£13tn: hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it...

pretty much fits the definition

First of all, I agree 100% taxes are theft...but you can't "prove" it regardless of how you define or frame the concept.

Obviously, I don't have proof that any of that 20 trillion in wealth was gained through unjust tax/gov lobbying... it's just common fucking sense that plenty of it likely is.

It's just funny to see people be so supportive of this tax evasion when they have no clue where this money came from? How can you either support it or disapprove of it either way? That's my point. I'm not for or against it.. how could I be? I could only be for it all 20 trillion was acquired through good honest capitalism that didn't lobby for unjust tax code. What are the odds of that? Guess it's possible... seems very unlikely to me though.. Even just the sheer magnitude of the amount would preclude that it isn't.

And all of this money would be kept locally if the peasants/gov didn't want to take it all by theft

People should look at the real problems here... Obviously that is beyond their tiny brains.
First of all, I agree 100% taxes are theft...but you can't "prove" it regardless of how you define or frame the concept.

You dont understand how proof works as a concept and thats ok.

It's just funny to see people be so supportive of this tax evasion when they have no clue where this money came from? blablabla

Even if i knew for a fact that that money was stolen by defense firms that are tied well to the state from the states "revenue" (taxes), i would still support them getting it out of the country untaxed. why? principle. something that transcends your perception of the world. theres nothing relative to opposing the idea of taxation. you disagree with it or you dont.
I can prove it.

And your definition matters more than actual people's who write the laws that punish theft as a crime? Again, I agree... it's theft... but what the fuck does my opinion matter? Or yours? When it comes to determining the law of the land... taxes are not fucking theft. Prove it all you want.

Yes, we're going to play that game where you substantiate the claims you make.

What claim did I make exactly? That I'm 100% positive that some of that money from ill gotten gains? Or that we couldn't be certain and bc of that you couldn't rally behind this tax evasion with anarchy flags bc it most likely used that very system to steal the tax dollars from you in the first place?

I know how debates go with you so let me state my point clear as fuck:

We can not be sure that none of this money was gained through unjust and unconstitutional tax lobbying, so to support it on the sole basis of it being a big fuck you to the tax man is foolish.. it could just as well (and probably is) a big fuck you to the average tax payer.

That is my only point... I obviously have no more idea of where that money came from than you do. Which again, is exactly my point.
We can not be sure that none of this money was gained through unjust and unconstitutional tax lobbying, so to support it on the sole basis of it being a big fuck you to the tax man is foolish.. it could just as well (and probably is) a big fuck you to the average tax payer.

The reason your point blows is because that money is removed from the pocket of the average tx payer anyway, so between it being removed from the oppresive regime that was responsible for it being stolen from the tax payer in the first place and them still being in possession, i like the way it turned out.

another point you could make is that most of those corporations that are big evil tax lobby suckers are publicly traded, so if they manage to fuck the government out of a couple tax dollars, at least some of it indirectly returns to the pockets of some tax payers.
You dont understand how proof works as a concept and thats ok.

Jesus Christ... the fucking semantics... I AGREE taxation is theft... but it doesn't fucking matter in practical definitions bc that doesn't change shit.

Even if i knew for a fact that that money was stolen by defense firms that are tied well to the state from the states "revenue" (taxes), i would still support them getting it out of the country untaxed. why? principle. something that transcends your perception of the world. theres nothing relative to opposing the idea of taxation. you disagree with it or you dont.

Right. There is absolutely nothing relative to opposing taxation.. good fucking thing I never said that. There is something relative about supporting specific tax evasion cases and it's relation to supporting taxation as a whole. Can we get back on topic now? You know.. the story about the trillions in tax havens over seas... and where that money may or may not have come from??
The reason your point blows is because that money is removed from the pocket of the average tx payer anyway, so between it being removed from the oppresive regime that was responsible for it being stolen from the tax payer in the first place and them still being in possession, i like the way it turned out.

The reason your point sucks fat dick is bc you are assuming the money is no longer in the hands of the oppressive regime that stole it in the first place. You haven't the slightest clue.. and most opinions in this thread seem to be based on that assumption. For the last time... that is my only point at all on the matter.
And your definition matters more than actual people's who write the laws that punish theft as a crime? Again, I agree... it's theft... but what the fuck does my opinion matter? Or yours? When it comes to determining the law of the land... taxes are not fucking theft. Prove it all you want.
Reality is independent of opinion. Please try to understand that. I really shouldn't have to post or explain this stuff here, because it is probably the 100th time.

That is my only point... I obviously have no more idea of where that money came from than you do.
The difference is, I never made a claim about where the money came from. You did.

Don't ruin the discussion to cover your ass.
Jesus Christ... the fucking semantics... I AGREE taxation is theft... but it doesn't fucking matter in practical definitions bc that doesn't change shit.

Then dont tell me i cant prove it because i can. And if you pay me by the hour, ill do it for you.

Right. There is absolutely nothing relative to opposing taxation.. good fucking thing I never said that.

Here weve got a prime example of a stance based on a very shaky foundation. If embarassed, the offender defaults just as much of his opinion as necessary to still have the remainder of his point not attacked by the initial attack.

There is something relative about supporting specific tax evasion cases and it's relation to supporting taxation as a whole.

If taxation is universally bad, then the evasion of such is universally right. You dont need to agree but thats my opinion.

Can we get back on topic now? You know.. the story about the trillions in tax havens over seas... and where that money may or may not have come from??

I dont think that ever was the topic, but go ahead. talk some smack about something else and ill show you how your opinion blows. Ive got the entire night.
I'm pretty sure the money is from US based companies that do business in other countries. Instead of bringing the money back into the US and paying huge taxes, they just leave the money outside of the US.

edit: wow you guys are arguing really fast
The reason your point sucks fat dick is bc you are assuming the money is no longer in the hands of the oppressive regime that stole it in the first place. You haven't the slightest clue.. and most opinions in this thread seem to be based on that assumption. For the last time... that is my only point at all on the matter.

You work off the assumption that corporate banks and the defensive industrial complex as lukep likes to call them are somehow the same. Which is bullshit. They are closer than, say, medical weed distributors and mind over matter advocates, but they are in no way the same. One of them are publicly traded companies that do not give a shit about government. Their only cause is to make as much money as possible. Theyve got no agenda. They dont spend money on a police force to keep the people in check. They dont wage war across the world. They dont fund the NSA to spy on its own people. They just make money. The other one does all these and many more liberty destroying things

and what r3p1v said
One of them are publicly traded companies that do not give a shit about government.

This statement is ridiculous.

They dont wage war across the world

Who do you think funds the wars and profits from the interest owed on those loans? Don't you think they might have a vested interest in more war in general? I mean, like you said their goal is only to make more money. Wouldn't war accomplish this?

I can't take you serious after that post. Sry, back to arguing in circles with G.
This statement is ridiculous.

no its not, but by leaving out your argument you wait for me to make some assumption about it, so that you can then tell me that i must be stupid because that was obviously not what youve meant. try again.