100 blog posts: get 300 backlinks "spun articles"

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just received the report from John and here is my short feedback:

1) I must say, i didnt expect to get this service delivered so fast, so +1 for the service speed.
2) I open the report and the first thing i have noticed was the additional 9 submittions, adding another +1 on this bonus :)
3) The links in the report takes me to the exact posts URL
4) I have randomly checked about 10 subs to check the spun quality...articles are in good aceptable quality that makes sense to the reader with anchor text

Overall, i am very happy and i believe i did spend the small $15 for the right service...now is only about time to see some backlinks comming to the site. I am planing to order more very soon :)
Excellent service! The work was done really quickly and the article quality was great too. I really expected some basic low-quality english but frankly he wrote it better than I would write it LOL

Would buy from him again in the future

Service was delivered exactly as advertised.

The turn around and communication was quick and professional. No drama's, bs, or other problems.

The quality of the actual posts was good. The links were well anchored and placed within the content in a logical and correct manner. The articles I have so far read, are all completely human readable and well done.

The blogs are a little spammy, but this was to be expected for a service like this. No surprise there, and no dissapointmet or problem either. I think that despite writing for tons of different niches and verticals, the blogs were generally high quality.

I wouldn't recommend this service for your whole SEO strategy, but it absolutely plays its role. If your over-all link profile is well balanced, then I think this service will give it a nice boost up in the SERP's. For me, it's still too early to see much change in the SERP's, but I will be watching closely.

I will definately be ordering more and can recommend Andly's work without reservation.
One extra point.
I think this service would work well with a social bookmarking service or other to help get the pages cached quickly.
Still awesome service for $15, just a suggestion
New packages available:

100 blogposts

up to 300 backlinks

150 blogposts

up to 450 backlinks

200 blogposts

up to 600 backlinks

Just to specify, the above prices are for the articles written by us.
If you have your own article, I can spin it for free. To get the free spinning service, article must be of a maximum of 200 words, otherwise I charge $1 every 100 words or fraction (e.g. 250 words will cost $1, 320 words $2 and so on).

Prices for articles written by you:
100 blogs: $10
150 blogs: $14
200 blogs: $17
I picked up a 100 package from Andly and this guy definitely delivers.

To my surprise I got the report and he had hooked me up with the 150 package for no additional charge.

I had Andly write and publish the posts for me and the quality, to my surprise, was much better than I expected.

The only thing I would recommend is to rotate the position of the keywords on the larger packages. I know it takes a bit more work, but it minimizes the footprint, and honestly he should be charging more anyway.
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