200+ Guaranteed Live Articles! Boost Your SERPS in under 48 hours!

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i didnt get my order, i placed beggining of the month for two $6 article submit. I filled out the form , i pm'd u like 5 times now and got only a couple replys. I resubimitted the order last week as requested to u pm and still nuthin, u owe me $12, refund pls

Hey at refund and articles are on there way sorry for the delay, we thought we would just refund you and still complete the order. Seems the fairest thing.

Still haven't received my order.

PM'd you with request for more info.

Want to order 2 packages, any discount? Please PM.

Discount for 2 orders? You realize the price is only $6 per submission??

placed an order

Order should be with you by tomorrow at the latest.

Harry, I STILL haven't received my order (from SEPT. 19 !!!). What's up?

Your order is coming shortly. Sorry for the delay

Hi Harry.. firstly is this service still available? If yes, can you just use any article you have that is relevant to my keyword (very common not to worry)? Let me know ya. Cheers!

Hey Yeah the service is still available. We can use one of our plr articles no problems.


I've just paid Unique Transaction ID #5XY2967707065690P I guess you now need some bits from me? Could you pm what you need

i didnt get my order, i placed beggining of the month for two $6 article submit. I filled out the form , i pm'd u like 5 times now and got only a couple replys. I resubimitted the order last week as requested to u pm and still nuthin, u owe me $12, refund pls

Harry, I STILL haven't received my order (from SEPT. 19 !!!). What's up?

Reports have been sent.


Hi mate sent you payment on the 2nd Transaction ID #7EN9149103206642C could you please update me on this order thanks.
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