Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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The one service on WF I cannot live without is River's SBB!
LOL, I just tested this shit out on 2 new URL's ...with my plan of dominating the top 5 in Google.

SBB #1: Took me from N/A in Google to #15
SBB #2: Took me from #21 in Google to #2

Both SBB's were for the same KW and I already have the #1 spot.
Medium comp kw that brings me in 4-5 figures a month like clock-work

Keep up the great work River!
Both SBB's were for the same KW and I already have the #1 spot.
Medium comp kw that brings me in 4-5 figures a month like clock-work
Very smart to reveal your earnings together with the keyword and LPs.
Not questioning Rivers integrity, but even (obviously worthless) friendships have already ended for less.

Some people just have to learn it the hard way I guess.

Sorry, didn't want to hijack the thread - keep ordering :cool-smiley-008:
I ordered the 2 week drip feed and it looks to be done now.

Over delivered with approx 5% more links than originally offered.

However, I am not seeing any SERP movement. I am disappointed because I know alot of people rave about this service.

I did see some SERP movement in the first week for KW #1: (from N/A to #11) (from N/A to #70)

But for the last week none of my keywords exist anywhere in the top 100 of google results on either .com, or (I am using Market Samurai FYI).

I think the problem is that I went for too high a competition keyword phrase.

Would anyone else think this is my problem also?

Can any experts comment on my complete failure here?

Yes, because that SERP movement seemed only temporary. I do not rank for those keywords now at the end of the drip feed.

This is extremely rare so I'm really interested in taking a look and figure out why this might have happened.

Panda update last week could be a factor, timing coincides.

Right now the only clue I have, I see the description you provided wasn't spun much - it's nice and readable, but TBS calculates 21% uniqueness.

I keep reminding people that these get posted to 1000+ sites so low-level spins result in a ton of dupe content. The spins we do are sentence and word-level spun and sometimes people complain about less than perfect readability, but I'd rather opt for uniqueness since most of these bookmarks will never be seen by humans.

If you're on gchat add or email me and let's try to get to the bottom of this: sbbomb @ gmail
I ordered the 2 week drip feed and it looks to be done now.

Over delivered with approx 5% more links than originally offered.

However, I am not seeing any SERP movement. I am disappointed because I know alot of people rave about this service.

I did see some SERP movement in the first week for KW #1: (from N/A to #11) (from N/A to #70)

But for the last week none of my keywords exist anywhere in the top 100 of google results on either .com, or (I am using Market Samurai FYI).

I think the problem is that I went for too high a competition keyword phrase.

Would anyone else think this is my problem also?

Can any experts comment on my complete failure here?


It means your site is too new, just keep building links and your rankings will stabilize in 2-4 weeks of consistent linkbuilding.

Your main URL just dissapear from Google amirite?
Still waiting for you to answer the PMs i sent you.

Unique Transaction ID #6D320320NT230531W

Please do answer them
Still waiting for you to answer the PMs i sent you.

Unique Transaction ID #6D320320NT230531W

Please do answer them

Just replied, had to debug your job, we never dealt with those characters yet.

Hello, any reports on my order?

Sent to your email 3 days ago. Check spam first or email me if you didn't get it.


I ordered about 10 days...yet to recieve a single report...Can provide URL and transaction ID if needed


Sent to your email on Oct 8. Check spam first or email me if you didn't get it.

Sometimes you guys mistype your emails when ordering, that's one of the possible reasons why reports aren't delivered.

River - can you send me your prices for bulk orders please?

Sent to your email.

I checked recieved emails on 8th and 9th but nothing in them, no attachments or reports.

Link not found - Please contact us! - XLS format, sorted by PR
Link not found - Please contact us! - TSV format, sorted by date (plain text file, open with excel)"

Is the message I have recieved
River - ordered placed looking forward to the results, which as always are excellent!

Thanks for sending me info on the bulk orders, much appreciated and keep up the good work!
Some long overdue praise

I have ordered multiple times and haven't posted much otherwise this would be a kyler kissing rivers ass thread!

Every single time i have ordered this every single keyword has improved! this service kicks ass!

Without doubt the best ROI i have ever spent on seo!

A long overdue i-trader on way!
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