Got my BLA+level6 mininet. Posting here since the other thread is closed...
There are a lot of links at play when you get such a large package and I still don't yet have the 10k blog comments and 50k profile blast to the mininet going yet. I put this bad boy on a very competitive set of phrases, so I won't be able to say page X -> page Y. Just moving 3-5 spaces in a couple weeks would be a win. A few of the article directory links from the BLA are already gone, but that's about the only negative I've seen so far (even the moodles are sticking for now).
One very quick measure of success is that one of the URL/phrase combos marketed today gained enough strenght to flip page attribution away from root on the phrase...if you deal with big sites and comeptitive phrases, you'll know what I mean. Fingers crossed that I don't trigger too much dancing with such a large package.