A-Net: the very unique Mininet Solution

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Update to review:

I am seeing some good serp movement, I cannot attribute it all to this service (as I have done other link building), but I am fairly certain this is helping.

Also all properties are still up and running, no deletions.

Update to review:

I am seeing some good serp movement, I cannot attribute it all to this service (as I have done other link building), but I am fairly certain this is helping.

Also all properties are still up and running, no deletions.

Nice to see strong results, appreciate that !

As I told in the posts already, you pay some more for my A-Net than for others, but you do not pay twice! The properties have a huge stickrate even for medical topics or dating topics which I think my clients who ordered already can confirm! They are very likely to stand an admin checkup on the providers as well as a human check :)
Unique Transaction ID #68429047PB431672C
Paid for A-Net 20!

The properties will be built over a 2 month period.
Last time I'm wasting my breathe on this pity shit.

Fact: You came into my thread and posed as a customer. Asked questions about my package. Started your own thread which included shit from mine.

That's it. Nothing else matters. My Research was more in depth than what you just said above, which sounds really fucking stupid.

End point: If you wouldn't have came to my thread and posed as a customer to find out information, I wouldnt be in your thread. Bottom Line.

Carry on with your package.

Feeeling you bro - people like this are fcked up
copying shit blatently lol

My thread does include a lot of yours, absolutely true, for example the fact I use EZine Articles or / and Wikipages as authority pages to give power to properties - definately your very own idea about that.

Who the fuck are kidding ? Do you really think you are the only one using such systems ? In fact I asked in your thread a question about your web 2.0 properties which are UNIMPORTANT in relation to my service, as I keep the service daily updated and you create a one-time updated property. You can boost out the shit of your properties it's still different to mine as people buying from me do pay for something different than they get from you.

Well let me chime in on this.

Mind you i would never have posted here if he didnt come on my skype posing as a customer and asking for information about my services and methods after which i politely told him to fckoff

You would have gotten away with it if I did not have a policy to check on every potential client's background.

It just sickens me that providers who SEEM and BRAG to know it ALL, have the indecency to come to me and ask me for help or info and EVEN posing as a bloody customer.

When asked why he wanted my services he says for more link diversity
I mean WTf cant you scrape, find or research your own shit?
Other implication: doesnt your own shit have link diversity!?

dude if you dont know how to get your clients results


dont go posing as a customer and trying to steal info - it wont work

BTW why does your skype status say buying web 2.0 blog lists and shit LOLLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least change it prior to adding me dumbass

damn u really underestimated me - what a stupid mistake
Actually for the very first, here is the log of the chat nanexo is referring to:

[18:08:54] Affiliates SEO: Hi there
[18:09:00] Affiliates SEO: I got ya contact details from WF forum
[18:09:07] Affiliates SEO: you're free for some questions now ?
[18:09:55] ![ Jest Staffel a.k.a Light yagami - Lease-a-seo.com] !!: Hi, thank you, yes sure.
[18:10:04] Affiliates SEO: I was reading about your thread on wickedfire
[18:10:10] ![ Jest Staffel a.k.a Light yagami - Lease-a-seo.com] !!: right
[18:10:13] Affiliates SEO: first of all, I'd need to know if your service is available to Gambling sites as well
[18:10:36] ![ Jest Staffel a.k.a Light yagami - Lease-a-seo.com] !!: it is
[18:10:49] Affiliates SEO: aha ok, is it also possible to go for German language websites ?
[18:11:29] ![ Jest Staffel a.k.a Light yagami - Lease-a-seo.com] !!: We could do but the language of the content will be in English
[18:11:49] Affiliates SEO: ok I understand
[18:12:11] Affiliates SEO: but nevertheless as long as the anchor is English of course it will boost the rankings on Google.DE as well
[18:12:32] ![ Jest Staffel a.k.a Light yagami - Lease-a-seo.com] !!: yes right
[18:13:41] Affiliates SEO: is there somehow a guarantee or an expected placement of a website you tell your customers sticking only to your package ?
[18:13:45] Affiliates SEO: without doing any other SEO
[18:14:43] ![ Jest Staffel a.k.a Light yagami - Lease-a-seo.com] !!: I do not tell my clients of any guarantees and an expected placement will only be an estimate with no rights attched to that
[18:14:52] Affiliates SEO: I see
[18:15:17] Affiliates SEO: because I am ranking around top10 for the keywords I am leaning towards, just one moneysite got caught heavily by the very latest Google dance
[18:15:31] Affiliates SEO: therefore I am looking for strong links to create authority, in-content links
[18:16:01] ![ Jest Staffel a.k.a Light yagami - Lease-a-seo.com] !!: Why dont you use your own A-net?
[18:16:25] Affiliates SEO: simple: I need link diversity
[18:16:33] Affiliates SEO: the niche I am going on is exploding lately
[18:17:08] Affiliates SEO: and honestly I do not have the time as well to go only for my site, I have longterm business partnerships with a handful of gambling website operators which I need to fullfill
[18:17:22] Affiliates SEO: and I rely more on respected services than getting my own service done by virtual assistants / outsourcing...
[18:17:38] Affiliates SEO: loosing 1/2 big customers would hurt more than benefit of putting my page up
[18:17:52] Affiliates SEO: and I don't want to risk my reputation for that as it's so far pretty good, at least that's what I think...
[18:18:55] ![ Jest Staffel a.k.a Light yagami - Lease-a-seo.com] !!: I cant help you because you offer similar services and it would be conflict of interest to expose our methods in this manner.

Matter of fact, please tell me where I asked a single question about how you create your packages. All I asked is if it's available to gambling sites - what a steal.

I am ordering packages for one of my moneysites because of the reasons explained in the chatlog. There are a lot of providers on WF who (hopefully) can confirm I asked them about services for gambling related sites / where I ordered article packages / asked for blog posts. Do you think I order blogposts or article submission packages to get to know how to submit an article ? I need to get more strong backlinks and cannot create them on my own for all.

Why should I even ask about gambling sites if I know that niche is quite difficult to provide service for. Why shouldn't I create a fake account on skype / forum and get to you in touch if I am not about buying something for my site ? Why shouldn't I let somebody else order your stuff and then check out ?

A single package, no matter which provider you take, won't give you enough link diversity. Just an example, my package does not include Blogposts, Blogcomments, Profile Links, Bookmarks nor Directories pointing to the money site. All those are necessary to create a natural looking link structure and diversity for every site which is competing in tough niches.

In my skype, same as in a post here, I told people I buy lists of High PR Blog / Website creatin providers because I am running short of my list - what's the mistake about it ?

Why should I contact you with my real skype id and my real details about buying something if I have to hide for anything ?

Enough well known and reputated members on this forum have bought my package / reviewed and NOT A SINGLE ONE complained, more the opposite. Don't you think somebody would have noticed I am just copying onthewayup's service if I really do ? Not he, not you invented interlinking structures or including authority sites and both are acting like gods on this level - what the fuck is wrong with your freakin head ?

You are offending me without even giving me a chance to explain nanexo. I wanted to buy your shit, did not ask about any information of your service but more about if it's available to gambling sites and you go like this. Am I not allowed to order services for my moneysite to rank better? All I can say to you nanexo is fuck you and stop spamming and posting bullshit to other people's thread and please comment on the chatlog sucka.
Numbero uno: If you didn't keep bugging me on PM to reply here I wouldnt have, it is not in your interest to let me reply, again you underestimate people.

If you didn't contact me asking for my packages being a service provider I would not have posted in your thread and doing it to deshea and then trying your luck on me is just dumb - sorry

I already knew what were you were going after i read what you did to deshea -
Its just to obvious - that you did not explicitly asked for it doesn't excuse you due to your antecedents with Deshea ( ONthewayup).

Just an example, my package does not include Blogposts, Blogcomments, Profile Links, Bookmarks nor Directories pointing to the money site.
bullshit i dont use directories, comments profile links tp the client site so getting my services for THIS reason YOU named would not provide you any more diversity - albeit it does create diversity but i wont tell you why or how but you smell it and i wont let you learn it - it uses similar sources as you but in a different grander and more thorough context.

Why should I contact you with my real skype id and my real details about buying something if I have to hide for anything ?
thats the thing you did not hide because you underestimate - same as what you did with deshea

Don't you think somebody would have noticed I am just copying onthewayup's service if I really do ?
People are busy minding their own business and dont want to meddle in these petty things, neither do i but you keep bugging me to reply.

In my skype, same as in a post here, I told people I buy lists of High PR Blog / Website creatin providers because I am running short of my list - what's the mistake about it ?
Being insufficient, incapable & unresourcefull? nothing wrong with that...carry on.
If you didn't contact me asking for my packages being a service provider I would not have posted in your thread and doing it to deshea and then trying your luck on me is just dumb - sorry

I already knew what were you were going after i read what you did to deshea -

Its just to obvious - that you did not explicitly asked for it doesn't excuse you due to your antecedents with Deshea ( ONthewayup).

You're seriously acting like you're an SEO god. Buying packages from other providers isn't forbidden as far as I am informed. A simple 'I'm not interested in you being a customer' is fine, but starting to accuse me of ripping your package shows you are scared a lot of competitors, as easy as that.

bullshit i dont use directories, comments profile links tp the client site so getting my services for THIS reason YOU named would not provide you any more diversity - albeit it does create diversity but i wont tell you why or how but you smell it and i wont let you learn it - it uses similar sources as you but in a different grander and more thorough context.

EXAMPLE is the right word. No matter it's a different interlinking structure or different articledirectories or you are going for blogposts, Edu Links or similiar, it's DIVERSITY that matters...

thats the thing you did not hide because you underestimate - same as what you did with deshea

Of course, everybody underestimates you genius, f... off. Calm down your high chair and get back to reality.

People are busy minding their own business and dont want to meddle in these petty things, neither do i but you keep bugging me to reply.

Bullshit, people paying that amounts for SEO services exactly analyze what they get and what they paid for. No matter they want to know if it's exactly what they ordered or they want to avoid certain footprints from same providers for example, but I am sure you know about that already...

Being insufficient, incapable & unresourcefull? nothing wrong with that...carry on.

Unresourcefull ? Insufficient ? I am choosing the properties very carefully, this is why they do not get deleted as you mention in your post what can happen - strange it did not happen in around 95% of my customers - must be something right about that ? You are offending somebody for expanding and buying lists of Web 2.0 providers to sort out, do you think you have them all ? For sure as sniffy as you are...
it's DIVERSITY that matters...
WOW you literally blew my socks of with that statement, did you come up with that on your own? you must be balling!

and about competing? Well lets say i didnt know you existed untill you added me LOL
I am not in your league but then again.. I dont know what league you are in though ;)

all I have to say is LOL - carry on -

This is my last reply -


  • Purchased this A-Net package. Personally, I think it is an essential part of an overall SEO campaign to keep your SEO footprint looking as natural as possible.
  • I got quality links, which is what SEO is all about really - so I am happy with the purchase.
  • The report was put together neatly and professionally.
  • Also got the logins and passwords to the web 2.0 sites if I want to add to what has been built. On that note - Affiliates.SEO: I am interested in purchasing a follow up service to this, where you and your team build on the A-Net for me (don't have time to do it myself).

  • Purchased this A-Net package. Personally, I think it is an essential part of an overall SEO campaign to keep your SEO footprint looking as natural as possible.
  • I got quality links, which is what SEO is all about really - so I am happy with the purchase.
  • The report was put together neatly and professionally.
  • Also got the logins and passwords to the web 2.0 sites if I want to add to what has been built. On that note - Affiliates.SEO: I am interested in purchasing a follow up service to this, where you and your team build on the A-Net for me (don't have time to do it myself).

Thanks a lot for the nice review mate, dropped you a PM and we will discuss :)
I have read you provide german websites ?
Please pm me how you are handling the content and mail me contact details cause i am new here .

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