>>Your Opinion?? PHP or ASP.net for Overall Profitability

PHP or ASP.net - Which is Most Profitable for Your Online Business Needs

  • PHP

    Votes: 62 84.9%
  • Asp.net

    Votes: 11 15.1%

  • Total voters
PHP is easier to get the hang of. ASP .Net is a better programming language in my opinion, because it make's you do thing correctly, usually. Whereas with PHP you have more freedom and can make bad code that'll still work.

Yes quite. How very witty of you. Too bad you aren't listening.

You only hear what you want to hear even though you don't know what you are talking about.

Your programming language isn't going to make you profitable. Your product is. Lucidity made the best point. The caliber of your programmers will make all the difference on whether you go from coding to selling on time and under budget with a working product.

Fatbat, you're a hell of a designer but I don't think you understand software development. Imagine if you had to design all your shit with MS Paint. The tools you use can make a huge difference. Programming languages and their frameworks are just tools.

A company like MS doesn't spend all their energy, money and resources having some of the brightest minds in the industry work on a framework like .NET just so at the end of the day they can trick people through marketing to believe it actually makes enterprises more productive.

Frameworks like .NET are designed to make enterprises more productive, which obviously is a key factor in profitability.

Also, the time spent on development before the first release of an app can end up being less than the time spent after that point. For most of the stuff most of us wickedfire people will do, maintainability isn't and won't be a big issue. But for bigger, more complicated applications, the maintainability and flexibility of the design is one of the biggest considerations. And the framework and even language plays a big part in that.

If you're a lone programmer or small group of programmers the "use what you know" thing applies more. But what if you're not a programmer and you're just hiring programmers? What that one programmer or groups of programmers know is of less consequence than what the wider world of programmers know.

What I'm getting at is, yes, everyone and their brother these days knows PHP, but if you want to do something really significant, you probably want to use an object oriented framework with an extensible library. A framework like .NET comes with this out of the box, with some really nice "real" object oriented languages to go with it.

With PHP, there is not a standard framework. Everybody has their own idea of what the best third party framework is to build PHP code on is. This makes things more complicated because now you have to choose a framework, which is a job in and of itself. And what if in the future, for whatever reason, you want to move the development to another shop or group of programmers? If you've developed in .NET the framework will probably present less of a problem. Where within the framework-segmented population of PHP developers you will have to find another group of programmers that has the same or better knowledge with that particular third party framework.

Not only is ridder's question valid, but if developing a big app with multiple programmers that will go on for years, it's not only a valid question but maybe the most important one.

The biggest danger is deciding that an app actually requires "good" coding when it doesn't, and then wasting time and money investing in best practices and tools that you'll never really get a return on.

For most of the stuff most of us at wickedfire would ever want to do, "bad" code is the way to go. That means you don't have to worry too much about what framework you use, you don't even really need to use one. You don't have to worry about doing proper OOP, using design patterns or using complicated abstraction layers. Portability and interoperability are still concerns though, and PHP shines there.
I kinda thought this thread was inspired by Microsoft's new Website spark program and their one-click web app installer. MS is trying to take the price out of the equation by offering you three years of free MS licenses: 3x Visual Studio, 3x Windows 2008, 2x SQL Server, plus Expression apps and a bunch of other stuff. You get the licenses for free but after three years you're on the hook for $100.

Check it out at: WebsiteSpark - Home
PHP doesn't have a framework?!

PHP - CakePHP, CodeIgnitor, Symfony.
Python - Django.
Ruby - Rails.

Yes, there will always be maniacs arguing which one is better.
Join them, or pick a language and start doing stuff.
PHP doesn't have a framework?!

PHP - CakePHP, CodeIgnitor, Symfony.
Python - Django.
Ruby - Rails.

Yes, there will always be maniacs arguing which one is better.
Join them, or pick a language and start doing stuff.

Thanks for the info - actually it's not for me to do personally. I learned long ago to spend most of my concentrating on what I am good at and to hire/partner out the rest.

Honestly, it's about trying to understand things on a deeper level - to get to the next level.....

There are more freelance PHP developers than there are .NET developers because .NET people tend to be employed by companies already. There is also some additional overhead for .NET developers due to the fact that .NET is not open source and free for new entrants.

This means that overall, .NET tends to cost more to hire out as you are wanting to do as the programmers are in less demand and need to charge more to recoup their costs. Granted, there are exceptions, but PHP is more affordable overall to outsource work to.
Should I learn to speak Indian or Russian? There's a big market there but I don't know how profitable either would be. I could use these language skills as a tool, because the population is huge, now I just need a good idea to actually make the profit part.

Who cares what language you use. Use whatever you need to support your idea, without being uber cheap, or going way overboard if you don't need to.

Idea > research > acquire resources > development. Your idea and vendors that understand your needs will school you on best practice for said assets/apps. Sorry if I'm repeating what everyone else is - good points made in the thread though, tools and languages don't make you more/less profitable as much as ideas themselves do.

You won't make more or less money from using one over the other. Your vendor of choice CAN make the wrong move though, and understimate needs or revision work, costing you time or money later if they can't scale/edit etc. Your operational costs and deliverables on your spend will obviously depend on who you use and how long you'll need them (for software it can be years sometimes for versioning etc.).

N. **EDIT: Direct answer from my experiences with both: ASP - costs more, coders are harder to transition, better for big complex sites/tasks. PHP - easier to hand over code from one programmer to another, easier to troubleshoot, cheaper. If you're looking after a team, and want to make money at the end of the day, PHP + many smaller apps/sites will have less risk vs a few huge ASP projects and needs.
Fatbat, you're a hell of a designer but I don't think you understand software development. Imagine if you had to design all your shit with MS Paint. The tools you use can make a huge difference. Programming languages and their frameworks are just tools.

Indeed they are just tools, and as you've said choosing the right one is important. I've worked in several development environments and have seen the consequences of choosing the wrong tools for the job at hand. It had a great impact on the development time and launch date, which of course caused things to go over budget. In the end the product still worked, it just took longer to get there. Did it have an impact on long term profitability? Not much.
I actually use both quite extensively.

ASP.NET has more overhead -- that is, unproductive work required in every project -- but is more efficient and facilitates better design. PHP has less overhead, but it is more difficult to write scalable code in. What this means is that the bigger a project is, the more likely ASP.NET is to be a better tool than PHP.

For affiliate marketing stuff, I use PHP, despite the fact that I'm a more skilled ASP.NET programmer than I am a PHP programmer. But there are three reasons I choose PHP anyway:

1.) Most affiliate projects I do are small, just simple data-bound websites. For these, it's just faster to use PHP. If I were writing a massive enterprise web application (which I've done a few times), ASP.NET would be better... but I'm not.
2.) There is a tremendous availability of affiliate marketing tools in PHP, including that finest of affiliate marketing tools, WordPress. It's easier to hack a WP install into what I need than it is to write a new ASP.NET app from scratch.
3.) With ASP.NET, I have to pay for comparatively expensive Windows hosting, while I can run PHP on any commodity Linux webhost.
riddar don't be such a babbling vagina.

php = easy to start, easier to make unworkable if you do something big but don't know how to structure code.
java = all the advantages ASP has over PHP but free and not as shitty.
ASP = microsoft = $$$ vacuum = ghey + bumslop
When I first got into programing, I decided to focus my efforts towards MS products for the sole purpose that once people hear 'open source' they assume everything is free.

In saying that, neither is more profitable then the other. Code is only a resource and like any resource, how you develop and manage it, determines how profitable it will be.
PHP's learning curve and initial requirements to develop properly are both very low. There's much more support out there (e.g. hosting at the right price), and a good amount of decent, cheap coders.

Having programmed both for 10+ years, I prefer coding ASP.NET with C#, but that's not the question you're asking ;)
This is one of the dumber questions I've seen in a while.

Programming lanuages are nothing more than tools. Which is better for building a house - a hammer or a saw? Neither one, it depends on the job at hand.
Hence my name, i'm obviously a little bit bias. However, PHP is far more popular, more developers, easier to learn and manage, etc. In the long run, I don't see why anyone would go with ASP. PHP can do ANYTHING ASP can do since it is a programming language that is not limited to only web applications. Obviously, ASP may be better at specific things, but I haven't came across those needs.

In the long run, I just think if you're hiring out to get something done, PHP will be far cheaper and equally as reliable.
For my content management I went with a CGI program (really well built and is working great, fast and error free)

PS: I'm not a programmer