A-Net: the very unique Mininet Solution

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Review Time:

Fantastic Job! Really. Everything was done exactly as it said. Extra xrumer and blog comments as well.

As for the quality, I'm highly impressed. Everything is really professional looking. Everything is linked correctly, as advertised. After 1 day all but 2 properties are indexed. The grammar used is much better than most providers, the English was about 95% perfect. All login details are provided in the end, so it's nothing that couldn't be fixed, and I have no doubt that the provider would do it if I asked.

The communication was outstanding. Let me know everything every step of the way, even fulfilled a special request I had.

Serp changes: None yet, but I am in a little bit of a google dance at the moment, but I've been doing a lot to the site, besides this package. I've been at number 5 for a competitive keyword for a while, currently i'm the first one on the second page. Hoping to come back higher after it's all over. I do expect this to help.

changes to be made: Not much. Maybe double or triple the amount of xrumer links ( I really love them though). Also the price should be a little cheaper. I think $180 should be the standard. Other than that great job.

Also, these are great properties. Everyone really should keep adding content to them.
Received my report today from Affiliate.SEO. Communication throughout the project was A+. We're talking post sales, with updates mid-way, asking myself to review the work to make sure I was happy with it before proceeding to complete the rest of the project. That shows he cares about his customers and their expectations!

I'll break the review into the major areas.

Report: One of, if not the best, most detailed report I've seen. Attention to detail and layout is fantastic. Its easy enough to read for those who are time poor, but for those who like to delve deeper into the work done, the extra details are really excellent. We're talking about hyperlinked links, linking structure, login/passwords for web.2.0 accounts,etc.

Quality of work:
-Web 2.0. The process and method of construction of these is something I have yet to see other Mini-net providers do. A web2.0 is created and updated over several days, this adds an massive increase in legitimacy to these properties. Thus, they are very likely to stay alive even after a moderator reviews them. The staying power of these web 2.0s will surely be fantastic.
-Ezine articles. Ok to Good. Like Zingo says, the quality can certainly be better but for the price is very satisfactory and topics well researched. Few grammatical and spelling mistakes which make them less then perfect.
-Wiki: Looks like a powerful property. Nofollow, but will certainly help with the indexing of the other properties.

Other tiers of the mininet, (directories, blog comments, xrumer) all seem standard, which will help with indexing and passing on link juice.

Alot of people may ask, should I pick this service or DeSheas? I say, get both!

Affiliate.SEO's service I feels has the upper hand in the Web 2.0, where there are several post over several days to make them look more legit. Also, the pricing is more affordable for those looking at the smaller end of the scale.

DeSheas offers more link juice (from his high PR blogpost,etc) and the quality of articles I would say is a level up. His service also offers more scalability if required for bigger sites.

So overall, a super effort and I'm almost certainly this will be considered one of the best Mini-net services available to IM'ers.

Review Time:

Fantastic Job! Really. Everything was done exactly as it said. Extra xrumer and blog comments as well.

As for the quality, I'm highly impressed. Everything is really professional looking. Everything is linked correctly, as advertised. After 1 day all but 2 properties are indexed. The grammar used is much better than most providers, the English was about 95% perfect. All login details are provided in the end, so it's nothing that couldn't be fixed, and I have no doubt that the provider would do it if I asked.

The communication was outstanding. Let me know everything every step of the way, even fulfilled a special request I had.

Serp changes: None yet, but I am in a little bit of a google dance at the moment, but I've been doing a lot to the site, besides this package. I've been at number 5 for a competitive keyword for a while, currently i'm the first one on the second page. Hoping to come back higher after it's all over. I do expect this to help.

changes to be made: Not much. Maybe double or triple the amount of xrumer links ( I really love them though). Also the price should be a little cheaper. I think $180 should be the standard. Other than that great job.

Also, these are great properties. Everyone really should keep adding content to them.

Thanks a lot for the positive reviews guys, I'm happy that you liked my work.

I am researching a Web 2.0 list right now regarding what criterias certain providers use to delete properties, but so far, no customers have had problems regarding their properties getting deleted as they are all updated day after day including YouTube and images.

After this research has finished, I will create packages with more than 5 Web 2.0 properties for even more link juice which get's not deleted and can be easily updated once a week to keep it a 100% alive. I am planning to create a property updating service as well and a nice returning customer discount as well.

All these features will be introduced in the next days, also thinking about adding possible features such as squidoo lenses into the mininet which would create even more authority. Once finished on that, I will write down a post about all new features for my package.

Thank you guys for buying my package and giving quality reviews back, that's the only way a community like WF can work. Cheers!
Before I can say anything I would like to test your services on one domain for which I would be glad to pay pm me...pm me
Before I can say anything I would like to test your services on one domain for which I would be glad to pay pm me...pm me

As you are too new to receive PM's, please do some posts or add me using Skype or Yahoo Messenger using the ID: affiliates.seo

of course you can contact me via E-Mail as well, although I prefer to deal with my clients via IM / PM. E-Mail is affiliates.seo [at] google mail .com.

Or another option is to do simply a handful of (useful or course lol) comments to other threads and you will be allowed to both send and receive PM.

Regards and thanks for your interest in my service, will come back to you as soon as I find a possibility how to contact you :)
Later during the day, the packages for the bigger A-Net 2.0 (an updated version with a new linking structure and new added features) will be released. Key features of the update will be more authority to the package due to a whole new structure and even more 100% unique, topic related content to take advantage of.

For those who have open orders at the moment, they will be completed as in the first description. Those interested in placing new orders or bigger packages, please wait until later today to ensure you get the new package and know what you are buying. Currently there is a 2-3 day order start queue as I received 3 bulk orders which I need to handle first to ensure delivery times. I will also introduce packages for 10 and 20 property A-Nets for those facing tough niches and competition.

The question which is important about that update: is it really good to get only link juice for your mininet from pages inside the net or are there more powerful ways ?
Later during the day, the packages for the bigger A-Net 2.0 (an updated version with a new linking structure and new added features) will be released. Key features of the update will be more authority to the package due to a whole new structure and even more 100% unique, topic related content to take advantage of.

For those who have open orders at the moment, they will be completed as in the first description. Those interested in placing new orders or bigger packages, please wait until later today to ensure you get the new package and know what you are buying. Currently there is a 2-3 day order start queue as I received 3 bulk orders which I need to handle first to ensure delivery times. I will also introduce packages for 10 and 20 property A-Nets for those facing tough niches and competition.

The question which is important about that update: is it really good to get only link juice for your mininet from pages inside the net or are there more powerful ways ?

lol..stride for stride eh? :) Love it, hope your doing great!
A-Net 2.0

Here we go with the updated A-Net 2.0 which is a fully interlinked mininet backed up by external authority links to gain even more authority. A 100% interlinked structure looks not natural to Google anymore and I am very confident to start with this unique system to provide an even more quality product for my customers.


The main changes being made for the new updated version of the A-Net are the following:

Before: no Squidoo lens
Now: a total of 1000 unique words content will be created on Squidoo. Depending on the structure of your mininet and the random interlinking, the amount of lenses will vary. There will be at least 1 not interlinked article on the Squidoo which will give the whole A-Net authority links from outside the interlinking structure.

Before: All EZine Articles were standalone properties
Now: now at least 40% of them are included into the interlinking structure to get both the whole A-Net and the article even more power. The remaining EZine Articles will continue to provide external high authority link juice to the properties and to your moneysite. The mininet interlinked EZines won’t point to your moneysite to avoid any kind of footprints as linking to both the new created Web 2.0 properties and the moneysite would do so. This is something most providers do but I do not recommened as it connects your moneysite to the properties which I guess nobody really wants to, except the moneysite pointing link from the property.

Before: The created Wiki was a standalone property
Now: The Wiki you receive will be a fully interlinked part of the whole mininet structure, backed up by both EZine Articles and Squidoo lenses. As it’s on the one side included in the mininet and on the other gaining authority being linked directly from EZine Articles and Squidoo, the Wiki gets heavily backed up by this high authority, content related links.

Before: No mixed structure of same origin links being included into the mininet or excluded.
Now: both EZine and Squidoo are included as well as excluded from the interlinking to ensure max link juice to the whole net structure.

Please note that this is just an example structure listed. To avoid any standard profile for the A-Net, we use a random interlinking but based on the facts mentioned above, like excluding several properties or backing them with excluded authority links.

Of course all the content is a 100% unique written just for your project, same as the creation of the Web 2.0 properties is done by hand, the EZine Articles, the Squidoos and of course the Wiki as well. I do this to avoid footprints. To ensure your whole A-Net gets indexed fast, the Social Bookmarks are doing a good work for that same as the XRumer blast coupled with the dofollow blogcomments. You will receive all usernames and passwords for the properties to keep them alive which I highly recommened in your report which will also include all links pointing to your properties.


Now as several clients asked for bigger packages than the A-Net 5, we have launched new packages, which look like the following:

A-Net 5:
- 5 Web 2.0 properties, which are updated 5 times, day after day during delivery period
- 5 100% unique EZine Articles
- 5 Squidoo Articles
- 1 Wikisite (for example from Wikidot / wikia ) including a total of 5 pages
- 1000 approved blog comments, 200 to each property
- 5000 XRumer Profile Blasts of which 1000 point to each property
- 250 Social Bookmarks of which 50 will be for each Web 2.0 property
- a total of 25 blog posts with 100% unique content
- each Web 2.0 property will get at least 1 existing, topic related image / youtube video included for a realistic look (note: I do not create images / videos) and to prevent from getting deleted
Turnaround time: 5-7 business days
Price: 230$

A-Net 10:
- 10 Web 2.0 properties, which are updated 5 times, day after day during delivery period
- 10 100% unique EZine Articles
- 10 Squidoo Articles
- 1 Wikisite (for example from Wikidot / wikia ) including a total of 10 pages
- 2000 approved blog comments, 200 to each property
- 10000 XRumer Profile Blasts of which 1000 point to each property
- 500 Social Bookmarks of which 50 will be for each Web 2.0 property
- a total of 50 blog posts with 100% unique content
- each Web 2.0 property will get at least 1 existing, topic related image / youtube video included for a realistic look (note: I do not create images / videos) and to prevent from getting deleted
Turnaround time: 9-14 business days
Price: 440$

A-Net 20:
- 20 Web 2.0 properties, which are updated 5 times, day after day during delivery period
- 20 100% unique EZine Articles
- 20 Squidoo Articles
- 1 Wikisite (for example from Wikidot / wikia ) including a total of 20 pages
- 4000 approved blog comments, 200 to each property
- 20000 XRumer Profile Blasts of which 1000 point to each property
- 1000 Social Bookmarks of which 50 will be for each Web 2.0 property
- a total of 100 blog posts with 100% unique content
- each Web 2.0 property will get at least 1 existing, topic related image / youtube video included for a realistic look (note: I do not create images / videos) and to prevent from getting deleted
Turnaround time: 20-25 business days
Price: 840$


As I am interested in long-term partnership with my customers, there will be some special discounts for returning customers. Every returning customer will get a 5% off for the package of his choice.

If you are interested in special A-Nets / special structures / special setups, please contact me via PM / Skype / Yahoo Messenger. The ID’s are affiliates.seo. E-Mail is affiliates.seo[at]googlemail.com
The A-Net 2.0 looks yummy.

Just have 2 questions about this one..

1. How long are the blog posts and articles? How many words on average?

2. Do you replace dead properties? Just in case an entire web 2.0 property is deleted.
The original A-Net was already a fantastic mini-net option for the price. This looks even better. Jump on it people!
The A-Net 2.0 looks yummy.

Just have 2 questions about this one..

1. How long are the blog posts and articles? How many words on average?

2. Do you replace dead properties? Just in case an entire web 2.0 property is deleted.

1) The blog posts will be in average around 130 words each, the EZine Articles 300 words, the Squidoo a total 1000 words for the A-Net 5. The Wiki contains 1500 words for the A-Net 5.

2) Although I haven't had this issue as most of the time if something get's deleted it's during delivery time, I can work out a new property. But a guarantee I cannot give, as I am not responsible after handing you out the login details for what you will do about them. As it can be the property will be interlinked from Squidoo and EZine, I cannot replace all links if it gets deleted afterwards, I hope you can understand that.

Still in quite affiliate likely niches like medical treatment and electronics, my customers had not a single deleted property if it stands until the delivery time. Same counts for critical niches like dating which shows how good the properties are created in my opinion.


Pretty goood stuff here...

This is a review of the "old" A-Net I ordered a couple weeks ago for a site that has just been STUCK, so I am hoping this gets it to move somewhat - up, of course.

The report contained:

5 Web 2.0 properties
5 Ezine Articles
1 Wikia Site

297 Social Bookmarking Links (to Properties)
1316 Blog Comments (to Properties)
6014 Profile Links (xrumer to Properties)
540 Directory Sumissions (over 100 ea for each Property)

Note the overdelivery compared to the original post - which is expected these days.

Just like all my other orders, I checked the linking structure to be sure it matched the A-Net Diagram. It did. This is a time-consuming task, but I always want to make sure I get what I ordered - exactly.

What makes this package nice is the updating that is spanned across 4-5 days. Each property had 4-5 posts, or articles added to each property in the time frame. I was provided with UN/PW so I can add more if I choose.

These guys obvioulsy took some time to research the niche - some of the posts I read were written using an angle I had never thought of, OR... written on a subtopic that is almost never seen. Good english, no weird, strange, obvious-spun content crap. Kudos.

The properties also had relevant pictures, although one or two I will have to delete because they are my compeitors. Not that big a deal. YouTube vids were relevant (they are hard to find for my niche, so again, they took some time to research this.)

Each property did NOT have a similar username in the URL - thank god. There was diversity here that you dont see in other packages.

The social bookmarking sites were also diverse, and no heavy usage of one bookmarking site. Each account within the bookmark had 3-4 other bookmarks...not loaded down with obvious spammy links.

Communcation was superb. The OP must have PM'd me 6-7 times during the course of the project to show me what he was doing with links to properties and content. I had NO issues with wondering where my order was, or when it would be delivered.

Overall, excellent. I just wish I could afford more of them. I don't think anyone would be unhappy with this package. :D

Pretty goood stuff here...

This is a review of the "old" A-Net I ordered a couple weeks ago for a site that has just been STUCK, so I am hoping this gets it to move somewhat - up, of course.

The report contained:

5 Web 2.0 properties
5 Ezine Articles
1 Wikia Site

297 Social Bookmarking Links (to Properties)
1316 Blog Comments (to Properties)
6014 Profile Links (xrumer to Properties)
540 Directory Sumissions (over 100 ea for each Property)

Note the overdelivery compared to the original post - which is expected these days.

Just like all my other orders, I checked the linking structure to be sure it matched the A-Net Diagram. It did. This is a time-consuming task, but I always want to make sure I get what I ordered - exactly.

What makes this package nice is the updating that is spanned across 4-5 days. Each property had 4-5 posts, or articles added to each property in the time frame. I was provided with UN/PW so I can add more if I choose.

These guys obvioulsy took some time to research the niche - some of the posts I read were written using an angle I had never thought of, OR... written on a subtopic that is almost never seen. Good english, no weird, strange, obvious-spun content crap. Kudos.

The properties also had relevant pictures, although one or two I will have to delete because they are my compeitors. Not that big a deal. YouTube vids were relevant (they are hard to find for my niche, so again, they took some time to research this.)

Each property did NOT have a similar username in the URL - thank god. There was diversity here that you dont see in other packages.

The social bookmarking sites were also diverse, and no heavy usage of one bookmarking site. Each account within the bookmark had 3-4 other bookmarks...not loaded down with obvious spammy links.

Communcation was superb. The OP must have PM'd me 6-7 times during the course of the project to show me what he was doing with links to properties and content. I had NO issues with wondering where my order was, or when it would be delivered.

Overall, excellent. I just wish I could afford more of them. I don't think anyone would be unhappy with this package. :D

Thanks for the amazing review mate, really appreciate you liked the work done !


For those who are currently having pending orders, please note I won't be available for any questions until sunday evening as I won't be at home for this weekend. Your orders still of course will continue just to get finished in time, don't worry about that, as work will of course resume on monday without any kind of delay - just do not wonder I am not answering your mails in the usual timeframes.

For new A-Nets, please write down a PM and post in this thread to ensure I can queue the orders in the right sequence. I will contact you as soon as possible, if I manage I will check my mails on Saturday evening and you will get your reply.

Wishing all of you guys a nice weekend, Cheers.
Ordered the 5 mininets package on 4th November and report received on 11th November. The report is well organized and detailed.

Going through the package:

- 5 Web 2.0 properties which are updated 5 times, day after day during delivery period

Each of the properties had 5 posts which was updated 5 times day after day, except one. Due to the nature of one of the web 2.0 properties, only 4 posts are allowed. To compensate, the first post is twice as much and around 3000 extra xrumer links is passed to that property.

- 5 100% unique eZine Articles

They are unique and pass copyscape.

- a total of 25 100% unique updates to the Web 2.0 properties to make them look more realistic and decrease risk of being deleted and 1 image or YouTube video inserted per property do make them look more natural

A total of 24 as explained above. The videos are related and so were the images. The articles are unique and passes copyscape.

In terms of the quality of english, it looks like they were written by non native english speakers. One or two sentences does not make sense, for example,

"...use his will power and confidence to attract the woman and make her near approaching her for direct sex."

The article content contains the right keywords. Overall I believe they will stick.

- 500 High PR Directory Submissions

This is still in progress and so compensated by the following:

- 1000 approved blog comments

1205 approved blog comments

- 5000 XRumer Profile Backlinks

6010 xrumer profile backlinks (not including the extra 3000 mentioned above)

- 250 PR3+ Social Bookmarks

302 Social Bookmarks


Affiliate.SEO is the best I have worked with in terms of staying in contact. Before he began the project, he made sure we had a conversation on skype as to his concepts and reasons behind his method. From then on, every time I logged on to Skype he would offer his update and further info. This demonstrates how much he strives for client satisfaction.


Would I order again? Definitely, love to work with him again. Would I recommend to others? YES!
Ordered the 5 mininets package on 4th November and report received on 11th November. The report is well organized and detailed.

Going through the package:

- 5 Web 2.0 properties which are updated 5 times, day after day during delivery period

Each of the properties had 5 posts which was updated 5 times day after day, except one. Due to the nature of one of the web 2.0 properties, only 4 posts are allowed. To compensate, the first post is twice as much and around 3000 extra xrumer links is passed to that property.

- 5 100% unique eZine Articles

They are unique and pass copyscape.

- a total of 25 100% unique updates to the Web 2.0 properties to make them look more realistic and decrease risk of being deleted and 1 image or YouTube video inserted per property do make them look more natural

A total of 24 as explained above. The videos are related and so were the images. The articles are unique and passes copyscape.

In terms of the quality of english, it looks like they were written by non native english speakers. One or two sentences does not make sense, for example,

"...use his will power and confidence to attract the woman and make her near approaching her for direct sex."

The article content contains the right keywords. Overall I believe they will stick.

- 500 High PR Directory Submissions

This is still in progress and so compensated by the following:

- 1000 approved blog comments

1205 approved blog comments

- 5000 XRumer Profile Backlinks

6010 xrumer profile backlinks (not including the extra 3000 mentioned above)

- 250 PR3+ Social Bookmarks

302 Social Bookmarks


Affiliate.SEO is the best I have worked with in terms of staying in contact. Before he began the project, he made sure we had a conversation on skype as to his concepts and reasons behind his method. From then on, every time I logged on to Skype he would offer his update and further info. This demonstrates how much he strives for client satisfaction.


Would I order again? Definitely, love to work with him again. Would I recommend to others? YES!

Thanks for your nice feedback my friend, also liked to work with ya! Am sure you'll enjoy the benefits of the A-Net 2.0 compared to the very first packages.
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