2 blasts for the price of 1

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Span of 4 months. Skohh Links. Fuck you for going public.
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  • What's the TAT?
For the first blast, 7-10 days depending on the que, could be much sooner.
Caught me off guard, thought I had a few days to set up the tracking but links already pouring in. "Could be much sooner" is definitely in effect with my order.

I think I was at #20 yesterday when I ordered this test page, looks like #16 this morning, pretty impressive for just 12 hours after ordering. Going to give this 7 days to see what happens but I have a feeling you are going to get a flood of orders from me quite soon :thumbsup:
Ordered. Worth the $300 just to learn from it IMO. Thanks also Skohh for answering my PMs really quickly.
I ordered another package for a site that's well aged, but has slipped in rankings over the past months. Maybe this can bring it back to life.
got a local client with a strong competition in his niche, want to get the ranking but any chance these links will be "flagged" by big G and penalize the site?
got a local client with a strong competition in his niche, want to get the ranking but any chance these links will be "flagged" by big G and penalize the site?

I think the best answer to this question was already posted in this thread, here. Every site/serp is different, it's really up for you to decide what direction you want to take with your site.

Thanks to all that have ordered, I have been processing orders all day/night and have the que under control.

All systems are running smoothly. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me
I love you. And I am not afraid of proclaiming this publicly.

But seriously - this thread is like one of my priciest secrets going public.

Me and skohh go a long way back. And this guy! This fucking guy right here can rank for the toughest possible terms relatively easily.

Get in while you can, coz I am working on a super secret strategy to convince this faggot to take this shit private again.

P.S - Did I say I love you?
You guys are too much, but thanks for the nice words. Hopefully I can meet some of you someday!

Everything still running smooth and on time.
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