You guys pick up hoes online?

protip: don't waste your time replying to CL ads - they're all whores or dip shit spammers from WF.

Write and post a fucking awesome ad. That will immediately differentiate you from 99% of the chodes on there. Most ads are like "28 year old white guy looking to meet up for a drink tonight maybe go back to my place afterwards. All women welcome to reply." Why the fuck would a chick want to reply to that? It demonstrates zero value, sounds creepy, and desperate.

Brag about ridiculously absurd things in a funny way - think Chuck Norris joke/Most interesting man in the world type shit. Talk about being 6'4" and a rock-hard body chiseled by DaVinci. A line from a good one I used to run: "Hobbies include wrestling bears, wrestling alligators, wrestling sharks, I do not wrestle men because they are weak."

You'll get responses like "haha just wanted to tell you your ad cracked me up". Ignore that shit and be like "yeah awesome. Tell me three interesting things about yourself. And they have to be interesting. None of this "ummm like... my fav color iz pink aaaaand I <3 Glee!" You go first and then I'll share.

Bust her balls about one of her points and build rapport on the other two if possible. Show some personality by telling 3 interesting stories. Exchange a few more emails and then tell her you are running out to meet up with some friends and to give her your number so you can be text BFFs. Move her towards happy hour meetup via text. Good luck bros.

I think it may be time to go back to work on the ol' Craig.

Here is the headline...

Are you more than just a pretty face?

"Generous Creative Businessman Wants
to Find a Hot, Sexy Woman With
a Good Sense of Humor"

Rest is found here

^ so you're saying the fact that she's an escort in real life makes her profile fake?

still seems legit to me, for all we know she could be a hardcore nympho looking to get ravaged.. I've noticed a lot of strippers and barmaids on that site too..

I'm just going to reiterate what I said in the Joe Rogan thread.. you are one simple minded dumb fucker.
^ so you're saying the fact that she's an escort in real life makes her profile fake?

still seems legit to me, for all we know she could be a hardcore nympho looking to get ravaged.. I've noticed a lot of strippers and barmaids on that site too..

LOL Welcome to internet day 1. Day 2 should hold some very interesting surprises for you.
I have a whole system for how to work POF.

Works amazing.

I am debating writing an eBook on it, or doing a write up for my 1,000 post.

It's quality stuff so I don't really feel like giving it away for free and outing my gameplan.
I have a whole system for how to work POF.

Works amazing.

I am debating writing an eBook on it, or doing a write up for my 1,000 post.

It's quality stuff so I don't really feel like giving it away for free and outing my gameplan.

Lol, just share your stuff bro.. I don't have time to be split testing POF profiles.
^ so you're saying the fact that she's an escort in real life makes her profile fake?

still seems legit to me, for all we know she could be a hardcore nympho looking to get ravaged.. I've noticed a lot of strippers and barmaids on that site too..

In this world, there are two categories of people: People who sell rebills, and people who buy rebills.

You're on the wrong forum, bro.