You can buy Shoemoney's computer!

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You'll wipe the hard drive before you ship it, right? Really well, right?
I don't want to have to unsee your weight loss journal photos again...
Sellin to pay the bills? LOL

Free ringtones dont cut it anymore

First of all the compter is from 2007... I dont use it anymore.

2nd of all... ringtones were so 2007... Its only been 5 years since I have written about it... try to keep up a lil.

I sling my own products now. Stopped being an affiliate for the man a long time ago. (also why I don't speak at affiliate conferences anymore).
I'm having difficulty understanding why he'd need 4tb of disk on the thing. I only have about 2tb of porn and my foreskin's paper thin.

Video mostly. Everything we shoot is really high resolution and I keep all the originals.

In addition to that I have a Readynas that does 12TB
I sling my own products now. Stopped being an affiliate for the man a long time ago. (also why I don't speak at affiliate conferences anymore).

You might have stopped being an affiliate, but you're still working for "the man". Visa and Mastercard is "the man" of every offer owner. Still a promotion either way though! At least that's what it feels like to me.
Is it really that big of a deal that someone would sell their old assets that are lying around, not being used and devaluing? I'd do the same thing. It's financially prudent!
You might have stopped being an affiliate, but you're still working for "the man". Visa and Mastercard is "the man" of every offer owner. Still a promotion either way though! At least that's what it feels like to me.
What a stupid thing to say. Seriously... What a really stupid thing to say. Indubitably... What a doltish thing to say.


Is it really that big of a deal that someone would sell their old assets that are lying around, not being used and devaluing? I'd do the same thing. It's financially prudent!
Must be nice have so many people to ride his nuts. Means he's doing something right.
The auction ended at 1875...

Honestly I can't believe it ended that high. Although it was over 5k new many years ago I still can't believe its retained value like that.

I offered it to a local place WITH 30" monitor for 1500.

The monitor ended up selling for 900 (was a direct offer to end the auction early)

Apple hardware 4tw.

Funny sidenote... My 6 month old 27inch iMac with 256gb SSD, 10gb of ram WAY out performs that computer in every way.