800 SEO Friendly Directory Submissions Starting from $2.50

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Is this only for the home page of the site, or are there deep links allowed?

Can I vary anchor text?

Please answer the questions, and send me the payment details for moneybookers. Thanks!
Is this only for the home page of the site, or are there deep links allowed?

Can I vary anchor text?

Please answer the questions, and send me the payment details for moneybookers. Thanks!

Deep links are allowed

1 Anchor text only this cant be spinned
I am interested in this package. PM me details. I would also like to know whether the directories accept our submissions quickly or will they take a long time? What is the pagerank of the directories and will you be confirming the emails we get from the directories?
I am interested in this package. PM me details. I would also like to know whether the directories accept our submissions quickly or will they take a long time? What is the pagerank of the directories and will you be confirming the emails we get from the directories?

it takes time for them to accpet we submit but i cant give a time frame on how long it will take for them to be accpeted as i dont own the directories. Some will be stight away others will take a little longer. PR is 0 - 6
Prices in USD Paypal only:

01 x URL - $2.50
02 x URLS - $4.99
03 x URLS - $7.48
04 x URLS - $9.99
05 x URLS - $12.39
10 x URLS - $24.50
15 x URLS - $30.00 (limited Offer)
20 x URLS – $45.99

Prices in Bitcoins

01 x URL - .3 BTC
02 x URLS - .5 BTC
03 x URLS - .7 BTC
05 x URLS - 1.0 BTC
10 x URLS - 1.5 BTC
15 x URLS - 2.1 BTC
20 x URLS – 2.5 BTC
Have ordered for four sites. Will report back with SERP movements.

One site jumped from #4 to #1. One from #6 to #5. One non mover (#) and one from #200+ to #107. Mixed bag but overall well worth it for the #1 spot! Have ordered another four.
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