XY7 Doesn't Pay

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Ok Guys I can now end the thread by dimissing all the falicies. XY7 pays all Legitimate Affiliates on Time ALL THE TIME.
XY7 was started for one reason. To make sure Affiliates got a fair shake no matter what the size. Anyone with a VALID claim please call me direct and I will make 100% sure you have an answer that day. Payments are only held on questionable traffic. We even pay Affiliates when we do not get paid. no other network does that. Follow the rules you get paid. It is really simple.

Direct Line 702-216-4000
Aim :Roidealsdaily

Ok Guys I can now end the thread by dimissing all the falicies. XY7 pays all Legitimate Affiliates on Time ALL THE TIME.
XY7 was started for one reason. To make sure Affiliates got a fair shake no matter what the size. Anyone with a VALID claim please call me direct and I will make 100% sure you have an answer that day. Payments are only held on questionable traffic. We even pay Affiliates when we do not get paid. no other network does that. Follow the rules you get paid. It is really simple.

Direct Line 702-216-4000
Aim :Roidealsdaily

not sure what "falicies" were dismissed by this post exactly...
We even pay Affiliates when we do not get paid. no other network does that.


Case in point when threejuice passed we got burned for almost $138,000 as two other networks refused to pay us ...we paid his estate every dollar and took the hit.....that story is 100% verifiable. Jon can verify this as he knows all the players involved.
Well, congratulations, I never thought a network would make a vaguer reply than Hydra's, but here you go!

edit: ooh, more replies! How about one based on the accusations at hand?
Simply put we PAY all our legitimate Affiliates on time every time. Whether we get paid or not.

Maybe you could address the original poster then? If he sent you worthless traffic then you'd be justified in giving your side of the story. You're not doing XY7 any favours by giving a canned response, please refer to the Hydra thread in this forum for a taste of what can happen.
Ok Guys I can now end the thread by dimissing all the falicies. XY7 pays all Legitimate Affiliates on Time ALL THE TIME.
XY7 was started for one reason. To make sure Affiliates got a fair shake no matter what the size. Anyone with a VALID claim please call me direct and I will make 100% sure you have an answer that day. Payments are only held on questionable traffic. We even pay Affiliates when we do not get paid. no other network does that. Follow the rules you get paid. It is really simple.

Direct Line 702-216-4000
Aim :Roidealsdaily

If you are such great guys why is the OP here saying he's not being paid? Is he making it up? Is he fraudulent? Seems unlikely someone would put themselves out there just to look like a jackass when the network responds to the thread.

There are 2 sides to every story. Please explain yours and why OP has not been paid rather the some stupid vague statement about how your the ONLY network that pays affilaites when they havent been paid. Last I checked, that's the job of EVERY network.
Case in point when threejuice passed we got burned for almost $138,000 as two other networks refused to pay us ...we paid his estate every dollar and took the hit.....that story is 100% verifiable. Jon can verify this as he knows all the players involved.

We're concerned with the OP and the present. That 138k is a small hole compared to the one this thread is burning every minute it's open. 16k views on the Hydra thread, if half of those would of generated 100$ next month that means Hydra is out 800,000$ of potential money.
We're concerned with the OP and the present. That 138k is a small hole compared to the one this thread is burning every minute it's open. 16k views on the Hydra thread, if half of those would of generated 100$ next month that means Hydra is out 800,000$ of potential money.
You sir are a joke. I highly doubt you make any money online. 16k views does not imply that all of them were unique. I myself have visited this thread over a dozen times. Your statement is fucking LOLable.
ok guys UPDATE first claim was from tfx861...I asked him for his id now it's not his account its his buddys and it's not $4k its $2200......best of it all is they ran all fake orders to a EMAIL ONLY phentrimine site and this guy joined WF in March of this year typical of a fraudulent Affiliate complain on a board hoping to get paid out of haste, does not happen here.
VALID claims please call me direct....
Congrats to XY7 for coming here and explaning the situation. I have to agree that there are alot of "fraudulent affiliates" out there... it is tough to be on the network side sometimes...
You sir are a joke. I highly doubt you make any money online. 16k views does not imply that all of them were unique. I myself have visited this thread over a dozen times. Your statement is fucking LOLable.

Are you 12? Try a little bit harder not to take everything so seriously. I was making a point which you obviously missed trying exercise your over sized asshole.

On another less annoying note, thanks XY7 for explaining the issue.
ok guys UPDATE first claim was from tfx861...I asked him for his id now it's not his account its his buddys and it's not $4k its $2200......best of it all is they ran all fake orders to a EMAIL ONLY phentrimine site and this guy joined WF in March of this year typical of a fraudulent Affiliate complain on a board hoping to get paid out of haste, does not happen here.
VALID claims please call me direct....
Solid. I'm glad to see believable responses here from you guys. I've never run anything substantial through XY7, but it seems like a solid network, and my AM is very friendly.
ok guys UPDATE first claim was from tfx861...I asked him for his id now it's not his account its his buddys and it's not $4k its $2200......best of it all is they ran all fake orders to a EMAIL ONLY phentrimine site and this guy joined WF in March of this year typical of a fraudulent Affiliate complain on a board hoping to get paid out of haste, does not happen here.
VALID claims please call me direct....

Now THAT'S a decent response.
Xy7 use to be awesome in 2007 but 2008 they started falling apart and never returned to stardom we moved on and still get offers from Kevin ect Nothing
I seen worth chasin
if i had an affiliate network i would just reject everyone who can't speak english well. "here, take this english test." so sick of every satish, raj, Николай, and habib filling the market with their spam bullshit.
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