Your Hottest Car under $100K?

I could probably get into a rig like this for less than 100k and make some bank hauling your broke down asses home in style.

i like my volvo c30 2.0. gets through the snowy mountains and i can pop the wheel off my bike and throw it in the back w/o fussing with a rack. 250hp + 280lbs torque (w/ rica chip) isn't too bad. honestly don't have much of a desire for anything else. speedy, utility of an SUV and a comfortable ride. oh, and nice dynaudio stereo.
I'm in love with tesla coupes but I heard the price will actually be something like 110k when they do come out especially since I'm a fourdoor fan. I'm also with a lot of people in calling bullshit on the 45min quickcharge. There's a lot of really good reasons on why that isn't possible (at least not for a for a full charge).
I'm still partial to this one...I don't think there's a way to go faster for under 100K

I'm with you on the quick charge point -- I also doubt the max range stats on the car. I'm sure that once's you blast the AC and hit ccontrol @ 80mph on the highway, that number goes way down... but in general we now have a company out there that's earnestly pursuing a non-gas solution (and they make good looking cars).

Shit, we can put a man on the moon decades ago, but can't get more than 45 mpg max? that's crap...

I'm in love with tesla coupes but I heard the price will actually be something like 110k when they do come out especially since I'm a fourdoor fan. I'm also with a lot of people in calling bullshit on the 45min quickcharge. There's a lot of really good reasons on why that isn't possible (at least not for a for a full charge).