A Picture of Me Flashing!!!!!!!!! :)

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Quote from fatty olesh999 that stack paper found.
"how are you?? this is oliver. been trying to reach you for several months!!"

Quote from olesh999 from wickedfire a few weeks back
"fuck he even copied my adwords ads word by word!! please help what can I do about this thief??"

Note the lack of capitalization and the double punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

HAH! I win. You lose. Eat a dick tubby.
this is insane....
I dare the ADMINS to check my IP and if ots from ru you are more than welcome to ban me. PLEASE DO CHECK MY IP.

But if is not from ru, please let stack paper and productionhead know so they finally realize that they are a couple of paranoic loosers.
"Quote from olesh999 from wickedfire a few weeks back
"fuck he even copied my adwords ads word by word!! please help what can I do about this thief??"

and this proves......?????
Whoever the chick is, she's a couple o' bags of Doritos away from going porcine.
Show us the tits now before they become lard-pulled oatsacks.
I'm sorry Olesh999, I'm a serial lurker but you've inspired me to make my first post on Wickedfire.

I think the solution here is to get a sharpie and write Wickedfire across your breasts. Next get on your webcam, flash your boobs and yell "I am not a fat indian, I am OLESH999!". Save out the video and post it here, then you will make us all look like the fools that we are.

Bless you.

what I am thinking is, this could be a real bitch but she is prolly fucking dumb and copied the screenname of some guy on myspacepros she has a crush on because he made $2/day

just tell us your age and i will end this
stack paper and productionhead, so you can stop crying here you go, masturbate all night.........

enjoy looosers.
It's just blatant..
I love how all of a sudden once i finger him for using some mexican bitch's pictures, he goes all ESL on us hahah.
Get a life shithead.
whatever. mastrubate since you dont have someone to do it for you.
i bet you still wish you could see my goodies.....
yeah whatever pshycos.....im from india and I stole some girls picture on myspace and Im faking all you want.

this is hilarious
after this thread I have to say that productionhead and stack paper are a couple of paranoic perverts that need boob pictures to be able to go to bed.

you should fuck each other guys.
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