Your Websitelink on 130 Blogs Blogroll, Solid Lifetime Backlinks: $8

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By far the best $14 I've spent to date. How good was this service? Well, based on results (see below) I would say by far an overall rating of 10/10. I will definitely order again.

1. I got all 1300 links added to the list of 130 blogs within a few hours after order was placed. I'm impressed with how quickly this was accomplished.

2. I moved up from position #13 to #5 overnight with the keyword that was targeted with these links. Yes, the very next day I saw this increase. That's pretty damn impressive.
Thanks for the Review.

By far the best $14 I've spent to date. How good was this service? Well, based on results (see below) I would say by far an overall rating of 10/10. I will definitely order again.

1. I got all 1300 links added to the list of 130 blogs within a few hours after order was placed. I'm impressed with how quickly this was accomplished.

2. I moved up from position #13 to #5 overnight with the keyword that was targeted with these links. Yes, the very next day I saw this increase. That's pretty damn impressive.

To all other details has been sent!!!

Accepting New Orders!! Hurry Pm me.
Purchased Permanent Links and All are posted, nicely done. I might purchase another spot if still available if my site is impacted in a few days. Thanks

I purchased this service for my own experimentation purposes. I also purchased it on good faith that these 130 blogs would not be deleted and that the blog roll links would in fact be lifetime links. I have no way of verifying that this will be the case, but hope the OP is tracking which are which.

The blogs are all blogspot blogs with random keywords and 2011 tagged at the end. I did not check the blogs backlink profiles because someone else did and I don't want to do redundant work.

I did however check each and every link to see if my anchor text was there. It was there on all of them but five. I contacted svigor and he almost immediately responded and fixed the problem. I didn't check to see if the links were correct on each one. I did check a few and they were correct. I hoped it was done automatically and not manually. I can't spend too much time over the minutia and be anal. Although thats what this service is about. I will find out if this was the case once I ping and see backlinks and some serp movement rolling in.

So all in all, these appear to be very low PR blogspot blogs, but each did have 10 posts. And I think the total number of blogs was over 130, so if they are all indexed, then it will equal over 1300 links on 130 different domains.

As I am still learning, I am not sure what effect this will have, and I have ordered too many services in the past couple days to know what is contributing where. But I am satisifed with the level of professionality and quick customer service provided. I would feel safe working with svigor again. Thank you!

Service was very quick and I received a list of all the blogs within a few hours. My links were on all 130 of the blogs.

All looks good and basically as I expected except the number of outbound links is getting pretty high on a lot of the blogs. In my random check I found many with over 35 OBL in the blogroll.

Overall, good value. I just hope no more outbound links are added to these pages that are already well over the 15-20 max that was described in the sales copy. Thanks!
Got my report. Good service, but I also hope that not too many links are added to the blogrolls..
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