>>Your Opinion?? PHP or ASP.net for Overall Profitability

PHP or ASP.net - Which is Most Profitable for Your Online Business Needs

  • PHP

    Votes: 62 84.9%
  • Asp.net

    Votes: 11 15.1%

  • Total voters


Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
I would be very interested in hearing opinions on this subject. Specifically I want to know EXPERIENCED PROGRAMMER'S opinion on which language is better for web development esp. with a focus on complex automation systems, monetization technologies (ex. wordpress in php with its numerous marketer-focused plugins), etc - BASICALLY WHAT IS MORE PROFITABLE?


The effectiveness the language has in creating software/technologies that quickly and easily can increase revenues or reduce operating costs is what I am talking about boy - C.A.S.H.

By that I mean such areas as:

- developing websites
-monetization tools (ex. plugins/software tools that help with ad sales, affiliate marketing, etc

I don't program and don't have an attachment to either. I JUST CARE ABOUT MONEY.

Which one is more profitable - not prettier, sexier, has more of a following, etc.

I am interested in gaining further knowledge and respect the opinions of programmers here who don't just look at code for code sake but CODE APPLIED TO MAKING REAL MONEY ONLINE (have I said money enough times, lol)

It seems alot of folks use PHP vs. ASP.net. I have been told by some that PHP is far more simplistic than asp.net, the latter being easier to deploy for large scale, complex projects too.

At any rate, thanks a lot for the quality feedback. I read a post about 2 years ago that was started here but so far that was about it.

So, school a n00b! C'mon you know we chicks don't understand all this complicated boy stuff (lol).

Math/science/engineering is haaard!


Doesn't matter at all. My sites are done in python, because thats what I prefer, I'm fast in it, and I have a huge library built up. Use the language that you are most comfortable in, that will enable you to work as quickly as possible.

Also, there is no rule against using different languages for different projects. I even have some sites that use both PHP (for a wordpress blog) and python (for everything else) at the same time. Get it working and move on.

I was once like you. I can't stress this enough, stop being a nerd and get shit done. Thats all that matters. The hard part about this industry is NOT the technology. Its the profits. Focus.
I use & love PHP. PHP is a great programming language and very easy to learn. It is simple, very organized code to understand, and there are TONS of tutorials, forums, and pre-written functions for pretty much every task.

I haven't messed with ASP much but my understanding is that ASP.net is more difficult to learn & has little documentation/tutorials/community forums.

PHP is more widely supported and if you ever fail at AM, hey, you could switch to web development (which I would much rather know PHP for).
PHP is faster/easier to develop bad code in. Which is what you're asking for. It'll get the job done.


I'm asking for some honest, unbiased, unattached opinions about investing in software - PROFITABLY.

The best code is not always the most profitable code....

Neither is the most profitable code always the best one....

Beta beat out VHS

PCs have dominated MACs

Some would argue the worst technology won out

I'm interested in investing in software and technology as a business person - one who makes a profit by maximizing revenues and minimizing costs....

Thanks for keeping the bottom line - $$ - in mind with your answers guys! Keep them coming, I am taking notes ;)
I use & love PHP. PHP is a great programming language and very easy to learn. It is simple, very organized code to understand, and there are TONS of tutorials, forums, and pre-written functions for pretty much every task.

I haven't messed with ASP much but my understanding is that ASP.net is more difficult to learn & has little documentation/tutorials/community forums.

PHP is more widely supported and if you ever fail at AM, hey, you could switch to web development (which I would much rather know PHP for).

Thanks for the info - actually it's not for me to do personally. I learned long ago to spend most of my concentrating on what I am good at and to hire/partner out the rest.

Honestly, it's about trying to understand things on a deeper level - to get to the next level.....
For fucks sake, all software is different. Any software language can bring a profit of any kind a variety. You want the "Windows" of software, you'll want to stick with PHP, as it's probably been developed in more than any other web language. NOT to say that something wrote in another language is more or less profitable.

Sometimes when I read what you write I just want to punch myself until I pass out.
I haven't messed with ASP much but my understanding is that ASP.net is more difficult to learn & has little documentation/tutorials/community forums.

I'm not saying this as a fanboy dick but just matter of factly, .NET has a HUGE amount of resources. The reason that the perception may exist that there isn't a lot out there is because a lot of .NET development is enterprise oriented, but there is still more than enough tutorial/technical documentation out there for any programmer to meet their needs be it in affiliate marketing, e-commerce, open source or whatever. Look at it this way, the population of China is roughly 1.3 billion people, the population of India is roughly 1.1 billion, empirically 200 million people is a great difference but relatively they aren't that far off, the same is true concerning the volume of resources for PHP versus .NET.

Now, my answer to Riddar's implicit question ("does technology warrant I change from x to y" as opposed to "I'm new do I start with x or y?"), is... whatever tools you've already been working in, be they .NET or PHP, there is not enough justification from either platform to warrant defecting to the other side. Go with what you know.

I've got a 7 year development history in .NET so I'm sticking with it. Microsoft has a pretty tight integration stack in Windows Server/IIS/SQL Server/.NET. I know Riddar has a (in her case a metaphorical) hard-on for automation, so in that regard examine is there any part of the "affiliate marketing" process (i.e. landing page concept to deployment) that cannot be automated with .NET versus the "perceived" obviousness of PHP?

First of all are there any gaps in the .NET stack that require a non .NET/MS solution? No, MS provides a DNS Server, File Server, Web Server, and FTP Server all built into the Windows Server product. Data driven sites can be powered by Microsoft SQL Server (even SQL Server Express which is totally free.) And web site development of any complexity level can be achieved with Visual Studio (or even Notepad.)

So is there anything that can't be automated?

1: Can I create new website DNS records in .NET?
- Yes, see the DNS members of the System.Net namespace (link)
2. Can I create websites in IIS in .NET?
- Yes, this is a somewhat common request, lots of examples (link)
3. Can I script FTP functions for website deployment in .NET?
- Yes, see MS Powershell, or System.Net namespace
4. Can I create a database programatically for data driven sites?
- Yes, see the System.Data.SqlClient namespace (link)
5. Can I create dynamic, server side driven websites
- Yes, any .NET language is a server side language
6. Can I manage PPC campaigns through APIs provided by the big search providers?
- Yes, these are based on open Web Service standards and are implementation agnostic. Here's a link verifying that AdWords can be managed via .NET

So now we know that the same level of automation in PHP can be achieved in .NET through existing programming interfaces. Is there anything that is missing from the .NET stack? I can see a case being made for an equivalent of Prosper202/Tracking202 but that isn't due to a deficiency in .NET vs PHP, it's just that the Prosper guys knew PHP so they went with what they knew. (BTW it would be fun as hell to come up with a .NET implementation of 202 if any .NET people want to look into it with me.)

And after all that it begs the question, do I have to do everything in one or the other? No, I can automate my website deployment via .NET/IIS but still roll my Prosper stats into my dashboard because .NET can talk to MySql through existing ODBC drivers. Hell you can interface any part from either platform provided you wrap the actual OS and/or DB calls in Web Services.
I didn't really talk about the profitability of .NET versus PHP in my above post. Again I find the platform that I know to be the cheapest (and hence most profitable) regardless of whether the OS or database happen to be "free" as in beer vis a vis licensing costs. If you aren't making enough to cover your fixed infrastructure costs (bandwidth and hosting) the rest of the discussion is moot.
Your answer is: ANY

I'm a .NET developer, coding in MS technologies for more than 10 years already. I don't ever need to bother looking at PHP.

I have the tracking system on my todo list btw..

I'm asking for some honest, unbiased, unattached opinions about investing in software - PROFITABLY.

The best code is not always the most profitable code....

Neither is the most profitable code always the best one....

Beta beat out VHS

PCs have dominated MACs

Some would argue the worst technology won out

I'm interested in investing in software and technology as a business person - one who makes a profit by maximizing revenues and minimizing costs....

Thanks for keeping the bottom line - $$ - in mind with your answers guys! Keep them coming, I am taking notes ;)

That's what I'm saying. You want to know how to make money. You want to know how to solve problems fast, not how to solve them well. No one on the front end cares how elegant your code is - so your strategy should be the same as Microsoft's: build, hack-until-compiles, distribute.

PHP is ideal for this. Like I said, it will let you write bad (but that which solves a problem) code faster.
Either or.

IF there is an answer to that question you need more clearly defined parameters.
Actually, yeah, I'm going to conclude that for "overall profitability" it doesn't make a cent of difference. If programmers are more expensive in one than the other (I suspect ASP.net programmers appear cheaper on the surface, but good programmers are much more expensive? Not sure though, I only freelance PHP), then that answers your question.

They're both Turing complete. They're both web-focused programming languages with a large community behind them. They're both fully featured, exposing tons of high level APIs to speed things right along.
If programmers are more expensive in one than the other (I suspect ASP.net programmers appear cheaper on the surface, but good programmers are much more expensive? Not sure though, I only freelance PHP)
I would have to disagree with this. There are fewer ASP 'programmers' around and the work they get is generally from larger clients; I would reckon their prices are generally higher. Everyone on the web reckons they're a ninja PHP coder.

In answer to the OP's question (and I only read the first couple of lines because you're, well, verbose): PHP would be better. Not because it's a better language, but because you're going to find a much larger labour base from which to choose.
If you're talking bout "investing" in software, and the cost attached, its really a no brainer.

PHP can be placed on software that is 100% free with no yearly fees, etc.

Where as ASP.net would require a windows based server, so not only a license fee for windows, but also a license fee on the server version of it, and a license fee on MS SQL server (assuming you don't try to use MySQL via ODBC with ASP.net)

PHP/MySQL/*nix route is a One-Size-Fits-Most scenario, where as ASP.net is typically preferred in more specialized projects, especially since if you got a team of developers you could actually create functionality in Visual C++ and plug it into an ASP.net document as an ActiveX dll. The overhead of ASP.net is often countered with charging more for ASP projects, as well as expecting a higher payout from said projects in the long run.

If you're not a coder yourself, its going to be far cheaper to hire people for PHP than it is for ASP.net.
Sometimes when I read what you write I just want to punch myself until I pass out.

^^ For the first time, somebody captured my exact feelings in a single statement.

What does language have to do with profitability? If it gets the job done, use it. Or else, find some other language/tool which does it.
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