247BackLinks.com - Professional Scheduled Backlinking Service w/Free Trials Available

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Apr 12, 2010
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What up, WF!?!??!

I have been furiously working on the latest version of
247BackLinks.com over the last few weeks - basically swearing a the computer screen non stop - it's finally ready, and I hope you like it!

First let me introduce myself if we have never crossed paths before. My name is Jesse, I have been selling links on WF for the past year or so, and I am the creator/developer behind 247BackLinks.com

What Is 247BackLinks.com?
We're a scheduled backlinking service that aims to provide our customers the most possible links for the least amount of money.

You tell us what to promote, and when to promote it - and we blast your information to our massive database of link accepting websites.

Basically: You get message or your website heard, and fast.

You might have seen the original post that Ravee threw up for me about 2 months ago. Things have changed quite a bit since then!

Sign up here to get started, or keep reading to find out more.

So What's New?

  1. Full Verifications of all links created can now be found inside your control panel!
  2. Anybody can now sign up for a free test account to try out the service. You get full access and are provided with FREE LINKS every single day to try us out.
  3. PRICES HAVE DROPPED!!! We should now be the most economically priced "scheduled/drippable backlinks provider" on the internet. Please sign up for a free account and log in to your control panel to check current prices. We will not be beat!
  4. There is a countdown clock that gives you an idea of when projects are being created. It's pretty accurate!
  5. The database we use to create links on has grown to over 33 MILLION UNIQUE URLs and is growing every day.
  6. New and improved way of creating/scheduling projects. Not that gobbledy-goop CSV crap from version 1.0 - creating a link project is now much simpler.
  7. BONUS LINKS!!! You don't even have to spend any money with us to get value from our service. There is an affiliate URL inside everybody's control panel now that allows them to gain BONUS (FREE) LINKS per day for each and every new person they sign up to the site! The new person does not have to make a payment, they must only register an account. (This is on TOP of the free links you get for signing up!)
  8. We have a slick new logo, thanks to papadu (a local WFer who picked up one of the "bounties" already, see below!)
  9. Lots of minor cosmetic upgrades.

But... Why did so many things change? You only opened 2 months ago?


You wanted to see the links we were creating for you, so I implemented it.

You wanted lower prices, you got 'em.

You wanted to know when exactly project blasts were occurring, now you do!

247BackLinks.com aims to make our customer's the happiest scheduled backlinks customers online. If there is ever anything you think we might be missing, please contact me via PM, or
contact us via our contact form on the site. We respond to every question, comment and suggestion.


To the generous WF members who took the plunge after just a few short days/weeks of my relatively new service coming online. I THANK YOU! You were the people who made this all possible, and you now have a few options.

The new prices have lowered, so I urge you to cancel your old plans and sign up to the new site again. It's much easier this time, you should be signed up and logged into your Control Panel in a few minutes.

If you wish to keep your old subscription prices/plans locked in, I will offer you a 10% increase in the number of links you were previously receiving per day to stay at the same subscription rate. (My math isn't great so depending on what plan you were on you might need to calculate which offer is better!?)


There are a few things I want done for me that I am unable to do myself. So if you can help me out, I will do the same (by adding some free links to your account.) Just let me know the username you signed up tot 247BackLinks.com with.

  1. I need this thread tagged with the tags "blog+commenting" and "all-in-one". Contact me via PM once you have tagged the thread. I will offer up 100 free links/day for EACH of these tags. (You can only tag a thread once I believe).
  2. I barely passed English class. If you write good copy, and have proof/portfolio of that, PM me and we can work something out. I mainly need the homepage re-written, that's about it.
  3. Graphics. If you are a pro with photoshop and have an idea on how to make the site look better, I'm all ears. Again, PM me and we can work something out.
  4. Security. Do you know how to take down a website? Do you know about XSS/hacking/etc? Give me some tips (don't take me down!) and you will get some free links as well.
  5. Case Study/SEO Guru Testing. Are you a respected individual in the field of SEO? PM me for permission to do a proper case study on this service in this thread and I will give you access to our largest package for 6 months. You only need do any "testing" with it for 1 month, the remaining 5 months are yours, free!

Simply Sign Up To 247BackLinks.com
to get started. It should all be pretty straight forward.

That's about it for now, let's get some discussion going below.

What do you like about it? What do you hate about it? What would you suggest be added?

P.S. - PROBABLY doesn't work very will in IE browsers. YMMV. I haven't had time to bother with their nonsense.


Hello there valkerie! Thanks for signing up!

Phew..!! I thank the email gods for that! I'm no emailing pro, and apparantly people were having troubles with the first version of the site.

If anybody doesn't get their welcome or verification emails... wait a few minutes, check your spam folder and/or search for "247backlinks.com" if you can.

That reminds me of another "bounty" I can offer. Any of you emailing pros out there who can show me how to make my emails go through a little smoother for the site will get some extra free links! (apparantly I need to setup PTR and SPF records? I'm pretty sure I got the MX records straightened out). So you tell me what to do and how much you're worth, and you'll some free links (every day, forever!) in exchange!
Hi there,
I registered for a trial account but didn't get the confirmation email. Very much interested in your service ;)

100 links/day looks good, I have a site to test these links on. Hit me up again when you solve the problem ;)
Hello there kingmurtaza196!

Did you eventually find your welcome email? I am showing everybody as registered and activated on the database. I am not currently showing anybody with an unactivated status. Are you using any kind of caching/proxy to access the internet?

Please visit Create An Account - 247BackLinks.com again, or PM me if you think I need to manually setup the account for you.

Thanks for sparking an interest in the service!

P.S. Come on guys, check out the bounties listed in the original post! I still need an emailing pro, a graphics designer, a copywriting guru, an SEO minded individual, and a few more! You get extra FREE LINKS for helping us out!
Will try you out this weekend..

Just an unrelated props about the OP.

I have bought blasts from Jabberwokky in the past, and he is one of the most helpful service providers I have come across. He will not press the button untill everything is perfect. he will check everything himself. Extremely accommodating and helpful with all my additional instructions and requests.

If I am in the mood, I might even do a case study.

:The mix of the link source is just about right. I was in fact thinking of something like this... Looks very promising.
Haha hey there blogspotter, long time!

I would be thrilled to have you do a case study.

I am recommending that you pick a fresh domain, and have the ability to create some parasite hosts in between that and the 247backlinks.com links. I will be selecting the "winners" of the bounties later in the week, shoot me a PM if you are interested in any of them!

Will try you out this weekend..

Just an unrelated props about the OP.

I have bought blasts from Jabberwokky in the past, and he is one of the most helpful service providers I have come across. He will not press the button untill everything is perfect. he will check everything himself. Extremely accommodating and helpful with all my additional instructions and requests.

If I am in the mood, I might even do a case study.

:The mix of the link source is just about right. I was in fact thinking of something like this... Looks very promising.

Although extremely embarassing, everything blogspotter says is 100% true.

I am somewhat of a perfectionist, and I hope it comes through in the new site design! (On a side note... if you are using IE to access the website, STOP (and let me know you want IE support!) - I designed it to work in FireFox)

The first round of verification links will be delivered in another hour or two!! Remember to sign up here if you have not already done so: Create An Account - 247BackLinks.com

(You are missing out on FREE backlinks!)
hi there..i already email you..check the email :)

thanks for upgrading mine.. my id is yanagisawa in 247backlink..

check it plz :)
Greetings, guys! (And girls!)

moonswamp, everybody is given the 50 free backlinks per day immediately upon signing up. Not to worry! You don't have to invite anybody, but if you do, you will get EXTRA free backlinks for helping us out! Just create a project and you should have your free links show up in your "completed projects" section later today!

Hello again onlinebutik! I didn't "upgrade" anything! You paid for this service on my old thread! I am simply re-instating your previous links per day (and them some!). Please contact me via PM or email regarding a new lower rate.

DNChamp.com - welcome! Please let me know if you have any specific questions!

I will start "the blast" for the day again in about an hour, so everybody make sure you have at least one created project in your control panel otherwise you will have to wait till tomorrow to see your list of verifications!

Why Is The Stick Rate So Low?!?

See here for my official explanation: Frequently Asked Questions About Our Backlinks Scheduling Service

I state publicly on my website that typical "stick rate" will be in the vicinity of 5 to 15% (initially). With the number of websites that must "approve" a link currently out there however, the true stick rate goes up over time.

Some people have noticed that there are quite a few "empty links", but I assure you that is not the case. As you can see, most every one of those "empty links" is a "postable page", and your info has been posted to it.

Where Is The Keyword Slot???

It's coming!

In writing this new version of my poster, I tried to make it as close of a "window into backlink posting pages" as possible. If that makes any sense.

All of the fields you see in your control panel relate to possible fields found on a "submit this comment" or similar page online.

If you have ever submit a blog post for example, typically the "name" section will be used as the "anchor text" for the URL you submit.

You could write specifically in your comments: <a href="{url}">{name}</a> just in case any particular link is not going directly to a blog.

Or you could write something like <a href="{url}">{keyword one|keyword two|keyword three}</a>

Want to get in on this crazy backlinking action? Sign up here for 50 free links per day! You can add more whenever you are comfortable!
This looks pretty cool! Just signed up for a trial package and will test it out on one of my foreign sites. Am I right in thinking the scheduler has to be done once for each day? I can't just schedule it to run a whole month in one click?
I signed up for the free account. It doesn't seem to save my project name with the name I provide, it always ends up being named some random characters.
anasoto and stevehnsn, welcome!

Yes anasoto, please do test it out on one of your foreign sites! BUT, to you and everybody else using this program, I will say this: (just sent to one of my customers via email so I figured I would tell you all!)

This isn't your "typical" linking program... All links created do not come from a few hundred "whitelisted" sources to place links on (that are all spammed to death with viagra/porn links). I am randomly posting the messages you create to over 30 million pages across 5 million domains. Sometimes you might end up with a wordpress or guestbook link, sometimes you'll end up notifying another webmaster/siteowner via their contact form, or sometimes it may just have posted to a random form's textarea that could have been about anything...

So as you can see I wouldn't recommend placing your main/money sites directly into it either,
check out this WF thread and create some "parasite" hosts to place between your money site and the 247backlinks daily blasts.

In response to your comment stevehsn, what was the server response given when creating your new project? Or was there even one?

I have tried to write in as much detail exactly why a certain error was given. Whenever a project name is randomly created, it is probably because it contains a space, is too short, or contains anything other than an alphanumeric character.

These "project names" eventually become downloadable filenames, and different operating systems have different rules concerning filename structure, so I try to keep it as simple as possible.

I hope that answers your question, hit me up via PM or the website's contact form for any follow up questions.
anasoto and stevehnsn, welcome!

Yes anasoto, please do test it out on one of your foreign sites! BUT, to you and everybody else using this program, I will say this: (just sent to one of my customers via email so I figured I would tell you all!)

In response to your comment stevehsn, what was the server response given when creating your new project? Or was there even one?

I have tried to write in as much detail exactly why a certain error was given. Whenever a project name is randomly created, it is probably because it contains a space, is too short, or contains anything other than an alphanumeric character.

These "project names" eventually become downloadable filenames, and different operating systems have different rules concerning filename structure, so I try to keep it as simple as possible.

I hope that answers your question, hit me up via PM or the website's contact form for any follow up questions.

Thanks for the info and the pm too! I'm happy to try this on my money site as it's a fresh domain without anything important on it. If I get sandboxed or even deindexed it won't be the end of the world. I'm interested to see how it reacts!
Hi Jabberwocky,

Sent you pm, I've signed up for a trial, will have to wait for weekend to try it out though

I used the previous incarnation of this (the one Ravee launched) for months on one site. I believe it helped pull me out of some keyword specific bounces (over optimized anchor density for those terms) as well as added nice link diversity. Ravee always wanted me to run it at some web2.0s for an easier niche but I just pointed it direct at the site in a very competitive niche. At last check, I had 12 keywords page 1, 12 more page 2. I was impressed.
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