A Picture of Me Flashing!!!!!!!!! :)

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after this thread I have to say that productionhead and stack paper are a couple of paranoic perverts that need boob pictures to be able to go to bed.

you should fuck each other guys.

how am i paranoid? i just want to know if my jerk off session was for a real girl or not
i never asked for help. this is where you all got it wrong.
i set a personal goal. and said I would flash if I was able to reach my goal. thats it.

but the paranoid fags screwed everything
yes, you didn't ask for help but it's obvious you were hoping some loser would help you out because you're a female. now, that thinking of yours probably came because your a male lowlife who would help a girl just for sexual reasons... do you get what i mean?

let me explain again

1) You are male who is a low life.
2) You are male who understand that losers would help out girls (in exchange for the old in out in out in out) because they are, in fact, losers. You know this from personal experience.
3) You decide to masquerade as a girl on WickedFire, hoping a loser, similar to you (THE REAL YOU, oliver), would help you, thinking that you are a gurl.
4) Profit

honestly if you planned this out by having a girl ready with "wickedfire" on her body as proof, some loser (like chrislingle) prolly woulda helped you. lol
how am i paranoid? i just want to know if my jerk off session was for a real girl or not

for starters, you googled my screename. FYI, a screename is not like an id or passport ya know?

second, you even went and found some pictures of some dudes and said it was me.......

third, found an email address saying that it was registered in russia or some shit like that.

I bet you went to myspace, facebook, hi5, bebo, orkut and all those networking sites you are a member off and looked for the screename "olesh" to see if you could find something.

you gave me 2 nationalities, im indian and what else?

you are triyng to find out my age.

last but not least, all this investigation that took place was pointless and for no reason.

just on some random girl in your life that set herself a goal.
yes, you didn't ask for help but it's obvious you were hoping some loser would help you out because you're a female. now, that thinking of yours probably came because your a male lowlife who would help a girl just for sexual reasons... do you get what i mean?

let me explain again

1) You are male who is a low life.
2) You are male who understand that losers would help out girls because they are, in fact, losers. You know this from personal experience.
3) You decide to masquerade as a girl on WickedFire, hoping a loser, similar to you, would help you, thinking that you are a gurl.
4) Profit

honestly if you planned this out by having a girl ready with "wickedfire" on her body as proof, some loser (like chrislingle) prolly woulda helped you. lol

thats why you are a feaking paranoic. it never happend like that and you still have your own conclusions.

ur still a looser for wasting ur time with your investigation that took you nowhere and it was pointless.

fuck off fag.....
wasting my time? its 2:38 am in new york, the house is empty, im lighting up fat blunts, and im enjoying this internet battle. my time is my time. i choose what i do with it ;)

you on the other hand just lost all credibility. what does that mean? time for a new account dumb bitch
so you are not the smartes guy either.

a) a smart guy wouldnt waste his time like you di on a random thread

b) a smart guy would keep his mouth shut and wait for the outcome

c) a smart guy shouldnt be looking for boobs online

d) I bet ur fucking bad looking because you have to use a picture from a movie to hide your ugly ass face
ur enjoing this internet battle?? lol that is hilarious! go play some xbox360 for some real battles hahahah

ur going to make me cry......please stop pervert
wasting my time? its 2:38 am in new york, the house is empty, im lighting up fat blunts, and im enjoying this internet battle.

you on the other hand just lost all credibility. what does that mean? time for a new account dumb bitch

Just smoked the hugest load before this all started hahahah.

Oliver is overweight and unattractive.
End of story. hahahah.
Several posts ago....

this is the last post on this tread im going to make.

If you want to start making $1,000 profit per day, then I suggest you get to work. Arguing with 2 random people about what sex you are on a internet forum is not going to get you any closer to your goal.
Just smoked the hugest load before this all started hahahah.

Oliver is overweight and unattractive.
End of story. hahahah.

hahah poor guy I guess.

you are a freaking videogame or soldier from the past?? or are you so goodlooking that you have to use a cartoon or whatever the hell that is as your avatar?
Several posts ago....

If you want to start making $1,000 profit per day, then I suggest you get to work. Arguing with 2 random people about what sex you are on a internet forum is not going to get you any closer to your goal.

This is the only smart guy in this thread....
Olesh999 is a Man Baby!!

This is hilarious... in only 10 minutes from when I post my first post to expose this guy in

He goes ahead and exposes himself with this ridiculous thread. My original post has yet to be approved by a mod because (i'm assuming) I put hyperlinks in it and its my first post. So, I'll try it again in a more appropriate thread with no hyperlinks so please bear with me... (timing seems to be everything)

Olesh bets on basketball games

Goes apeshit over chicks

And doesn't even mention <cough> "she's" a she when called "bro" and "dude" but after her "operation" a couple months ago when "she" picked this new avatar gets really uppity when "she" is called a he.

My first post was better put together with the same info but I feel like I'm waiting for fucking facebook to approve my ads...
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