anyone here focus mainly on SEO rather than PPC?

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New member
May 3, 2008
interested in knowing if anyone here focuses mainly on seo rather than ppc for a offer? something big with a name behind it is good to start doing SEO for because it will bring its own traffic over time.

But i want to know if anyone does it for regular offers and are you having any success with it? I know if your good and you get good rankings its better than ppc simply because your traffic is pretty much free at that point and you don't have to worry about testing and shit you can just let it sit for the most part and make bank.

So has anyone been doing any SEO on there offers lately? Hows it going? Especially in this economy it would probably be a very safe bet to invest in some SEO work to keep you going down the road if things get really rough you can rely on that free traffic.

i do
but thats only because I suck at ppc. Been learning and getting better though over the last 2 months.
ppc is great because you can throw up a lander and keywords in 30 mins and you got all the traffic you can pay for.

SEO takes time and a investment but if you hit your mark it really pays off and it can pay off for years to come.
PPC is throwing money away.

So I have a ppc campaign up the same day I came up with the idea and bank off it for 2 months while you chase backlinks and do seo and I've been throwing my money away? I think you were throwing away 2 months of your life when you could have been banking while doing seo if you were smart.
I've been having moderate success with it. More so with with pay per sale than with the generic CPA offers.

I'm just not that great with PPC, nor do I have a big enough budget to go all out. One day...
ppc is great because you can throw up a lander and keywords in 30 mins and you got all the traffic you can pay for.

SEO takes time and a investment but if you hit your mark it really pays off and it can pay off for years to come.

Ehhh....which way do you think the search engines are willing to focus on? The one that pays the bills, or for altruistic reasons?
Yeah, I focus mainly on SEO.. but but basucally, like everyone else that's posted on this thread, I have very little experience with PPC.. Which blows, because they both have their advantages.
thats why black hat seo methods always seem to linger longer than they should. google probably updates there search engine methods every year or two. maybe small fixes every now and then to fight the major problems. but i know a few black hat sites that with a 500$ investment in a server and some domains you can seriously make some huge bank if you know what your doing.

Its really complicated shit and only people who know web coding, server working and all that tech stuff in and out know how to keep up with that shit. Best part about it is 1,500 investment could lead to 20,000$ + a month.

Funny thing is that most of those people dont know jack shit about affiliate marketing or marketing in general they are just brilliant with coding and knowing how the search engines work on a detailed level.
OMGz ppc vs. seo.

PPC=Learn what keywords convert
SEO=Get traffic from those keywords w/o paying per click

Do yall really have to have one be better than the other? They work better together.

Thank god someone said it! I hate the seo vs ppc talk...
define:synergy - Google Search

I'm just not that great with PPC, nor do I have a big enough budget to go all out. One day...
You don't need to go all out. You need a few 25$ dollar coupons to experiment, and then scale slowly. If you go all out without experience you will crash and burn.
thats why black hat seo methods always seem to linger longer than they should. google probably updates there search engine methods every year or two. maybe small fixes every now and then to fight the major problems. but i know a few black hat sites that with a 500$ investment in a server and some domains you can seriously make some huge bank if you know what your doing.

Its really complicated shit and only people who know web coding, server working and all that tech stuff in and out know how to keep up with that shit. Best part about it is 1,500 investment could lead to 20,000$ + a month.

Funny thing is that most of those people dont know jack shit about affiliate marketing or marketing in general they are just brilliant with coding and knowing how the search engines work on a detailed level.
So much truth I can hardly stand it. Though before I did PPC I was guilty of the same thing. No landing pages, no nothing. Totally different emphasis in the different communities I guess.
I'll be the first to admit that my seo skills are not where they should be. I have been doing PPC since the beginning of time and thats what I know.

That being said, I was always hesitant to jump into SEO due to the amount of time (I thought) it would take to get to a profitable point.

Out of curiousity, how long does it take you gurus to get a campaign in the positive using exclusively SEO?

Also, are you building your campaigns around offers or niches? I always feared it would be wasted effort if by the time I started ranking the offer gets pulled. That's a lot of work for no return.

Just curious ....
thats why black hat seo methods always seem to linger longer than they should. google probably updates there search engine methods every year or two. maybe small fixes every now and then to fight the major problems. but i know a few black hat sites that with a 500$ investment in a server and some domains you can seriously make some huge bank if you know what your doing.

Its really complicated shit and only people who know web coding, server working and all that tech stuff in and out know how to keep up with that shit. Best part about it is 1,500 investment could lead to 20,000$ + a month.

Funny thing is that most of those people dont know jack shit about affiliate marketing or marketing in general they are just brilliant with coding and knowing how the search engines work on a detailed level.

I started doing BH for organic results - it only makes sense. Article writing, link building, and all that other nonsense is a waste of time. You will be stuck with one site if you do that shit.
I belive 80% of traffic click on organic results. I do both, but focus on seo.
Make your choice.
I started doing BH for organic results - it only makes sense. Article writing, link building, and all that other nonsense is a waste of time. You will be stuck with one site if you do that shit.
Best post in this thread. If you forget that bum marketing/start a blog and write a post every day BS and go black hat, you'll be banking in no time.
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