>>Your Opinion?? PHP or ASP.net for Overall Profitability

PHP or ASP.net - Which is Most Profitable for Your Online Business Needs

  • PHP

    Votes: 62 84.9%
  • Asp.net

    Votes: 11 15.1%

  • Total voters
Riddar you might want to check 37 signals and ruby on rails and Jason Fried
if you want to look at a business strategy and how to work with code
and collaboration. Again, the question of what code is not so important.
It is akin to asking "what pen is best for writing a profitable novel."

I have my fave but could use just about any web based language.

You can write good or shitty code in any language ...

^ word to that.

Which language is the most profitable? What a dumb question.

They're all just tools, they all do the same stuff just in different ways.

What decides how profitable you are really depends on your team and your projects. There are savvy developers for every language, and any language (PHP, .NET, Perl, Ruby, Python, etc) will do what you need.
This might be one if the dumber questions ever asked here, and you over analyze way too much.

The best code is not always the most profitable code....

Neither is the most profitable code always the best one....

Unless you are a programmer, code isn't profitable. The idea or product that you are selling is what is going to make a profit and as long as the code works, that's all that really matters. I could be written on punch cards as long as it does what it is meant to do.
  • PHP for web
  • .net for higher performance/multithreaded apps like scrapers etc.

Trying to use asp.net for small LPs doesn't feel right. It's more suited to large sites.
If you're talking bout "investing" in software, and the cost attached, its really a no brainer.

PHP can be placed on software that is 100% free with no yearly fees, etc.

Where as ASP.net would require a windows based server, so not only a license fee for windows, but also a license fee on the server version of it, and a license fee on MS SQL server (assuming you don't try to use MySQL via ODBC with ASP.net)

PHP/MySQL/*nix route is a One-Size-Fits-Most scenario, where as ASP.net is typically preferred in more specialized projects, especially since if you got a team of developers you could actually create functionality in Visual C++ and plug it into an ASP.net document as an ActiveX dll. The overhead of ASP.net is often countered with charging more for ASP projects, as well as expecting a higher payout from said projects in the long run.

If you're not a coder yourself, its going to be far cheaper to hire people for PHP than it is for ASP.net.

This is extremely useful info - thanks.
Riddar you might want to check 37 signals and ruby on rails and Jason Fried
if you want to look at a business strategy and how to work with code
and collaboration. Again, the question of what code is not so important.
It is akin to asking "what pen is best for writing a profitable novel."

I have my fave but could use just about any web based language.

Thanks - does the guy have any books out? If so send down an Amazon.com af link, mind as well get paid for your good tips!

BTW, anyone here running any tech strategy blogs? I wouldn't mind reading up at all!

Honestly, I have a good mind to email this guy in addition to any insights here and offer to cook him dinner, lol

Faculty Directory - About MIT Sloan
I think this question would be better answered by the programmer(s) you hire. So the emphasis should really be on selecting a programmer, not selecting the technology yourself beforehand. The programmer will represent the vast majority of your technology cost regardless of what programming language he or she uses.

If a programmer says "I know PHP and ASP.net equally well and both happen to be equally suited to this particular task, what would you prefer I use", then you might go with PHP simply due to the cost of Microsoft related licenses associated with .NET environments. But I doubt that scenario will be very common.
I think this question would be better answered by the programmer(s) you hire. So the emphasis should really be on selecting a programmer, not selecting the technology yourself beforehand. The programmer will represent the vast majority of your technology cost regardless of what programming language he or she uses.

Best response to the original question yet.
Lame question.

I have developed small and large sites/apps in both languages and I sure as hell cannot praise/blame the profitability on which language I used to code them.

That being said, there are some things that are worth mentioning.

IIS sucks, and a good .Net host will often cost more money
Shared IIS hosting companies may hassle you for over-using/crashing the app pool

PHP is not multi-threaded
PHP is not made for stand alone apps
PHP has way more re-usable code and tutorials on the web, and cheaper programmers

If you want to make money, screw the analaysis and just work on each project individually. If your making a desktop app, or kickass web-app that needs to be fast and complex then go with the multi-threading of .Net

Otherwise get cheaper hosting, tons of code and programmers that will work for lower pay with PHP.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to decide which color pen I'm going to use.
You would think that wouldn't you? I can tell you read maths at Cambridge...

Yes quite. How very witty of you. Too bad you aren't listening.

You only hear what you want to hear even though you don't know what you are talking about.

Your programming language isn't going to make you profitable. Your product is. Lucidity made the best point. The caliber of your programmers will make all the difference on whether you go from coding to selling on time and under budget with a working product.
Yes quite. How very witty of you. Too bad you aren't listening.

You only hear what you want to hear even though you don't know what you are talking about.

Your programming language isn't going to make you profitable. Your product is. Lucidity made the best point. The caliber of your programmers will make all the difference on whether you go from coding to selling on time and under budget with a working product.

meh, wtf you talking bout, my 'programming language' is soo bad ass, it writes itself. :D
I started in PERL which is a complex and diverse language. Then I realized most freelance work I was offered or done required PHP. I recently switched my main language to PHP. Joomla uses it. Wordpress uses it. Facebook does too. (Myspace uses cold fusion... yack) It's free, it's fast, its widely used. AND IT'S VERY EASY!

I'd go with PHP.
Your question is a bit clueless, but I guess that is what questions are for.

A programming language can not be "profitable" in and of itself.

I am used to programming in several languages, and have been using .NET for a few years as well (the CMS we made was profitable... errr...)

Even though there are no "profitable" languages, there might be some language - specific factors that might affect your bottom line.

  • Cost of the Development environment
    • This tends to gravitate towards 0, as asp.net pages can also be programmed in free environments, as can PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc...
  • Cost of server infrastructure
    • When using .NET, be aware that you tie into a microsoft driven server architecture. At the very least, this limits your choice of hosting partners. PHP, perl, etc.. can be hosted on a standard LAMP environment provided by all hosts.
  • Community support and extensibility
    • Here the open source tools win hands down, IMHO.
  • Availiability of expertise
    • Although a lot of M$ programmers are around, I still think it is easier to find programmers for PHP, perl, ruby and python also loose against PHP here.
  • Speed of development
    • This is something where the .NET environment still excels IMHO, as an early, working prototype can be cobbled together really quickly. However, this only applies to native windows programs. I found no noticeable difference in web-based projects. Also keep in mind that the advatages of Rapid Prototyping IDEs evaporate fast with the size of the project.
  • Interoperability
    • PHP runs on windows and Linux machines, as do the other Open Source languages mentioned.
    • A lot of working web code (wordpress, etc..) is written in PHP.
Hope that helps.

All in all, I would still go for PHP.

When using .NET, be aware that you tie into a microsoft driven server architecture. At the very least, this limits your choice of hosting partners. PHP, perl, etc.. can be hosted on a standard LAMP environment provided by all hosts.

He states a good point, especially if you plan on making something distributable. Not everyone would have a .NET compatible server; therefore, lowering your available market.