XY7 Doesn't Pay

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New member
Nov 20, 2006
Honestly the worst network so far and they have forced my hand here. It seems like this network is run by BoilerRoom extras from the 90's. Still have not been paid for February.

Repeated calls, emails, instant messages elicit no response or stalling tactics "we're looking into it". The only reason I used these guys is because I couldn't find the offer anywhere else.....BIG MISTAKE.

I see other posts stating something very familiar you practically have to babysit your offer and hound them just to get paid. XY7 I hope you have your Google alerts enabled. :angryfire:

Some of these networks just suck. However there are two sides to a story.
XY7 is garbage. They have more negative press than good. I've been told they serve their top affiliates without any hassle, and apparently don't treat the rest as decent.
I've gotten paid without hassle. $9.80 lol That would certainly not rank me as a top affiliate. That's also just one check, so no history to back it up. Anyway, I've always been treated good when I have a question.
I've gotten paid without hassle. $9.80 lol That would certainly not rank me as a top affiliate. That's also just one check, so no history to back it up. Anyway, I've always been treated good when I have a question.

It's mainly support too -- it varies depending on your AM but for the most part they suck in general.
XY7 is garbage. They have more negative press than good. I've been told they serve their top affiliates without any hassle, and apparently don't treat the rest as decent.

No Offense GrindHard but you own a network, so I don't think you should have a say unless you have used XY7 personally, as it could be a biased opinion.

Any "Affiliates" have any comments about XY7? I've yet to use them but want to know some of your personal experiences before giving them a go.
No Offense GrindHard but you own a network, so I don't think you should have a say unless you have used XY7 personally, as it could be a biased opinion.

Any "Affiliates" have any comments about XY7? I've yet to use them but want to know some of your personal experiences before giving them a go.

I'm not biased. I've used XY7 personally as an affiliate. They are horrible with paying on time. I was also not credited during some offline time with an offer. There was no notification at all. It went down for a few hours and no one sent an email, called, or anything. So money was spent on traffic to find out it was redirecting to a dead page. Shit happens all the time, but if you can't even dedicate simple support like that, and paying as scheduled, how reliable are you?
Any "Affiliates" have any comments about XY7? I've yet to use them but want to know some of your personal experiences before giving them a go.
As GrindHard said they suck. I only got my first check from them in time. After that i had to spam their email and my manager said that she can't do anything; told me to send emails - they got bad support. Still havent got a check in two months, so i quit sending traffic.
We should really have a sticky about the shitty networks so we don't get burned by them, they'd also pay on time if they knew they were going to be put on the "wall of shame".
xy7 is a spam! Their manage team is growing all the time, but the service is getting bad! Always there is no reply if you contact them by email, AIM, phones...
My old AM, Randall, invited me to visit their offices and wanted to do lunch when I was in Vegas at one point. I showed up, and he wasn't there...

Never did business after that.
We should really have a sticky about the shitty networks so we don't get burned by them, they'd also pay on time if they knew they were going to be put on the "wall of shame".

+1. "Post here if you were not paid". There would have to have a timeframe associated so the network is confirmed as a deadbeat.

How many months without payment does it take to go on the wall of shame?
Just a quick update. Still no response from emails, im's, phone calls. This is behavior exhibited by children that want to avoid something unpleasant not a multimillion dollar company.
My old AM, Randall, invited me to visit their offices and wanted to do lunch when I was in Vegas at one point. I showed up, and he wasn't there...

Never did business after that.

little kid was a fuck wad, said he made all this money and shit, kid got fired or some crap. He hits me up every now and then and asks what I'm doing and how to make money online. Some affiliate came to the offices in his lambo they immediatly slapped xy7 stickers on it and took pics, same ugly shit they do witht he ugly ass trucks and stuff they put outside affiliate summit hotels and stuff.
oh and kevin is getting married and leaving for a month so good luck getting it handled
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