800 SEO Friendly Directory Submissions Starting from $2.50

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One site jumped from #4 to #1. One from #6 to #5. One non mover (#) and one from #200+ to #107. Mixed bag but overall well worth it for the #1 spot! Have ordered another four.

[FONT=&quot]Thank you for the review your credits have been added i give you an extra credit for been a returning customer. [/FONT]

Purchased the service earlier in the week. Communication was great and the credits were quickly added. Liked the interface and it didn't take long for all submissions to go through. Good job I setup a buffer Hotmail addy lol, as had shitloads of mail come through with some requiring confirmation. Had a few links denied but these are spammy niches I used tbh. Some of the quality of the directory sites was a little shoddy, but if I can get some links out of these bulk submissions for this very low price then I'm happy. No ranking change thus far and haven't seen much movement in the backlink count either but will report back if any changes spring up. Cheers man, +ITrader (please return).
I wanted to know do we get the list of submissions and how long does it take for them to get approved ?
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