Any interest in an MBA?

I'm getting my Electrical Engineering degree now and i can honestly say yes! I've been wanting to get into finance but I honestly think you are better off just Torrenting Material and studying it yourself. I've learned more that way than i have in 3 years at my Uni
Just about done with my degree in Economics (w/ empirical economic analysis) and I'm considering getting my Masters in Finance. Not quite sure yet, still need to talk to a few more people about it.
Do you guys with engineering degrees not realize that your engineering skills are more valuable for starting and running a business than the corporate drone skills taught in most MBA programs?

In the latest edition of its “Revenge of the Nerds” white paper research series, Identified has discovered that company founders and CEOs today are far more likely to hold advanced engineering degrees than MBAs and that the overall age of business leaders is steadily trending downward. This shift could have a significant impact on corporate culture with younger, more technically inclined entrepreneurs at the helm.

Although the ratio of undergrad business and engineering founders/ CEOs is about even (9,461 versus 9,334), a significant shift occurs in the number of leaders who have advanced degrees. In culling through 36 million professional profiles in the Identified database, the company found 3,337 founder/CEOs have an advanced engineering background compared with 1,016 MBAs.

Business is a soft skill which I can teach to any reasonably intelligent person, whereas an engineers mind is something special. I would much rather start a company with someone that has a background in engineering than someone with a business degree. Food for thought.
I have a MBA and a couple bachelors degrees...I can't say I really use them all that much.
I'm starting a MBA at a top 20 school this fall.

In after and before more ignorant people say it's worthless.
Which school?
Just ignore. Many people don't realize that doing an MBA from a top 20-30 school is quite different from just any MBA. And lol at people studying MBA from ebooks :)

Being a Sloan fellow has some advantages in itself. I'm in the same dilemma as you blogspotter. I can get into Babson, Duke, UNC, etc. but HBS is on a different level. If you haven't seen it already, watch The Money Chase
Which school?
Just ignore. Many people don't realize that doing an MBA from a top 20-30 school is quite different from just any MBA. And lol at people studying MBA from ebooks :)

I have two close friends with Harvard MBAs and one with a Yale Law degree.

The fucking doors these things open... it's like being part of the Illuminati.

MBA degrees are nothing like MDs. An MBA from your local state school opens middle management doors.

An MBA degree from a top tier school gives you access to people with actual clout.

Look at the educations of the presidents of this country.

The Illuminati... with an entrance fee.

Blogspotter, can you PM those blogs?
what would you guys think about doing an MBA abroad? London Business School or Oxford being an option

LBS is top notch. Insead too

@Eric. Will do later. On iPhone now.
And yes the network you gain is worth hundred times the effort time and money.
I have to agree that having an MBA from Harvard or a near equivalent is definitely a huge advantage.

Maybe some here don't want to admit it, but the fact is people are much more ready to listen to you if you say you went to Harvard. It obviously isn't an end all be all, but it is definitely creates significant "social proof" for any business endeavor.
A couple regionally accredited schools are offering programs that specialize in internet communication/marketing. Might be a consideration for people trying to transition into the corporate world. If you could get the degree without any work, would you go for it?

How can a school know anything valuable about the Internet? Why would you want to transition into the corporate world? A degree without work is what most people want, that's why they go to school. School is for people who don't have the balls to do what they should be doing. School is a form of procrastination and dependency. Anybody who is going to school to work for somebody else deserves to pay high taxes, deserves to be enslaved through student debt, and deserves to be poor. It's a mindless emotional reaction that people do because of marketing, not because of reason. If you want to learn marketing look deep into why everyone wants to go to school. That's marketing.