SEO- Do it myself, or hire?


New member
Jan 25, 2016

I am a small business owner in need of SEO help. Its something I didnt understand well, and still don't (although I have learned a lot in the last year or so). Originally I thought it made more sense to figure things out myself, and I have to some extent thanks to places like this. However, what I have learned is that I dont have the time available to compete at the level required.

Should I keep on learning and go it alone, or are there truly trustworthy people that can help? My concern is that we'll pay a lot for work that is bullshit, which I can't afford.

If it makes a difference, this is international travel, so our clients are not local to anywhwhere at all.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

You shoud an SEO expert . I will work more effective than you. You use your time for other important jobs.
What I can suggest is that you Learn while you hire. Let's assume that you'll pay $1k to the Seo guy

Experts will help but you still have to study not to be burned. If you know How to do it the $1000 payment to the expert will be cut down to $500. Use your resources wisely.

However if you do trial and error that $1000 can be $5000 without a single result.

Again use them while you are studying and gathering your own set of tools. Be wary of posers though, real seo experts out there are busy creating their own empire
Thanks for your comments. I am doing some work on my own with some success and some failure.
It depends, if you have some time, you should do it yourself.
If not you should hire a team that works exclusively for you and educate them.
Always stay independent with what you do.
Thanks SeeSharp. At this point I am doing it myself, but the learning curve is steep! Maybe I'll get help in the future, but for now I am getting some good results with what I do have time to do.
If you have a lot of money for a SEO expert, you can hire it.
But if you have a time, it's better to learn basics of SEO (like me). there are not too much
I would say that SEO is something you need either way, but whether to hire someone or do it yourself I think depends on how much you can estimate hiring someone will benefit your company. What I mean is, do you think the expense will be worth it instead of investing it back into the business in some other way. Also how much time are you spending on doing it yourself now, versus doing other things that you're very good at doing with the business? Think about it for a moment, you could spend 40, or even a hundred hours becoming better proficient at SEO, but still not do as well as a professional that's been in the industry, yet that time that you spent could have been better focused and had better results for the business.

In any case, I think if you decide to hire someone, definitely find someone with a really good track record and portfolio to go by.
If you have some time,knowledge and skills about SEO then i would recommend you should go yourself otherwise you can hire a SEO expert.
I think everyone else is right! It's not really money spent if you're learning what the SEO expert is doing. It's like you're learning SEO and getting your site optimized all at once.
If you choose to do it yourself i suggest you find an SEO tool or software. it will speed up things..
What I can suggest is that you Learn while you hire. Let's assume that you'll pay $1k to the Seo guy

Experts will help but you still have to study not to be burned. If you know How to do it the $1000 payment to the expert will be cut down to $500. Use your resources wisely.

However if you do trial and error that $1000 can be $5000 without a single result.

Again use them while you are studying and gathering your own set of tools. Be wary of posers though, real seo experts out there are busy creating their own empire

Highly agree with this advice.

Well Said
You should try to do some research on how competitive your keyword space is. If you're not in a competitive space, you can probably just continue what you're doing and look into some online tools that can help you. Otherwise, you may want to consider hiring someone to help you.
It takes time to be an SEO expert. If you have the money why don't you do it? Focus on what you do best. You need the right partners to be successful in expanding your business. No one has ever done it on his own.
I also need to hire an SEO expert for my businesses. I would appreciate if someone could share a contact of any seasoned SEO expert with me, as I do not have any chances of mistake?

I am a small business owner in need of SEO help. Its something I didnt understand well, and still don't (although I have learned a lot in the last year or so). Originally I thought it made more sense to figure things out myself, and I have to some extent thanks to places like this. However, what I have learned is that I dont have the time available to compete at the level required.

Should I keep on learning and go it alone, or are there truly trustworthy people that can help? My concern is that we'll pay a lot for work that is bullshit, which I can't afford.

If it makes a difference, this is international travel, so our clients are not local to anywhwhere at all.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Hello friend! Letting others do the SEO work for your is fine since there are a lot of freelancers out there who are up for the job. But if I were you, I will keep on learning this stuff instead since SEO is one of the foundations of web building. After all, SEO is applied no matter what content you are writing and the niche you belong into. And because of this, you need to at least know the basics in order to have better search engine rankings...:)

Don't worry if you're not that good with SEO now. I'm sure you'll do well soon. I am speaking based on my own experience as I once started my online career through writing stuffs...:)

Good luck!:)
My suggestion is to hire an SEO specialist and still keep learning at your own pace.

You can also learn from the person you hire, while focusing on the business side of things. This way, you don't have to rush the SEO work, and you can make sure that proper techniques and skills are used where it needs to be. Don't hesitate to delegate the SEO side of the business, especially since you own a travel business.

There are places such as where you can hire freelancers at a budget that you are comfortable with.

What kind of SEO work do you need?