Facebook Social Ads

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If neverblue ever comes back with my stats and they're positive, my credit card is about to get a serious no lube treatment with this .15 campaign :bootyshake:

Heh don't get me wrong, I'm WAY in the black, but the issue is I've got a miserable credit limit. Paying that CC off every 2-3 days right now.

I hear ya, I spend about double my credit card limit per week. Makes my accounting a pain in the ass. I can't wait till the end of the year when I get my 1% bonus money back. From February to date it's already at $800ish.
Why don't you guys asked to get your limits raised? I have a platinum card right now that I earn miles with - 40k monthly limit. I am and shooting for the centurion or plum card right now.
If credit scores went into the negatives (do they?) I'd probably have one. I lived off of my credit card during university and was never able to make regular payments on it. At the end of the year I plan on asking for a credit increase as all my current loans should be paid off and have a year of spectacular credit.

In the end, it's only a minor annoyance to log into my internet banking and transfer money instantly.
Why don't you guys asked to get your limits raised? I have a platinum card right now that I earn miles with - 40k monthly limit. I am and shooting for the centurion or plum card right now.
I'm barely 20, and have little recorded credit. I managed to swing a 3k limit I think on an Amex card? So I have to work off accounts where I'm a secondary account holder. But those dont build any credit, so I'm in a bind.
I hear ya, I spend about double my credit card limit per week. Makes my accounting a pain in the ass. I can't wait till the end of the year when I get my 1% bonus money back. From February to date it's already at $800ish.

Get an Amex Green Cash Back card for 2% or the Plum if you have a business for 2%.

Why don't you guys asked to get your limits raised? I have a platinum card right now that I earn miles with - 40k monthly limit. I am and shooting for the centurion or plum card right now.

You don't have to shoot for the plum card. You can apply if you have a business name and you'll get it in a week.
I'm barely 20, and have little recorded credit. I managed to swing a 3k limit I think on an Amex card? So I have to work off accounts where I'm a secondary account holder. But those dont build any credit, so I'm in a bind.

Damn dude, that's awesome you're doing so good at a young age. Well I hope so anyway, since you're obviously spending :)

Anyway I built my credit by taking out small loans from the bank and paying them back. Then after 2 car loans I was pretty much in good.

You could always just take out some bank loans and pay them off within a few months. I *heard* paying them off quickly isn't always good, but that might not be true... Even super small amounts like $2000 should help boost you though.
I'm barely 20, and have little recorded credit. I managed to swing a 3k limit I think on an Amex card? So I have to work off accounts where I'm a secondary account holder. But those dont build any credit, so I'm in a bind.
Get a Citi Dividends card. When I was 20 (not so long ago...) I had a $12,000 credit limit on my personal Citi Dividends card (used mainly for business), $2,000 on my personal Amex (personal only), $6,000 on my business Amex, and $4,000 on my business Citi Mastercard (split between my business partner and myself). That's $22,000 (or $24,000 if you count the whole portion of the shared business Mastercard) of available credit before being legally able to drink or gamble.

Not to mention that my business partner (same age) had around a $12,000 limit on his personal Citicard, $6,000 on his personal Amex, and a few thousand on his business Amex (2 separate cards for our business, separate lines of credit).

Getting that $12,000 credit limit was fairly easy to get for only having the card for 1.5 years, not providing any proof of income, and having a credit score in the mid 600s (high balances on revolving credit + having less than 4 years of credit history are the big negatives). Just being able to constantly max out my card, pay it off early, and max it out again in a period helped a lot. I can't pay off my Amex in the middle of a period, but I can with my Citicards.
Are any of you using the Social Actions feature of facebook for your ads? I hate social networks, but money is to be made.
bosh can anyone tell me where to see todays spend on the new layout, not just the last 24 hours.
edit:todays spend for each campaign not just the hole account

Pinche facebook switched on me last night while i was testing new campaigns and there was no way to change daily budget/pause a campaign for a while, i was pissed and had to go through each ad manually to pause
bosh can anyone tell me where to see todays spend on the new layout, not just the last 24 hours.
edit:daily sepdn for each campaign not just the hole account

Pinche facebook switched on me last night while i was testing new campaigns and there was no way to change daily budget/pause a campaign for a while, i was pissed and had to go through each ad manually to pause

I'm still wondering the same thing. This is a pain in the ass if I have to wait till the next day to see how much I spent per campaign.
I am new to the game, but I've got about 1.2M daily imps to play around with on FB apps. If one of you can make this traffic convert, and teach me how you do it, I'll basically give you the exclusive on the imps while we use the data for other reasons. Not sure of the etiquette here, newbie, so if this is a private message type of thing, great; if you guys just want to post ideas and trust me to follow up and post progress, that's fine, too. Basically I'm offering up lots of traffic free so I can learn what works and what doesn't. Seriously, not a scam, I'm happy to private message folks with our credentials and overview of our research.

P.S. Yes, I'd have to approve the ads, but I'm fairly liberal. (I think...)
So I'm still taking the anal intruder from facebook with their high cpc. I have an ad now with .21 CTR and my CPC did go down a little, but its still over 22 cents. Anger. Gonna let the campaign ride out though, only spending $10/day on this particular one. Will report back if the CPC goes down over time.
So I'm still taking the anal intruder from facebook with their high cpc. I have an ad now with .21 CTR and my CPC did go down a little, but its still over 22 cents. Anger. Gonna let the campaign ride out though, only spending $10/day on this particular one. Will report back if the CPC goes down over time.

Drop your fucking bid to .06 or .10 somewhere around there depending on how you targeted. Tweak it until you find the sweet spot.

I am assuming you are just watching your avg. cpc...
how do you guys get it so high? tell me if i'm doing it wrong:

when facebook wants me to up my bid when it stops showing impressions i delete the ad and create a new one which has a lower bid.

should i keep it and raise my bid in hopes that i will get a higher CTR or delete it so i can get a lower CPC in faster time but risk losing having a good CTR?

also i hate seeing my impressions from the other day show up cause then it's hard to figure out how many clicks or more impressions i received. this last 24 hrs business doesnt help much if you want to see fresh stats next day?
You don't have to delete it just turn the bid down to .01 and come back to it if you can't get anything better going or what ever.

I also hate that stats right now...all over the place and slow on updating anything. I was pumped about the reports but now I would trade that back for some almost real time stats that don't go up and down on every refresh and what's with that stupid "Oops" Something fucked up and we might try and fix it but you can try it again if you feel like it and then maybe it will work but if it doesn't you'll get Oops'd again.
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