247BackLinks.com - Professional Scheduled Backlinking Service w/Free Trials Available

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Welcome sparx! And welcome back Grindstone!

Thanks for all of the suggestions valkerie, keep in touch!

Recent Updates:

  • I received a lot of feedback about the obscure file zipping format ".gz". So I have changed the link verifications to be downloaded in a simple .txt file. No more unzipping!
  • There seemed to be a problem with certain UTF8 characters going into the system. Which has now been fixed.

Click here to sign up for a free trial if you have not already done so. No paypal account or credit card required!

Interested in both an account and a case study (have 90 or so domains with no backlinking that I need to get working on.)

The 10% stick rate is concerning as well as no way to anchor the links?
Just signed up for the free trial.

Would it be ok to use DFB on the links you get so you can get them indexed/crawled ?
Greetings 070707 and Gojippo!

The 10% stick rate is actually the main selling point of this service. We don't simply blast your links to the same over-spammed-to-death URLs. So you should get a much wider range of links than the other programs out there!

There is indeed a way to anchor the links 070707. Where did you read that there is not? Simple enter your URLs and Keywords into the appropriate sections of the control panel - and you're done!

There are even options to customize the comments we post along with your links if you'd like. And of course you can schedule any project(s) for any date(s) in the future.

In regards to your question Gojippo - you are free to do what you like with your verification links! Send them to your clients, ping them for extra indexing, or keep them for your records.

These links are meant to be your bottom layer of links - meant to point to your web 2.0 articles, parasite hosts, ezine articles, etc - similar to the other scheduled linking providers out there - but from a much wider range of domains (we're tracking over 5 million unique domains right now!)

I will be updating the control panel over the next few days. So sign up to 247backlinks.com for your free trial today and watch this thread for future improvements to the program!
I signed up for your trial service, but am confused about something. I know how to put the anchor and URL in the actual description, but since a lot of places use the name linked with your URL, should I also use my anchor in my name field, instead of an actual an name? Ie, if my anchor is "Cheap Flights", should I put this in my name field as well as using it in the description?

Signed up for free trial and setup a test blast. The site looks really nice and polished. Looking forward to seeing how this works out.
coo - I'm running this on a fresh domain right now; I'll probably just sign up for the 2500/day and do a case study with an unlinked domain like 070707 said.
dodgy, Sussib, helobartleby and Navuud - Welcome!

Let me know via PM, via the site's contact page, or make a post on this thread if you have any questions.

coo - I'm running this on a fresh domain right now; I'll probably just sign up for the 2500/day and do a case study with an unlinked domain like 070707 said.

FYI: I don't suggest that anybody use our links directly on their money site. I will be creating a list of parasite hosts inside your control panels shortly so you can easily create web 2.0 properties/articles/etc to create links towards.

Don't forget to sign up for a free account (and get 50 free links per day!) if you have not already done so!
Just got my first report, and I must say that I'm quite surprised to see that I can't find my link on any pages of the report, either with scrapebox or manually.

I understand that some of the posts must get accepted but NO links out of 50 pages ?
Yes, I should have been more clear about this from the start.

Firstly, Gojippo, thanks for the review - but you're going to need to give us more than 1 day on the free package to see any real results. My apologies, but if I really was Jesus then I probably wouldn't be selling links for a living.

247backlinks does not user xrumer - we do not use scrapebox - in fact we do not use ANYTHING that you can purchase publicly.

Basically when you get a set of verification links from another "link seller" - they will take your money - blast your URLs + keywords through a list of overly spammed forums or blogs - give you a report showing every link intact... and you are (for some reason?) pleased with this.

At 247backlinks.com - even for the free links - I pick a random URL from the millions I have already scraped... try to post your information to it... and if it doesn't "go"... I try again.

I keep trying until I get a URL that seems to tell me the link went through. I save it for you, and repeat the process.

The "verification links" you see in your control panel are more for peace of mind than anything else. Just because you don't have a nice verifiable list of all similar looking links, doesn't mean the service is worthless!

Some of the links will come from a wordpress blog (that is no doubt holding them for approval).

Some of the links will come from a guestbook (that usually does not redirect you immediately to the posted link - even when a link is posted, it is usually pushed to the second or third page of a guestbook by the time you get around to checking it...) But the links are still there!!! They have been created. I can assure you! Just wait a few weeks and check Yahoo Site Explorer. You will see fresh links coming from all different domains showing up! And that is

This is the reason why I didn't give out verification files in the first orientation of the program. It's a tough idea for most people who buy links to wrap their head around.

I have been in the link selling business for the past year however. I think I may have had one complaint from an unruly customer or two. But I have never had a chargeback/refund/dispute/any-problems-period.

This is what I do for a living now. I have not spent the past few months working on a website that does not provide results. I give you my word and my reputation that the links are being created - and I hope that you will stick around long enough to see that!

For any skeptics still out there, I have a domain that I hit with about 10k links as a trial before opening up shop. It's now showing about 1.5k valid links in YSE after just a few weeks - which in my opinion, is pretty damned good. (Basically at this rate on the $109 package, your domain could have 10k+ valid links showing up in YSE in about a month's time.)

I guess it all comes down to what you really think "counts" in terms of buying links.

When you buy from the other guys... you get a nice list of links from spammy sites that will rarely if ever register as a "link" in YSE (or any other search engine) because the domain already contains millions of vi4gara and c1alis links.

When you buy from 247BackLinks.com... you get an ugly list of links from millions of unique domains, but you will definitely see links showing up in YSE (and every other search engine).

If it's a list of nice looking links from a pre-verified set of postable URLs like all the other guys sell... LET ME KNOW! Trust me, I will create another site tomorrow that does just that! It would make my work about 10x faster/more profitable. And no, I'm not kidding.

So sign up for the free trial, enter a fresh web 2.0 property that you have never done any link building for, and watch your real inbound link numbers grow in YSE!!!
I just wanted to take this time to point out that xrumer is down - any scheduled backlinking services that rely on xrumer to create their links will not be doing their work as scheduled right now.

247BackLinks.com does not rely on xrumer however, so all of our customer's links are in the process of being created right now - right on schedule!
247backlinks.com resulted in one my domains being suspended indefinitely on GoDaddy.com. While it's not smart to use money domains to send backlinks to (thank God this wasn't one), just a head's up to everyone. I've used a lot of backlinking services and never had to go through this before.

Good luck and I'm done with 247Backlinks.com
I am sorry to see that AddisonDomains! Godaddy is trigger happy with their abuse button. This has been known in the industry for some time now.

At 247BackLinks.com we post your link across 5 million unique domain names. This is guaranteed to generate complaints. Especially if you are blasting 1,000 links per day to one domain which AddisonDomains had done for over a week. (Not smart at all TBH).

When you had purchased 1,000 or more backlinks from any of my competitors in the past, they most likely came from a few hundred domain names that were already horribly spammed to death. With nobody taking care of them, there is nobody to complain to GoDaddy.

AddisonDomains had completely overlooked my previous warnings.

Here is one of them...

This isn't your "typical" linking program... All links created do not come from a few hundred "whitelisted" sources to place links on (that are all spammed to death with viagra/porn links). I am randomly posting the messages you create to over 30 million pages across 5 million domains. Sometimes you might end up with a wordpress or guestbook link, sometimes you'll end up notifying another webmaster/siteowner via their contact form, or sometimes it may just have posted to a random form's textarea that could have been about anything...

So as you can see I wouldn't recommend placing your main/money sites directly into it either, check out this WF thread and create some "parasite" hosts to place between your money site and the 247backlinks daily blasts.

Don't let this happen to you!

Sign up for a free trial here, create a few parasite hosts from this WF thread here, and link to your main domain from the parasite hosts!

You have been warned - 247BackLinks.com is POWERFUL!!!
I am sorry to see that AddisonDomains! Godaddy is trigger happy with their abuse button. This has been known in the industry for some time now.

At 247BackLinks.com we post your link across 5 million unique domain names. This is guaranteed to generate complaints. Especially if you are blasting 1,000 links per day to one domain which AddisonDomains had done for over a week. (Not smart at all TBH).

When you had purchased 1,000 or more backlinks from any of my competitors in the past, they most likely came from a few hundred domain names that were already horribly spammed to death. With nobody taking care of them, there is nobody to complain to GoDaddy.

AddisonDomains had completely overlooked my previous warnings.

Here is one of them...

Don't let this happen to you!

Sign up for a free trial here, create a few parasite hosts from this WF thread here, and link to your main domain from the parasite hosts!

You have been warned - 247BackLinks.com is POWERFUL!!!

No dickwad I read everything. I'm now expected to pay close to $200 to fix this problem. So fuck you and either you shell out the $200 or I'll be doing everything in my power to run your miserable service of spamming (poorly may I add) out of business. Don't ever talk down to me like that again you fuck. Look forward to a reply via PM or you can send the $200 to my paypal account and end this now: addisondomains@gmail.com.

You've pissed me off and I'll be sure to let the World know that in as many ways as possible.
No dickwad I read everything. I'm now expected to pay close to $200 to fix this problem. So fuck you and either you shell out the $200 or I'll be doing everything in my power to run your miserable service of spamming (poorly may I add) out of business. Don't ever talk down to me like that again you fuck. Look forward to a reply via PM or you can send the $200 to my paypal account and end this now: addisondomains@gmail.com.

You've pissed me off and I'll be sure to let the World know that in as many ways as possible.

Hello again AddisonDomains!

I appreciate your concern.

Please refer to my previous post as to an explanation for your suspension from GoDaddy.

To all the newcomers... TL;DR: AddisonDomains referred 100 people to 247BackLinks.com because he liked the service so much.... which meant he received 1,000 backlinks per day for free, and thus got himself banned from GoDaddy by not following my directions to place web 2.0 properties in between his domain and our program.

I will say it again. 247BackLinks.com is powerful! So use web 2.0 properties in our program when you sign up for your free trial!
I'm new to all of this so forgive me if this is a stupid question, but if all of this is true why wouldn't I just pay you to send 1000 links per day to my competitor's money site??
Technically, yes. If your competitor's money-site is registered at GoDaddy. It's a possibility. It is also a reason why many seasoned webmasters choose not to have anything to do with GoDaddy.

GoDaddy is extremely trigger happy when it comes to their abuse department. I myself have personally had some domains "fined" by GoDaddy. Which is why I do not condone that anybody enter their main domain directly into the software. Ever.

I will soon be publishing my personal list of favorite web 2.0 parasites inside of your control panel. Along with a bunch of fresh proxies you can use to create new accounts. Stay tuned... and sign up for your free trial here if you have not already done so!
Even if they're not at GoDaddy couldn't this bring down a site in Google rankings if I blast 100,000 links to a money site, (mine or my competitor's)?
Hello again Surfer Dude!

That on the contrary, seems to not be the case.

GoDaddy can "bring down" a domain because they are the all powerful domain name registrar. If they don't want you to do something with your domain name, they will stop you from doing so.

Google on the other hand doesn't wield quite so much authority in terms of being "the decider".

They knew (and have known for some time) that "google bowling" was a possibility. So they began to remove any possibilities for too much trickery shortly thereafter.

As it stands, you can truly only be penalized "link wise" in Google for:
a) aquiring a massive amount of backlinks, that dissappears overnight - even still this is usually not cause for a ban.
b) linking TO (not getting a link from) a "bad neighbourhood". ie. linking to a site that prompts people to download badware.

Let me know if you have any further questions! And sign up for your free trial here if you have yet to do so!
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