1400 SEO Freindly Directory Submissions For ONLY $1.99!

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Do this is good for google? Google will send site in blacklist if "see" that many links on one day?

I tried this service. It did what it said it would do. :thumbsup:

As for being penalizaed, I doubt it. Thi service SUBMITS your site. It doesn't click on all the confirmation links those directories will send you, and it doesn't approve your site either.
How I can to order this service?

Do this is good for google? Google will send site in blacklist if "see" that many links on one day?

Thank you

no it wont black list you ive ran this on micro niche sites with zero links and one day old and never had any negative effects. search engines crawl links at different times and all the links wont just appear in one blast.
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