100 blog posts: get 300 backlinks "spun articles"

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Im going for the 100 blogs with my own content in spinnable syntax - will be sending you details very shortly along with payment.
Hi there, Andly, Just wanted to make sure you got my paypal. I sent it two days ago, and I haven't heard anything from you.
When do you do the spinning can you spin many anchor texts? Also, are you able to use different links as opposed to simply one URL?
Andy I sent you a PM yesterday and have yet to receive a response. I'd like to order this package now. I've got numerous sites that need this. I PM'd you an article I'd like to use, and also added you to YM. Please provide your paypal information so we can get started!

Do you plan on adding more blogs to your list?
Hi Jean, just sent you the report, exactly after 2 days. Please check your pm box

Many thanks for your service. It was delivered as promised, in fact you went the extra mile to make sure I was happy. Props for that.
When do you do the spinning can you spin many anchor texts? Also, are you able to use different links as opposed to simply one URL?
I can spin anchors as well as links

Do you plan on adding more blogs to your list?

I already have other blogs that will be added very soon. Usually I add 50-100 new blogs per month.

It's been around 2 weeks since I ordered for a new site I have.

Out of 100 blogs, 64 have already been indexed by google. There were two terms I wanted to use. For those two terms I wanted to rank for, here is an update:

Competition: 23,700,000 (three word keyword)
Place before ordering: 100+
Place now: 10!

Competition: 91,700,000 (two word keyword)
Place before ordering: 100+
Place now: 100+

The second keyword with the higher competition I really didn't think would rank as it is a extremely difficult niche to break into. The first keyword was a NICE surprise.

Now, I can't say I owe ALL the credit to andly as I steadily build backlinks, but I think if you're on the fence about using andly's service, mixed with other services here on WF, you have a good 1-2 punch. Good service and good backlinks.

I'll update everyone in a few more weeks.

Andly: I'll be back for more in a week.

It's been around 2 weeks since I ordered for a new site I have.

Out of 100 blogs, 64 have already been indexed by google. There were two terms I wanted to use. For those two terms I wanted to rank for, here is an update:

Competition: 23,700,000 (three word keyword)
Place before ordering: 100+
Place now: 10!

Competition: 91,700,000 (two word keyword)
Place before ordering: 100+
Place now: 100+

The second keyword with the higher competition I really didn't think would rank as it is a extremely difficult niche to break into. The first keyword was a NICE surprise.

Now, I can't say I owe ALL the credit to andly as I steadily build backlinks, but I think if you're on the fence about using andly's service, mixed with other services here on WF, you have a good 1-2 punch. Good service and good backlinks.

I'll update everyone in a few more weeks.

Andly: I'll be back for more in a week.

Thanks for the update!!

Who will make the 100th post on this thread will receive 100 blog posts for only $3
Andly did as stated for my site. Actually he gave me a dozen or so extra links. My anchor text was spun as requested. The articles were pretty typical spun articles. Work was done in a few days. Great work and I'll order again.
Andly did as stated for my site. Actually he gave me a dozen or so extra links. My anchor text was spun as requested. The articles were pretty typical spun articles. Work was done in a few days. Great work and I'll order again.

Thanks for the review mate. It was a pleasure to work with you

Who will make the 100th post on this thread will receive 100 blog posts for only $3
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