You Bitched, We Listened. Sorta.


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
So after being pretty fucking irritated by so much bullshit in the Buy Sell Trade area of our lovely community, we've decided to make some real changes that will ultimately effect the quality, and help weed out the irritating scumbags from the quality providers. You guys have bitched a lot about it, and while I was trying to ignore it for as long as I possibly could, I guess ultimately my patience has worn pretty thin by now. Plus all of these sellers in competition with one another going around acting like its a basement Fight Club and trying to fuck each other over is pissing me off.

Of course, since I'm not God (although my mother thinks I am -- Jewish son thing, fuck if I know) I cannot sit here and guarantee that everything will be 100% fixed and fool proof, so I won't.

In any event, the days of the Buy Sell Trade marketplace being FREE to sell shit is limited. Very limited. Like a few days at most limited. So pack your shit skippy and either pay or get the fuck out.

If you can't afford the extremely high fee of like $20 or $30 or whatever we decide to charge, then you should seriously consider heading over to another uber quality forum. I'm sure you can find lots of them by doing a search on Google. I hear there are loads of them, but I'm WickedFire blinded so I only see this place and can give a fuckall about any other. Or maybe you're just too much of a peasant to be doing business at all in this industry. I don't know, I'm not your fucking shrink, so don't come bitching to me about it.

We're also in the process of partnering with a VERY advanced third party traffic exchange/marketplace, but alas, one miracle at a time. I've made the ultimate decision to take advantage of this because we don't want to do it on our own, and I feel that it takes away a lot of attention from the forum itself. Plus their ex-military security team scares the shit out of me, and if something in this industry scares a crazy 17-year industry veteran that doubles as a Jewish ninja like me, you can damn well bet its not a fucking joke.

Just to go over this in case you are an absolute imbecile, as I know many of you lurkers who sit there breathing heavily are, the forum itself is and will remain FREE. The marketplace area which we call BUY SELL TRADE area, that shit, is going to be pay to sell (I'm too lazy to come up with a way to make it rhyme and also I'm white, so we know that's not happening).

There... now go do something useful like jerking off or making money, or both even, because hell can always use lots of new fresh deliveries of kittens.

I'm too lazy to go find the multiple threads where I've laid out exactly why a PAY TO SELL model will do NOTHING to enhance the quality, because you'll implement it anyway.

As long as the shit providers can recoup their costs and still make a little, they will continue to be here.

I lied, here's a quote from a reply to an idiot claiming it was a good idea and promoted quality:

Hold up, "if a thread is good, then it will stay at the top..." AND "you can pay an additional $10 to bump your thread to the top or something," makes a LOT of sense.

I see why you're a PRO at building backlinks, your rationale is very sound.

Look, WF is not WaFo. We don't tolerate sheeple or people who encourage people that are trying to make people sheeple here.

I'll break this down for you, so lay out the plastic wrap in your room because I'm about to blow your mind and I don't want your mom to come down into her basement and freak out because she has to clean up the mess.

WaFo doesn't have higher quality services and cut down on shitty scammers with shitty services because they charge an entrance fee and per-bump fee. They tell people that as their reason because they know their sheeple and reputable members will back them up when challenged, all the while making major bank for the forum's owner.

Don't believe me? Within the last several months they doubled the price to post a WSO and the cost to bump and the only thing it's improved is the doubling of the owner's bankroll and spending money he can use to stuff dollar bills into his mod's and reputable member's panties as they blow him off.

The point being, scammers and shitty providers will continue to be an issue as long as they can easily recover the cost of entrance. Charging for entrance and bumping only hurts startups who have something of value to offer.
Just to go over this in case you are an absolute imbecile, as I know many of you lurkers who sit there breathing heavily are, the forum itself is and will remain FREE. The marketplace area which we call BUY SELL TRADE area, that shit, is going to be pay to sell.

Wait a second. Shooting the Shit is gonna be pay-to-play, but SBT will remain free? That makes no sense.*

* kidding.
$20 or $30 will make a vast improvement, will stop many roaches from just popping in, making new accounts over and over .. since each account will cost them..

If you don think it will help your not the one that has to ban 100's of these loser "pheasants" on a monthly basis.. will be much more manageable 100% certain of this.

I actually think $50 would be a good starting rate, any halfway professional service would pay this amount or more.
If you don think it will help your not the one that has to ban 100's of these loser "pheasants" on a monthly basis.. will be much more manageable 100% certain of this.

As long as they got a couple of sells in with each account, then it will be worth their time. I am certain it will not change anything but extra money in Jon's pockets (and I know Jon doesn't care about earning money on WF unlike other IM forum owners, but just saying).
We're also in the process of partnering with a VERY advanced third party traffic exchange/marketplace, but alas, one miracle at a time. I've made the ultimate decision to take advantage of this because we don't want to do it on our own, and I feel that it takes away a lot of attention from the forum itself. Plus their ex-military security team scares the shit out of me, and if something in this industry scares a crazy 17-year industry veteran that doubles as a Jewish ninja like me, you can damn well bet its not a fucking joke.

Sounds good Jon, just confused about the above part. Any more info on this? Wasn't sure what it meant exactly.
Personally, I like the idea. However, maybe there should be some consideration to grandfathering long time providers in.

I know I'm a relative n00b and my opinion doesnt mean shit around here, but a lot of those guys helped build WF into what it is...I all you're trying to do is weed out the riffraff then, that shouldn't make a difference.
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As long as they got a couple of sells in with each account, then it will be worth their time. I am certain it will not change anything but extra money in Jon's pockets (and I know Jon doesn't care about earning money on WF unlike other IM forum owners, but just saying).

I have to ban the same people over and over and over, Jon needs to set the limit to min $50 this will would stop this pretty much all together.

It would not be FREE to setup a new account and game the system which will slow the gaming down to a great extent.

This will also slow down the flow and make it much more easy to manage.

Less posts and B.S everyday would make it much easier to catch the gamers, it is like a slot machine right now very hard to manage.

If you do not have the $$ to make a post you have no business trying to provide a service.
something like a min join date / posts (ex 6 mos, 200 posts) to start a thread in sbt would be easier to implement (probably can be done from vb admin control panel).
Personally, I like the idea. However, maybe there should be some consideration to grandfathering long time providers in.

I know I'm a relative n00b and my opinion doesnt mean shit around here, but a lot of those guys helped build WF into what it is...I all you're trying to do is weed out the riffraff then, that shouldn't make a difference.

I concur with your opinion meaning dick. Not because you're a newbie, but because you have only one very limited perspective. If you're going to start shit about the BST area turning WF into what it is today and that members who use that section to sell is the only or even primary force behind this forum, then you are a fucking idiot.

For the last 5 1/2 years, there were no fees on the BST area. Go take a gander at the activity in many of the threads. Count up the amount of successful orders if you can, and then realize that the cost of advertising for them is ZERO.

Grandfathered in? Go fuck yourself you stupid dickbag.

Look around this forum right now in fact... do you see any ads? Any at all? (signatures are not ads that we sell, in case you didn't know the difference)

I pay for this forum to run, out of my own pocket by choice. Its ungrateful douchebag divas like you that piss me off the most because you expect to be given everything, and you literally make me want to answer the crazy number of email requests to advertise here and instead say, "you know what, fuck it, yeah, you can advertise here.. let's go."

And even so, I actually don't have to justify shit here.
Access to quality clientele, should come at a premium. I imagine the GDP of this forum is the highest in the industry for an open end forum. Anyway, this is excellent news.
I agree with charging for an account to be a seller. Or hell, even by thread. I don't think you should offer a "bump the thread" fee. That is where the demand and popularity will sort things out if allowed.

I disagree with setting a post count or account age limit on it because that only buys you the amount of months you set it to and will also increase the amount of bullshit posts on the forum as a whole.

Pay to play is the only model, and I'm down. I'll be the first in line.
This is a great idea, picking out the trash to find the good providers has been very time consuming!

Thanks Jon and WF Mods!!
Awesome news, serious sellers should have no problem paying a bit to help keep shit cleaned up.