wtf - affiliate commission stealing software

Turns out FerrisHilton wasn't too happy about it... Sorry bro. This one's for you:

That intro video looks familiar, heh, syndk-eight anyone?!?!

Did anyone watch that video?? I did!
Karma is an interesting thing. It'll bite him in the ass for this major screw over. Hope he'll be able to explain his son (voice on video) how karma works.

He wouldn't release something like this to the public, if he's not gonna use bots that you spread for himself and insert his own codes (in the video shown that bots on victim's computers are remotely responsive).

The only reason that I see this being released is faster spread for his future benefit, cause it would take him bunch of time to spread it himself and make it worthwhile.
While the product is clever, it's also disgusting. Use you're smartness to make bank without screwing others over.

Isnt rebills all about screwing the fat housewives of US of A?

Now the fat housewives are going to buy that software and screw you back doggy style with a strap-on dildo. Enjoy.
Isnt rebills all about screwing the fat housewives of US of A?

Now the fat housewives are going to buy that software and screw you back doggy style with a strap-on dildo. Enjoy.
affiliate marketing fan fiction

please do continue
We haven't even officially released our software yet. The people that did buy are already up and running.

Yes this software does call back to our host only to prevent it from being cracked. I'm not going to sit here an talk about this product simply because this is a white hat forum and 99.99999999% of you don't have the stomach for it.

No one is going to raid us we have take precautions.

It does do what it says it does we will have a video demonstrating it in a few hours. You can also view a live demo if you want and you can see it in action.

Please don't make assumptions before you bad mouth my product

Don't have the stomach for it? I'd like to see a demo. Seems like a stupid reverse connect based on a trojan - not exactly anything stellar. It's the exact same thing as a proxy that replaces affiliate links and adsense ID's on served pages, except done at the packet level. Nothing new, and you're fucking retarded for even sharing it. You could have made over 500K a month EASILY using a small ass PPV campaign. My guess is for every 10 ID's that are replaced for each person, you replace 1 for yourself? It'd only be fair since they can't exactly verify it.

Oh, I'd love to see this by the way.
This is the same guy who pays for porn and was banned earlier in the last Barman's thread. I will ask Barman what his policy is on the banned retards.

good question. i believe the policy should be - once banned, banned forever. creating new usernames and trolling more kind of defeats the purpose right?
good question. i believe the policy should be - once banned, banned forever. creating new usernames and trolling more kind of defeats the purpose right?
Agreed. Feel free to do the honors of kicking out his second avatar above...
This would never work anyway. The problem is the way the stats would appear in the affiliate networks. If you have an affiliate account with 1 click 1 lead on a bunch of random different offers, you will be banned so fast you won't know what hit you.
This would never work anyway. The problem is the way the stats would appear in the affiliate networks. If you have an affiliate account with 1 click 1 lead on a bunch of random different offers, you will be banned so fast you won't know what hit you.

I thought the exact same thing. We ban publishers all the time with multiple 100% conversion rates and no explanation. Not to mention it's extremely easy to tell if a referrer is fake.
True, I didn't even think of that. Also, even though packet manipulation is an extremely fast process, the executable still has to monitor every single packet and then try to match it with ALL the regexes from the different affiliate networks. Since the users' individual settings (the regex to look for, the affid to replace it with) are all hosted on the server it's not hard to see this is setup for epic fail. Infected users are probably gonna remove the software within a week or so lol.