True Stories - The Foundation of Your Future

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So you get caught selling illegal hacked links so you decide to write this BS promoting your next service?

Cool starry bra.

The world can be shaking all around you, the clients knocking at the gates, but still you are worried. You still can't get it. You're wondering, how can you get your product into your customer's hands...? What story are you telling? I need you to focus man...

You can't go into outer space with fractions! You're going to land on Venus with what? One quarter, three-eighths - traveling through space, it's one through nine, no maybes, no supposes, no fractions. Either you love somebody or you hate them. This is dialectics. It's very simple dialectics.

Let's talk about pricing. I touched a little about it in my first post but I think it's important to round out the picture. It's simple to price and under cut the competition. The other day I was going on about innovations and being able to see the curve for your company, corporation, shit your job...

When there is no real unique selling proposition in a product, the only choice you have is to under cut your competition. Doing that cuts into profit margins - and let's be serious, we'd rather make more money than less. We'd rather get paid more for our time, service, and products than discount it. What are you going to do, ask for a discount to Venus?

So how do you separate yourself from the herd?

How do you convey to your customers - "Hey this is worth the extra coinage." When a customer is buying a bulletproof vest from you, it's a lot easier to convince them their life is worth the extra kevlar protection. That fear is security, life itself.

It's the same scenario with a car. You just got a newborn child, and are looking for a safer car, the salesman sees all the signs. It's a little easier to push you into something that you want and add a little extra on top... security.

But we're online, we're not necessarily in front of our audience to physically show them, make them have the full experience, make them want more and more, have them… sell themselves? We don't have that capability - Or do we? With all these new mediums, mobile, tablets, PCs, Macs, Google glasses, we've got different platforms which we can utilize - but words, no one wants to read anymore, they want to get to the point...

Pricing - questions?​

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The world can be shaking all around you, the clients knocking at the gates, but still you are worried. You still can't get it. You're wondering, how can you get your product into your customer's hands...? What story are you telling? I need you to focus man...

You can't go into outer space with fractions! You're going to land on Venus with what? One quarter, three-eighths - traveling through space, it's one through nine, no maybes, no supposes, no fractions. Either you love somebody or you hate them. This is dialectics. It's very simple dialectics.

Let's talk about pricing. I touched a little about it in my first post but I think it's important to round out the picture. It's simple to price and under cut the competition. The other day I was going on about innovations and being able to see the curve for your company, corporation, shit your job...

When there is no real unique selling proposition in a product, the only choice you have is to under cut your competition. Doing that cuts into profit margins - and let's be serious, we'd rather make more money than less. We'd rather get paid more for our time, service, and products than discount it. What are you going to do, ask for a discount to Venus?

So how do you separate yourself from the herd?

How do you convey to your customers - "Hey this is worth the extra coinage." When a customer is buying a bulletproof vest from you, it's a lot easier to convince them their life is worth the extra kevlar protection. That fear is security, life itself.

It's the same scenario with a car. You just got a newborn child, and are looking for a safer car, the salesman sees all the signs. It's a little easier to push you into something that you want and add a little extra on top... security.

But we're online, we're not necessarily in front of our audience to physically show them, make them have the full experience, make them want more and more, have them… sell themselves? We don't have that capability - Or do we? With all these new mediums, mobile, tablets, PCs, Macs, Google glasses, we've got different platforms which we can utilize - but words, no one wants to read anymore, they want to get to the point...

Pricing - questions?​

So CCarter hit me up after my post.

I got in at a beta review for 60% off.

Paypal'd my monies over and gave him my instructions. He set me up in his little system he uses for this and so far I can say Im fucking impressed.

Thanks for the 60% off beta review man, this will be epic for the client I am using it for.
wait, so what is this for again?

Dialectic logic is there’s only love and hate, you either love somebody or you hate them. It's very simple. You can't go into outter space with fractions. What are you going to do land on one quarter, three-eighths of Venus? One through nine, No maybes, No supposes - either you love or you hate.

Love Or Hate
In my first post I touched briefly on the idea of loving or hating someone, a company, a brand, an idea. Either you're a Coca-Cola drinker or a Pepsi drinker. PC or Mac. Red State or Blue State. Red Team or Blue Team… Are you starting to see the pattern? Are you waking up yet? Are you going to take the red pill or blue pill? Dialectics…

The fastest way to get recognized is to be the exact opposite of something that is established. If your competitor is seen as sloppy and not detail oriented, you come in with the message of "higher quality, and attention to detail - we may not be as fast as the competition, but we get it right." BST providers, you can have that one, I do this all day...

Hate. You need the hate, it keeps you on your toes, it keeps you alert. Remember Internet Explorer 6.0. Man, that fucked up the whole internet. It was everywhere, but it was buggy. It's own lack of updates led to it's downfall. Why, cause there was no competition for 7+ years. No competition, and just growing hate.

So the grandson of Netscape Navigator, mozilla Firefox was able to use the hate for Internet Explorer and grow it's own user base, starting up the 2nd Browser Wars. Now look at IE, they aren't even considered when talking about the Browser Wars. They're the kid eating glue in class. IE didn't innovate cause even though there was hate, there was no real competition. Eventually things boiled over, and Firefox ignited the next wave of browsers. Anti-Internet Explorer was their campaign.

What's your brand's message? What's it's story? Is it Anti-Your Competition? Or are you Me-Tooing it your way through survival. When the Anti-You comes along are you going to be alert and ready enough to take them on, or suffer the faith of the other me-toos?

Have you separated yourself from the herd yet? What's your story? Who the fuck are you and why should we buy your product? Are you Anti-them?​

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You can't go into outer-space with that fraction shit - even Mount Olympus is watching...


The Power of Curiosity
Do I have your attention? Let me ask you - What does it take to get YOUR customer's attention?

Straight selling doesn't work all the time. Need proof? This thread is proof - within 24 hours over 1000 views.. You're in the mist of it right here, right now. We are in it deep - Curiosity.

Within each post there is a lesson to be learnt.

How do you mind-fuck your customer, your clients? How do you get them banging on your door, wanting what your selling. Emotion, anger, love, hate, curiosity... It's all the same thing.

For a moment in time even the gods came down and asked what the fuck is this guy up too?

Day 3...

"Fuck CCarter and his bullshit..."

a little while later, "Hey, did you ever figure out what was going on in that one thread?"


"Man, Fuck that guy..."

But deep down, there is a small smirk slowly forming on your subconscious face.

You're on the edge of your seats, it's a fucking experience. You hate every moment of this thread and love every post. You know there will never be anything like this ever again, and if someone does try, it'll just be CopyCating CCarter - CCing CCarter - lol. Gather around and enjoy the ride, it's almost over...

The power of curiosity, use it to sell, use it to tell your story to your customers... Get them to ask you "Where do I put my credit card information...?" But how do you tell your story in today's day and age, during a time of information overload?

[ame=]Apocalypse Now - You can't go out into space... (Dennis Hopper) - YouTube[/ame]

Love or Hate - No fractions... Can't go into outer-space with that shit man...

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On a beautiful spring morning a few months back I met up with CCarter in Miami. I can still remember that morning today.

I've always struggled with this particular problem, and during our discussion he mentioned that he had something that could help me. After a lengthy chat over coffee (the shop on the corner of 23rd makes a mean espresso -- I was buzzing) I was given an early alpha review copy.

Coffee with CCarter changed my life. The product exceeded all expectations.

If you don't act fast, you will have your world turned upside down.

Fortune 100 companies will stand up and listen when they see this product -- if it's not already destroyed their companies as they know them.

Governments will be overrun.

Civilisations will crumble.

Billions of dollars will change hands. Some will win, some will lose.

The question is, will you be a winner, or a loser? PM CCarter & set up a meeting before it's too late; it's a limited deal, and once it's done, he's leaving WF forever.
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CCarter, I'm sure you remember this:

Back in the day... 3rd or 4th grade, I can't remember... CCarter and I (<--- we gots us a good edumakation) went on this field trip to see some kind of Civil War reenactment. We sat off to the side while all these people LARPed around pretending to kill each other with old ass rifles and cannons. Then we got to check out old cabins and what not, it was really cool. That's when young Christopher Carter said, "Jared... let's sneak back there in the woods and light some shit on fire." I was like "IN."

So we made sure our bitch teacher lady wasn't looking and we bailed into the Forest of Destiny. We jumped on rotten logs, burned a bunch of monopoly money I had in my pocket, practiced kissing on each other, and then we realized... oh shit. It's dark. I bet our group has already left and are at Chucky Cheese without us.

And then we realized... oh shit. We are LOST!

Holding hands, we wandered around the Forest of Doom for what seemed like... MINUTES! I was freaking out and Chris wasn't helping. He kept making up names for the forest like...

Will You Survive... The Forest of Massacre!
Who Can Survive... The Forest of Danger!
Can You Survive... The Trees of Terror!

The dickhead knew it was scaring me, so finally I punched him on the shoulder and he stopped. We scraped a bunch of leaves together to sit on and luckily he had brought his lunch pail with him. The one with the Transformers on it... I remember it like it was yesterday.

We were starving and I was even more scared because I didn't have my lunch sack my mom packed me. I wanted to trade my apple for his Cheeto's, but damn if my lunch bag was still on the bus. Without a second thought, Chris pulled out the most luscious, delicious looking PB&J I'd ever seen. It was just where the jelly was getting all soggy in the bread, but not so much it was mushy, you know? He straight up just handed me half of it. I didn't have to ask, he didn't offer... he just straight up gave that shit to me like we were brothers *tear* *sniff sniff*

I was like, look here nigga, I ain't about to eat that shit! I know you have tapeworms and I've seen you scratching your butthole this whole time! They been had crawled out and laid eggs all around the rim of your anus, and now you have lil' eggs all up under your fingernails and shit. I'm not eating that!

Chris looked me dead in the eyes and said "If you don't eat this, then we have a problem." I took a bite, and said "fuck it" and ate the whole thing, because damn... I was hungry. I'd have eaten that stupid apple my mom packed at this point.

Then shit started getting really weird. I took off all my clothes and started barking like a squirrel and Chris laughed and said, "Jared... I didn't know you liked to get... WET." Then I realized this faggot had spiked the sammy with PCP and I was tripping my prepubescent balls off. I bear hugged a 127 year old oak tree and pulled the whole bitch up by the roots. Then I took an entire construction cone like it was nothing. By the time I came down, our parents had shown up with some police. They were crying and babbling some shit about how much they were worried about us and how we should never leave the group again, blah blah. Whatever, mom. Fuck you, and fuck your apple.

So Chris, I just have to say. Thank you for saving my life that day. Had you not shared your meal with me, as brothers breaking bread under one household, I'd have perished among the Trees of Damnation. Thank you so much! And thank you for the future review and/or discounted copy of your service.

And fuck you for the tapeworms.
I don't know exactly what the fuck is going on but I have a feeling some people are about to happily drop a bunch of dough and those that don't are gonna be bitching about what a marketer Carter is and how they couldn't understand the "fine print".

  1. From a brand perspective, you have to embrace the hate or love. Channel the hate into something productive. Promote the love.
  2. You have to find their insecurities, find out what they want, and feed them what they want to hear.
  3. Connections... Social Connections, past memories, thought connections...
  4. That fear is security, life itself.
  5. The fastest way to get recognized is to be the exact opposite of something that is established.
  6. The power of curiosity, use it to sell, use it to tell your story to your customers...

perhaps I'm fucking loster than ever. yes, loster.
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