1st Arbi Site test

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New member
Jul 7, 2006
North Carolina
Well I launched an arbitrage site an hour or so ago, and figured i would make a thread to relay how it goes.

The domain name I already had, so I setup a one page site with Zero Leakage, 1 336 x 280 ad above the fold with a 120 x 90 adsense link block on the left.

Setup and advertising account with 7search and searchfeed, with 50.00 in each.

As of right now,, I have had 2 clicks at .08 each ( max bid on all keywords). Out of the 2 clicks in the PPC i have resulted in 1 adsense click for 71 cents. So right now a 50% CTR. Or 4.43 to 1 ROI.

To early to tell if the trend will continue, but there is 10's of thousands of searches per month in this niche , and the niche and keywords I chose has a lot of different keywords in conjunction with my niche ( niche within a niche).

I will post more later on tonight as I am not sure how competitive the bidders are for position in searchfeed and 7search. But right now I am holding the #1 position for an average of 3.7 cents a click max bid.

hey we all have to chip in and coin phrases for the WF Crowd.

Some may be worseless but atleast we will know where certain terms originated at,, and the more we make the more we can call people out,

How many KW's are you running?

I think that your CTR will drop signifigantly once you get a bit more traffic comin' through. I also think you'll have issues with getting enough traffic to made decent money from it.

Those were my issues anyways... my niche might just suck though.

I am curious to see how it goes, keep it updated.
z00pedup said:
haha.. "arbi" sounds a lil gay

although really interested in your findings.. plz keep us informed..

Everytime I read it, I want a roast beef sandwich
kyleirwin said:
How many KW's are you running?

I think that your CTR will drop signifigantly once you get a bit more traffic comin' through. I also think you'll have issues with getting enough traffic to made decent money from it.

Those were my issues anyways... my niche might just suck though.

I am curious to see how it goes, keep it updated.

Running 200 keywords at the moment, have about 20k more I can use all on the same subject.

I really dont see how that you think the CTR will drop, but maybe , who knows. I have a scraper site on this topic that has made me good money for the past 2 yrs and holds a 32% CTR. So i figured with the same niche being used with this method and less leakage it should produce at the same or better.

Seems pretty negative that you seem to think that because one of your sites didnt perform at a certain level that your condemning mine already..lol. You dont know the niche i am in but yet you think i want have the traffic to make any cash!!!!

As long as the site can hold a 30% CTR like my scraper in the same subject then it will be ok, and it could be that the site doesnt get any heavy traffic, but if I can turn 50$ into 150-300% a month, then I just move down the list of niches and create more sites. It may take 100 sites to generate a 500.00 a day profit,, but I am setup for that and have it in my mind that it may take that many sites to do it.

I talked to a few people here on WF that have sites doing 50-70% CTR so I dont see that as being unrealistic. but hell i will take 100 sites at 20% CTR a day , week or month,,,, will only add to my income I am currently making.:drinkup:
Heh, I know my post sounded bad... I do hope you don't have any of those problems though. That was just what I ran into.

My thought was just that you got lucky with those first couple clicks. 7search and searchfeed traffic just dosen't seem to convert to me as well as I believe it should if it was real searchers.

If you're holding your 50% CTR... more power to you man, I'm jealous. You compare it to your scraper site, but where is the traffic on your scraper site coming from? Natural search? I wouldn't think that 3rd tier PPC networds with a ton of clickfraud would convert anywhere close to natural searchers from 1st teir engines would.

If I'm wrong though, let me know... I'd like to hit that CTR on my arbitrage sites.

PS: you got a pm.
np , i may have just took it the wrong way. And your right the scraper sites get their clicks from top 3 traffic. So that is something I did not take into consideration. Good Valid Point.

And no offense taken.
well so far the traffic has been slow, I will be adding more keywords to this tonight and tommorow morning. I am gonna add the keywords in blocks of 1000.

So far I have had 9 clicks with a 33.3% CTR totaling $2.10 earned with 72 cents spent. So that makes a profit of $1.38 or a roughly 3 to 1.

In the morning i will add a new block of keywords and let that run with more chances of clicks and more chances to meet someones search terms.

Will keep you posted.
Ok so far today I have spent 1.33 on 16 clicks and have made 3.02 , so maintaining a 30% + CTR , A small profit , but a profit none the less. 3 to 1 so far.

Will post again later...

Oh a Note.

I was running 2 ad blocks 1 336x280 and a 120x 90 text block. I removed the 120 x 90 and the payout moved up a bit but CTR stayed the same. Have only one 336 x 280 now on the 1 page site. Will keep you posted/
just a question, though this isnt directly related. do you guys generally make your adsense words/text darker than the rest of your content or do you make it the same color? Making it darker might make it stick out more to people, but then again, they just might not read the darker color and completely ignore it
juniodude said:
just a question, though this isnt directly related. do you guys generally make your adsense words/text darker than the rest of your content or do you make it the same color? Making it darker might make it stick out more to people, but then again, they just might not read the darker color and completely ignore it
If I remember right, (from art class), the brighter points of a page attract more attention.
ahhh! so i got it reversed? so i should make content black and adsense ads like greyish colored? Or just all black? or grey content and black adsense
juniodude said:
ahhh! so i got it reversed? so i should make content black and adsense ads like greyish colored? Or just all black? or grey content and black adsense

grey font? yuck. I say black content, and make your adsense links the same color as any other hyperlinks on your site.
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