YAFBPS - Yet Another FAST Blog Posting Service II

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Already ordered two packages... and all I can say is, I will be ordering more very soon.

Communication, etc is all spot on but what I like the most are the results ;)

ordered again, 2xB please. :)
paypal ID 9CG51351T9667923U

thnx, fodder.

2 Packages have been ordered. tarmizi

tarmizi dot ramly "alt" gmail dot com

just placed order for package B!

Ordered again.

Thank you guys!

Discounted Review copies for Package A - 100 x PR1-PR6 blog posts - $10 ?

Contact through PM.

Sorry, review copies are long gone ... lol

Another order for you. 09050838T60092725

Another order, Transaction ID: 1BD84410GU964645Y

Thank you guys!

Whoever did not get email from me saying that he job was done will get their orders completed today!



Guys! I have another great bonus to announce today!

Order Package B now and get extra blog post on PR6 blog that I own FOR FREE! I have not added that blog to any network, it will be specially for this or other services (currently none) that I provide!

I am doing orders now and I will add posts to the blog for those who did not get their orders done yet ... The bonus itself might be worth more than the price of the package!

Package A will not get this bonus ...

Order 2 x package B and get 2 posts!

Some notes about the blog:

Dropped valid PR6

Posts will not stay on homepage more than a day. I can't promise if they stay there even for 12 hours but I will try to!

You will get URL to the post (I will not out blog unless you buy the package)

Horrible content, completely unreadable.

Max 2 links per post

Will use the same details as order details unless you provide different anchors/URLs in "Other details" field (I prefer to link to the same domain).

PR6 (again).

Order package B now!

Unfortunately, I have to stop giving this bonus for now because of some troubles! I will start giving it again as soon as I can!


Lets get this startin'!!!
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Bought two more of these - one of them for my site in this case study - http://www.wickedfire.com/education-center/151866-case-study-ranking-partial-emd.html. I'm confident it'll bust it over this frustrating #11 hump.

Just order and sent payment for 1 package A
please confirm you got my order

Thank you guys!

As you probably already know (mentioned above), I am not able to provide PR6 blog posts as a bonus due to technical issues ... that is why I had fell behind all the orders ...

All orders are completed now anyway ... any orders placed after this message will be queued up for tomorrow.


New order - Package B
Transaction ID: 56C78535V1761540B

Guys, I am so sorry for not telling anyone about it. I just finished that stupid essay I had to write ... I fell a bit with the orders btu I promise that I will do them today.

Next time I will report such issues earlier so everybody knows about it.

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