wtf - affiliate commission stealing software


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Just saw this in .Hack's signature, go check it out: Packet Stuffer...The Future of Black Hat Marketing

Basically, what this allows you to do is replace an affiliate's AID with your own, on any website/landing page. You can't prevent this from happening either, since it's done on the network level. Affiliate networks can't see through it because you can spoof the referrer to whatever you want and they see the traffic as coming from the spoofed AID anyway. Weird to see you promoting this, .Hack, being an affiliate and all.

Any thoughts on this? Looks damn lame to me :disgust:

Just saw this in .Hack's signature, go check it out: Packet Stuffer...The Future of Black Hat Marketing

Basically, what this allows you to do is replace an affiliate's AID with your own, on any website/landing page. You can't prevent this from happening either, since it's done on the network level. Affiliate networks can't see through it because you can spoof the referrer to whatever you want and they see the traffic as coming from the spoofed AID anyway. Weird to see you promoting this, .Hack, being an affiliate and all.

Any thoughts on this? Looks damn lame to me :disgust:

el oh el i was drunk last night and he told me to put it in all my forum sigs LOL
Hate to break the news to you but this has been done for years now and this is why clickbank and CJ moved to encryption as they were the main ones they hit.
Hate to break the news to you but this has been done for years now and this is why clickbank and CJ moved to encryption as they were the main ones they hit.

Seriously? First time I ever see a product like that released in public. Wish other affiliate platforms would adapt it, because LinkTrust, Hitpath and DirectTrack all work without encryption afaik.

Thanks for clearing that up, .Hack.
Seriously? First time I ever see a product like that released in public. Wish other affiliate platforms would adapt it, because LinkTrust, Hitpath and DirectTrack all work without encryption afaik.

Thanks for clearing that up, .Hack.
np. but yea people do it with ebay all day every day. epns are getting hard as hell to get these days though :party-smiley-004:
Greetings, I have been working at Affiliate Marketing now for about two months and all my campaigns seem to just break even or lose money. Any good advice on picking hot products and driving traffic without paying Google an obscene amount of money ? What industries are hot now, gambling, diet, heath, electronics ??
no sir, you must pay the google fees before you can pass go
Pretty clever I must say

You may now be asking yourself. How do I packet stuff someone? Packet stuffing is accomplished by getting a user to download and run an executable file on their machine, or by filtering traffic on a network. The packet stuffer program will then monitor all of the user's web browsing activity and filter any affiliate IDs it finds. It knows which types of links to filter and how to handle them by a set of rules that you setup. These rules are hosted on your web server and the packet stuffer periodically checks these rules for updates.
Getting people to run your packet stuffer file isn't difficult. If you know how to share software online via a P2P program such as Bittorrent, you're pretty much set. You can easily bind your packet stuffer file to software and then share it with people online. For example, lets say Jen wants to download a copy of Adobe Photoshop. She goes to and finds your download link. She downloads Photoshop and runs the Photoshop installer file. As soon as she does this she has also unknowingly run your packet stuffer and will now have her web traffic filtered by you. Torrents are only one of several ways to spread your packet stuffer. You can even pay people for installs. The rate is usually about about 6 cents per install and is typically cheaper if you buy large quantities at a time.


Now you might be asking yourself if this is legal. That answer depends on how you decide to do it. It can be illegal to install this software on peoples' computers without them knowing. This is why we have added a user agreement option to the software. If you choose to specify a user agreement, a box will pop up the first time the packet stuffer ever runs, prompting the user to accept or deny the agreement. In the agreement the user agrees to allow you to monitor and modify their HTTP traffic. This is a good option to use, especially if you're binding your packet stuffer with installers. 99% of users will simply click "agree" and move on to the next part of the install. Please note that we do not condone the installation of packet stuffing software on any computer without the computer owner's consent.
So lemme get this straight. I pay 1000.00 to use it, which they still remain in control of it as the login is on a server they control. Whenever they want they can take the shit back from you.
Yep they can steal all your stuff whenever they want and add there codes in everyone.
This is very old stuff that old not even russians do it no more

someone will prolly get sued over this lol if not jailed
found some reviews just by using The Google SE0 and SE1... there don't seem to be many satisfied customers.

Packet Stuffer Scam

We haven't even officially released our software yet. The people that did buy are already up and running.

Yes this software does call back to our host only to prevent it from being cracked. I'm not going to sit here an talk about this product simply because this is a white hat forum and 99.99999999% of you don't have the stomach for it.

No one is going to raid us we have take precautions.

It does do what it says it does we will have a video demonstrating it in a few hours. You can also view a live demo if you want and you can see it in action.

Please don't make assumptions before you bad mouth my product