2 blasts for the price of 1

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Tossed an order your way. Why? I don't know...may have been drinking. Don't lose my beer money skohh, I want to turn it into premium wine money.

Can take me a few days to get my site done, can I pay in advance to book a spot?


Yes, that's not a problem.

Thanks to all that ordered, if you have any questions about your order, I am very easy to get a hold of.

Thanks again for the orders guys!
Just ordered. Looking forward to see what you can do.

Got it thanks

orders are still being started on time, then I'll circle around for the second blast

If anyone has a problem or question about their order, just PM me.

^ thanks... I should also say the real magic is yet to begun. All but one person has received their first blast which was done in a specific way to hope build enough trust for the second blast, which builds the most juice but is the real test if your site will handle it... most do, so if you haven't popped yet, check back soon.
Ordered a week ago...not ranking at #1 yet...demanding money back!

j/k. The links are piling up..just waiting to see some movement. :thumbsup:
I have been using these links for a while on my side, and they do work well, a little too much....

Too bad (Or Supernicelyamazingogreat?) skoh will close the doors :D
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