home.

How the fuck do you fags buy groceries without a car? Do you only buy a couple bags of groceries at a time?

Girl friend has wire basket on the back of her bike. Fits about two or three bags worth

She rides to work , about 3.5 miles each way. We live on island its only about 4 miles wide at its widest point.

I try to ride my bike as much as possible but often have to use my truck moving things.

Bikes make sense they are free and make thinner, cars cost money and make you fat. Once you guys get out of your twenties and you metabolism starts to slow down you will understand.
I love riding bikes, it's a huge hobby of mine. Through bikes I got the opportunity to travel and meet a lot of interesting and fucked up people. If riding a bike makes you feel good, all the power to you but I could never fully replace them as my daily means of transportation.
No... fuck you

No, fuck you.

America has relatively and not widely available public transportation unlike our European brethren, unless you're in the city. Everything is also spread farther apart. Our infrastructure also sucks. We are first to innovate, and lass to cross the finish line. Fuck the US too.
I love the idea of bicycling to work... great for the environment, great exercise, blah blah blah. I just fucking hate 90% of the bicyclists out there that think they can choose which set of road laws to obey and when. Then they get all pissy when a car who had the right of way almost hits them. Or another one of my favorites is when they ride 3 in a row with their friends so they can talk and block the car's lane. Ugh.
How the fuck do you fags buy groceries without a car? Do you only buy a couple bags of groceries at a time?

LOL... if there is ever an oil crisis and people had to stop using cars for a long
period of time so many people would be fucked... pray it never happens. If the
oil companies are using one minor interruption in the supply flow as an
excuse to rape people in the Midwest just think what will happen when
something really drastic happens.

I just sold my house to live in a tent.
I'm so alternative. Fuck the corporate machine!

Nice satire.

Home ownership...
One of the biggest illusions of living in 'Merica.

I love the idea of bicycling to work... great for the environment, great exercise, blah blah blah. I just fucking hate 90% of the bicyclists out there that think they can choose which set of road laws to obey and when. Then they get all pissy when a car who had the right of way almost hits them. Or another one of my favorites is when they ride 3 in a row with their friends so they can talk and block the car's lane. Ugh.

Just like there are bad motorists on the road there are also bad cyclists too.
They're suppose to follow the rules of the road just like a car and if they
don't they get a ticket for it... or at least they should. Most of the riders
people see are the casual ones that think that just because they're on a bike
they can do whatever they want and those are the ones we read about
being road kill.

The reason a cycler takes up the whole lane is because they are supposed
to do that to force people to pass them as they would if they were passing
another car. By going into the other lane. Most motorists that pass a bike
usually buzz by them. They shouldn't be riding more than 2 in a row though.
Some jackass hit my car mirror with his bike and I had to pay $450.00 to fix it. Don't be THAT guy.
maybe if i lived in Korea, I wouldn't need a car that much. but in the US. YOU NEED a car. plus i love driving. Haha, Cheers!
lol hipsters... always doing something different or making a change.

I wish there were less hills in my city and shit wasn't as far spread apart, then I could be a hipster too.
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but in the US. YOU NEED a car. plus i love driving. Haha, Cheers!

LOL... you don't NEED one. People have just become too dependent on them
and think they can't survive without being slave to the oil and car companies.
Nothing wrong with driving a car if you enjoy it and prefer it though.
Never owned a car in my life. I always live downtown or very close to downtown, so I take my bike, walk or take taxis... and now I use Car2go, awesome service... cars are all over the city, you pay per minute of usage, park them anywhere you want. Really great. Respect to the founder. He must be balling outta control...

LOL... you don't NEED one. People have just become too dependent on them
and think they can't survive without being slave to the oil and car companies.
Nothing wrong with driving a car if you enjoy it and prefer it though.

you don't need one if you don't need to visit places (i visit my parents places once a week. and it's a 20 mile drive)

Or if you live in like a downtown area.
I am carless and love it. I like the points about the car/oil companies lobbying and buying up all the public transportation, I never knew that.
80% of the sheet the TV says we need is bullsheet, to sell you more bullsheet, for your bullsheet... ya even that cracker jack 2 story in the burbs. Living the life.
All us cool guys like Bogusky are downsizing...haven't you heard?
Not sure about public transit in other places but here it sucks. The only people that use public transit are:

1. Mentally retarded - unable to obtain a drivers license
2. Poverty stricken - can't afford a car
3. Criminals - drivers license taken away
4. Old folks - drivers license taken away

We had a light rail system installed to go between my suburb and the major city nearby about a year ago and it's already disgusting. The mentally retarded, poor, criminals and old people just don't give a shit.