Shit is that Arya Stark? Kind of hot. Relatively I mean, of course.
Yes, Yes it is. Longer version:

Shit is that Arya Stark? Kind of hot. Relatively I mean, of course.
Even that was a good 40 years ago, but you are right there, and that type of shit probably still currently goes on daily in Africa. Not probably, it does.
I've been to the killing fields, plus the landmine museums out there. Did you know Canada is one of the biggest supporters / proponents of cleaning up old landmines in Cambodia? I didn't either until I was there, but I was happy to find out about it. Go to the landmine museum in Siem Reap, and there's a big Canadian flag right beside the Cambodian flag, and a huge sign explaining Canada's role.
I've even walked through a couple camps at Auschwitz. Used to live in Budapest, so we went up to Krakow one time, and toured it. Know the famous shot of the rail tracks going through the archway? I've seen that live. Now Auschwitz is a weird place to visit, and definitely makes you pause for reflection.
I've even seen the tunnels the Viet Cong went through, and seen Ho Chi Ming himself all nicely embalmed.
I've also been through the "House of Terror" on Andrassy blvd in Budapest, where both Hitler and Stalin setup HQ in Hungary, and torture chambers in the basement.
But that's my point. Due to globalization, things like that are less likely to happen, because it'd be like shooting yourself in the foot. Germany isn't invading Poland, the US isn't going to drop nukes on Japan, the cold war isn't going to start over, etc. It'd be detrimental for the aggressors in those situations to do that again.
1994, Rwanda. Nineteen years ago, not 40.
1 million people killed in a period of 100 days.
It's too bad they couldn't have been globalized.
Ohhh, that photo was from was Rwanda? Shit, my bad. I thought that was Phnom Penh.
Yeah, Africa is still fucked up, and will be for quite a while. My point still stands though.
National Socialism writ large was at the heart of WWII.
However, International Socialism writ large will prevent any serious conflicts from arising in the future.
I get it now.
No, dependence on each other. The US can't just go start bombing China, now can it? That would be like bombing its own manufacturing capabilities.
For another small example, I'm currently sitting in Thailand, and for some reason I'm not worried about Thailand and Cambodia going to war. And they absolutely hate each other, especially now since the world court recently ruled in Cambodia's favor over that whole temple dispute.
Instead of going to war, what are they doing? Opening up new trade routes, border checkpoints, and in talks to offer single VISAs for multiple countries, plus other things.
that type of shit probably still currently goes on daily in Africa. Not probably, it does.
I swear to jeebus I'm going to start a new bitcoin thread if you guys don't put a lid on this...
OMG ive been to places because i can only believe things whne i see them with my very own eyes.
lets confuse economics with politics some more.
No, dependence on each other. The US can't just go start bombing China, now can it? That would be like bombing its own manufacturing capabilities.
For another small example, I'm currently sitting in Thailand, and for some reason I'm not worried about Thailand and Cambodia going to war. And they absolutely hate each other, especially now since the world court recently ruled in Cambodia's favor over that whole temple dispute.
Instead of going to war, what are they doing? Opening up new trade routes, border checkpoints, and in talks to offer single VISAs for multiple countries, plus other things.
hate supercedes reason.
Hence the world needs governments on top of governments to regulate executable hatred. lukep's anarchic and freedom delusions assume we're already past that point.
I swear to jeebus I'm going to start a new bitcoin thread if you guys don't put a lid on this...
you refer to everything from the international criminal court to the eu to any other bullshit youve read somewhere. you dont know their roles and fuck everything up. you dont even know what a fuckin rhetoric question is.