Search results

  1. riddarhusetgal

    How to words in [tags][/tags] Wordpress to convert?!

    I can get this to work on one site but I am trying it someplace else and it is not working. I am using a CSV import in WP (wfreview plugin actually). One of the things I want to important is something inside the tags function... In other words I am putting column x data placeholder here...
  2. riddarhusetgal

    Guy Opinion: Grooming Lounge for Men, DC - Good Taste or Gay?

    ...Ok, seeing as though some of you schmucks on here have obviously diverse interests and "good taste' (lol)...I have a question for you guys (and girls too...). ...Need to give a really, really special and lovingly-thought-out gift to a great guy and I want it to be special...he's got diverse...
  3. riddarhusetgal

    >>>$100 Range - WTB QUICK Blog Facelift<<<<<

    I want to outsource some blog redesign work. It doesn't have to be a custom theme. The work would entail making sure there aren't any dramatic seo consequences from changing the front page of the blog and reorganizing categories, etc. I'd like this done asap please. Thanks.
  4. riddarhusetgal

    What other Forums Do You Guys Visit? Just Curious.....

    yours truly---> Purse Forum (unless you are gay or a highly evolved male you probably won't care about that one....) Physics Help and Math Help - Physics Forums TheMasterKeyGroup : The Master Key Group Main: Philosophy Forums (read not much posting as I just found it) ApplyingNeville ...
  5. riddarhusetgal

    North Korea's Leader - And Those Damned High Heels

    Ok....I've tried to be open minded about North Korea - really. Esp. on diplomacy vs. military intervention........ But I am sick of this guy!!! Does he like have some huge Napoleon complex or what? Perhaps it's explained by those bloody high heels of his: If he's not causing random...
  6. riddarhusetgal

    Violent, Left Wing Fanatics - Just As Crazy Too....

    Before some asshole Fox News lover starts getting a hard on... Sorry, I am not in a good mood considering what has happened in my hometown. At any rate, I wanted to post this article because I think it goes a GOOD WAY of demonstrating that hatred and violence isn't a right wing or left wing...
  7. riddarhusetgal

    Donation to Killed Holocaust Security Guard's Family

    Would anyone be interested in joining in. Nothing elaborate or showy. I just found out on CNN this guy was in the Army too. I have the first $100. I'd prefer to make it as uncomplicated as possible. No matter anyone's political persuasion - left or right - I'm sure most on this board are sad...
  8. riddarhusetgal

    Sotomayor Nominee and the Ricci Case - Facts vs. Fiction

    WARNING BEFORE YOU READ THIS: This article is about THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF LAW!!! DID THIS WOMAN ACCURATELY INTERPRET THE LAW, WHICH WILL BE HER JOB IS WHAT I AM INTERESTED IN????? If you are going to let your personal feelings, come into play, then don't read this. I'm posting this...
  9. riddarhusetgal

    For the WF Ladies: Lover Caused Multiple Orgasm Which Lead to Near Death Experience

    All I can say is..............WOW! Read this a little while ago and just had to share..... As to you men, get off your ass, stop posting boob pics and take notes (lol) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trigger of Sexual Orgasm Margaret...
  10. riddarhusetgal

    Any Gliders/Duo Discus Owners Here?

    ....I'd like to get a license and wanted to know how much *work* it's going to be? Also, I'm curious how much you spend on maintenance and/or yearly costs? I've been attracted to these since watching the Thomas Crown Affair plus have an ex- who flew and really got me into planes. If you have...
  11. riddarhusetgal

    What Are you Doing for Mother's Day (USA)?

    Feeling a bit lazy, just want to send some flowers. What are you guys doing for the lady who let you rent out her body for 9 months, huh?!
  12. riddarhusetgal

    OMFG!!! (if you like opera....)

    First, no gay ass comments about the art form itself okay? Anyway, apparently I have been sleeping under a rock, but today I discovered Eglise Gutierrez a cuban saprano (political comment: it sucks that country has so much talent that ends up having to leave because they can't find good...
  13. riddarhusetgal

    Daily Show Warning against Socialism (random blonds included)

    This is HIL-FUCKING-ARIOUS! You have to see it. The daily show goes to Sweden to "prove" how careful America needs to be - because before you know it, maybe ONE OF YOU could be living like this (hide the women and children...) (oh for you guys, random, useless blond eye candy included, lol)...
  14. riddarhusetgal

    If you could throw that hail mary and bang *any* celebrity, from any time frame...

    Yeah, yeah! This is the 21st century love, women like eye candy too, lol Although to be honest, I have pretty "unique" tastes. For instance,this guy,really, really turns me on as much as ^^ do (seriously!) John Hagelin, PHD in Theoretical Physics (who is the slut holding on to him :(
  15. riddarhusetgal

    Peter Schiff - Austrian Scholars Conference

    Copenhagen Interpretation - http: // Many-Worlds Hypothesis : collapse of the wave function still presents a problem for deterministic physics solution is to not collapse the wave function, rather split reality many...
  16. riddarhusetgal

    Please Share Your Automation & Business Process Documentation Best Practices...

    My Simple Sample Worksheet much for my "day off", lol. Anyway I just finished this up, feel free to take a look if you like. As I noted in the doc, help yourself to making improvements or suggestions if you know how to do it better or want to add something. I really am interested!
  17. riddarhusetgal

    Please Share Your Automation & Business Process Documentation Best Practices...

    First, I'd like to give a shout out to whomever recommended getdropbox it has saved me so much time and made me so much more productive with my team! I was listening to a great audio yesterday/saturday and the guy - a business consultant (and successful one)- recommended that VIRTUALLY...
  18. riddarhusetgal

    Paging ArtDeco!

    Hey dude, sorry for the public shout out but sent you an email and wanted to make sure you received the "info" okay. Now stop Pming me about my list of keywords, ATM number and download link for my ebooks or else I have you banned!!!!!!! Haha, j/k....... Best, ~Riddar
  19. riddarhusetgal

    I experienced a strange phenomenon at Applebees yesterday..

    lol'ing too...... ....KYAS!!!!!