Any interest in an MBA?

Would be interested but only from a top 5 school. I just checked the acceptance rates, and wow it seems so easy. I was expecting sub 1% acceptance, but even the most elite schools hovered around 10-15%, some in the top 20 are even around 50% acceptance rate.

Adam Markus: Graduate Admissions Guru: Ranking "TOP 20" MBA Programs by Acceptance Rate

Yeah, I was surprised as well. I'm applying to UNC Chapel Hill, and I've spoken to a few people who went there. Based on what they told me, I highly doubt the acceptance rate is 39%. Just food for thought. Not sure how accurate those numbers in that list are.

Yeah, I was surprised as well. I'm applying to UNC Chapel Hill, and I've spoken to a few people who went there. Based on what they told me, I highly doubt the acceptance rate is 39%. Just food for thought. Not sure how accurate those numbers in that list are.

That's a very good school (if you don't mind wearing baby blue all the time, that is ;) ) and the triangle is a great area to live in.

One thing that people of the opinion that "if it's not top 10 it's shit!" don't realize is that if the school is well-regarded in the area its located in and that's where you want to stay to get a J-O-B then it can still be very, very beneficial. The local networking opportunities are invaluable.

And trust me, there's a TON of money and opportunity floating around the Triangle.

Almost no one on this board has probably ever even heard of the liberal arts college I went to for undergrad (other than seeing it in movies...the campus is beautiful) even though it's ranked well regionally but I can honestly say it helped me secure my first job out of school because I stayed in the area and it's well-respected.
the idea of spending another day in any sort of traditional schooling environment makes me cringe. it's the absolute last thing that would ever even cross my mind. read books and learn business by people who have actually done something.
The acceptance rate seems high cause it costs $200 for each application so most people don't apply unless they think they have a good shot of getting in.
The acceptance rate seems high cause it costs $200 for each application so most people don't apply unless they think they have a good shot of getting in.

Yeah. This is about right...
People usually apply to 4-5 Max..
One Ambitious, Two Moderate, One safe (+ One very ambitious sometimes, like Harvard, Stanford, Wharton )
Also, it takes a lot of convincing oneself to go for it, so only whose who are sure of it apply for it.
Fucking LOL at the idiots that think just because they make a few bucks slinging affiliate offers or displaying Adsense ads that they know WTF they're talking about when it comes to real business.

Many of which are the same dumbshits crying and panicking when Adsense bans them.

Or starting threads when whatever shady network decides to scrub them or just not pay them outright.

And holy shit, batten down the hatches if/when Google decides their shitty MFA blog network isn't worth a fuck (just like every person with goddamn sense knows it isn't).


This is why no one really takes this forum seriously anymore. It's full of fucking idiots with the rare exception here and there. The funny thing is, the idiots here have the nerve to make fun of the idiots on any other forum when they're DOING THE EXACT SAME SHIT (adsense, shitty worthless SEO schemes, CPA, etc.)
Steve Jobs
Richard Branson
Bill Gates
Mark Zuckerberg
John Paul DeJoria
Most CPA network owners

What do they have in common? Not mandatory. Most of the key lessons aren't taught in school. It's easier to hire those with MBA knowledge.

It helps but, due to the internet age, and open information there are way better options.

Facebook and Microsoft were both formed while their founders were attending Harvard. It's possible neither would have been created or successful without the influence of their peers and the connections they developed while attending. For every uber successful person without an advanced degree there are 15 with one (or two). If you are looking to just advance your internet marketing business, an advanced degree is probably a waste of valuable time. School really is a waste of time and money for many people. On the other hand, if you're looking to really delve into big business, a top tier MBA or other advanced degree will just give you a step up on everyone else. When it comes down to it though, a Harvard degree is almost never a waste. You have to consider how much of a cushion a Harvard degree is. You could have ZERO on your resume and walk into a new $100k+/yr position once a day easy with an MBA from Harvard.

Simply put, the guys at the top of the IM game make a ton of money. The guys at the top of the NYU game print that money. The guys at the top of the Harvard game sit here:

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Yeah. This is about right...
People usually apply to 4-5 Max..
One Ambitious, Two Moderate, One safe (+ One very ambitious sometimes, like Harvard, Stanford, Wharton )
Also, it takes a lot of convincing oneself to go for it, so only whose who are sure of it apply for it.

True, but when you think about it $200 is nothing when your going to be spending 100k+ on tuition. I would only apply to the best schools and wouldn't even bother applying to moderate/safe schools since it's a waste of money. If you end up getting accepted to your safe school/moderate school do you really want to even bother wasting 2 years of your life and 100k+? I don't know maybe it's just me, but I would apply to only the best and work on my application until it was good enough. Also I agree 100% with you tonymontana on going to schools in the area if you plan on working there.
I've been considering it just for my own personal fulfillment and so I stay sharp. I don't think I'll ever need an MBA though since I doubt I'll ever work for anyone else again so that's why I'm on the fence about it. If you think about it that's two years of your life that will be spent studying and going to class that could be spent traveling and enjoying all the money you're making.
That's a very good school (if you don't mind wearing baby blue all the time, that is ;) ) and the triangle is a great area to live in.

One thing that people of the opinion that "if it's not top 10 it's shit!" don't realize is that if the school is well-regarded in the area its located in and that's where you want to stay to get a J-O-B then it can still be very, very beneficial. The local networking opportunities are invaluable.

And trust me, there's a TON of money and opportunity floating around the Triangle.

Almost no one on this board has probably ever even heard of the liberal arts college I went to for undergrad (other than seeing it in movies...the campus is beautiful) even though it's ranked well regionally but I can honestly say it helped me secure my first job out of school because I stayed in the area and it's well-respected.

Definitely agree. As far as UNC, I'd say it's definitely very reputable on the East coast as a whole. So for those who plan to live on the East coast, UNC is a great choice.

What school did you go to, if I may ask?
What range are you talking here?

I'm not sure what you mean. I was alluding to former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, and to some extent Bernanke, with that specific comment, but most of the huge banking powers have run through NYU at some point; Goldman CEOs, Fed Chairmen, Treasury Sec, Econ Advisers, etc. I don't mean to insinuate that only NYU grads run the Fed, but using extreme, specific examples helps to illustrate my point.
True, but when you think about it $200 is nothing when your going to be spending 100k+ on tuition. I would only apply to the best schools and wouldn't even bother applying to moderate/safe schools since it's a waste of money. If you end up getting accepted to your safe school/moderate school do you really want to even bother wasting 2 years of your life and 100k+? I don't know maybe it's just me, but I would apply to only the best and work on my application until it was good enough. Also I agree 100% with you tonymontana on going to schools in the area if you plan on working there.

I wasn't referring to the application fees per se. But every MBA aspirant knows where he stands, based on all the admissions criteria for each school, and will definitely have his own Ambitious, Very Ambitious, Safe/Moderates..

You can't have a shitty CV, shitty GMAT scores, Shitty transcripts, OK reccos and only apply to the very ambitious. And Safe/moderate doesn't mean really bad schools. It is kind of relative.. Something ranked 17-18 can be the safe moderate for someone, right?
I'd be extremely leery to ask an affiliate marketer for career planning advice...

I can only speak from personal experience so I'll be brief:

1. My main business is insurance and investment planning and I'm NOT an affiliate marketer. I'll throw some money and some landers at a campaign every now and then though... So take this as you will.

2. I just started classes again to finish up the 12 remaining credits needed for my BA in economics ONLY so I can continue to take the LSAT and work towards a Juris Doctor. So I'll address why:

  • Having a license to practice law is more valuable in finance than a MBA. (You can teach applied finance on the job to anyone sharp enough to catch on).
  • You'll become more valuable to those you choose to do business with since you become "Danke the Attorney" opposed to just "Danke the Entrepreneur".
  • I have zero interest in ever applying for a job and I'm long past that need so I can't see how pursuing MBA would be the most efficient use of my time at the moment. (Not to mention I've noticed that most new hires and interns for the big guys like Fidelity and Merill aren't going back to school to get their MBAs like they used to)

3. If I was a full-time affiliate marketer and reading this I'd GO BACK TO SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY! You need a contingency plan and most people are only going to see you as an Internet guy, just like the Internet guy they have running their PPC campaigns from a cubicle for $14 an hour. You're NO WHERE as valuable or a rare commodity as you think you are. Especially with the increasing amount of Internet savvy college grads. Who do you think I'm going to hire? The kid fresh out of school who's ambitious and still mold-able (while willing to take a lower starting salary) or the guy who ran adsense farms while posting all day about Ron Paul?

Just saying.

I'm going to want to hire fresh, ambitious, team players who I can have molded by one senior marketing manager.

Get a degree. Make friends and gain a more universal view on everything. Life can't be boiled down to simple dollars and cents and you have NO IDEA what may be useful 20 years from now, but having a degree of sorts isn't going to hold you back. If you want to get a MBA go right ahead, but to talk about getting into HBS so casually and you're not coming from a pedigree like Harvard College, Columbia, or Cornell unless you went to a high school like Phillips Exeter Academy isn't ambitious... It's silly.
[ame=]College Conspiracy Scam in USA [HD] Full Version - Google search: 'John Taylor Gatto' - YouTube[/ame]
I'm getting the feeling some posters in this thread are forgetting what forum they're on. I also get the impression that some view independent IM's as people who "couldn't make it" in the corporate world.

I'm not sure what you mean. I was alluding to former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, and to some extent Bernanke, with that specific comment, but most of the huge banking powers have run through NYU at some point; Goldman CEOs, Fed Chairmen, Treasury Sec, Econ Advisers, etc. I don't mean to insinuate that only NYU grads run the Fed, but using extreme, specific examples helps to illustrate my point.
Oh when you said "printing money" you meant literally. My bad. I thought you were talking about earning power.

If I was a full-time affiliate marketer and reading this I'd GO BACK TO SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY! You need a contingency plan.
Bold statements bolded. "Affiliate marketing" is too big now to be generalized like that. The vast majority of "affiliate marketers" would definitely be better off with a contingency plan, but there are some who really truly don't need a safety net (even if only because of the huge amount of money they've already banked).

and most people are only going to see you as an Internet guy, just like the Internet guy they have running their PPC campaigns from a cubicle for $14 an hour. You're NO WHERE as valuable or a rare commodity as you think you are. Especially with the increasing amount of Internet savvy college grads.
True this. Unless you actually develop a unique skillset (with a high barrier to entry) that differentiates you from the average IM "Warrior" types.

Who do you think I'm going to hire? The kid fresh out of school who's ambitious and still mold-able (while willing to take a lower starting salary) or the guy who ran adsense farms while posting all day about Ron Paul?
LOL at LukeP reference.

I'm going to want to hire fresh, ambitious, team players who I can have molded by one senior marketing manager.
"Molded"? Yuch. "Employers" have always wanted impressionable young minds to be their trusty little worker dogs. It's nothing new.

The true "lone wolf" types KNOW this and are happy to be UNATTRACTIVE to employers because they don't want to ever be "hired". Even if they're broke they'd rather hustle their way out of their situation than work for someone.

They might never become a senior marketing manager or a hr manager of a fortune-500, but they don't necessarily envy such positions.

Get a degree. Make friends and gain a more universal view on everything. Life can't be boiled down to simple dollars and cents and you have NO IDEA what may be useful 20 years from now, but having a degree of sorts isn't going to hold you back.
It can hold you back in terms of time wasted and debt/costs. As for "life experience and networking" you can do this elsewhere and in other ways much more effectively.
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Who are this mysterious people who are going to kiss your feet and hand you bags of cash because you can fuck with excel? More like M.B. GAY...amirite amirite amirite?
